There was a woman outside, and she said in a pretentious voice: "Good brother, open the door. I am Xiaoqian from the team next door. I was sent by the captain to negotiate with you."

Chen Dong frowned.

Unexpectedly, before he could take action, the team next door came to the door.

"If it's a team, I'm not interested, please come back."

Chen Dong did not open the wall gate, but refused.

For others, it is easier to collect supplies and deal with zombies in a group, making it easier to survive.

But to him, others are the biggest threat.

"Good brother, don't refuse in a hurry. Let others come in first... Look at me, my backpack is empty, there is nothing..."

Xiaoqian took the initiative to open her backpack.

It can be seen that, as Xiaoqian said, there is no material that can threaten Chen Dong's safety, which can indeed reflect the sincerity of the other party.

Chen Dong thought for a while, opened a crack in the door, and was ready to shoot at any time.

Then, cautiously let Xiaoqian walk in sideways.

This is a woman with a hot body but an ordinary appearance.

The clothes she wore were in tatters and her body was looming, and she didn't know whether it was because her condition was too poor or because she was deliberately seducing.

Chen Dong smiled secretly in his heart.

In the past, he might have taken a second look at something like this.

But after spending so many days with Xie Anqi, his eyesight rose sharply in just a few days.

"Wow, little brother, is this a gold-level blueprint? It seems that you are 10086..." Xiaoqian said with admiration.

Chen Dong's face was expressionless.

This is what worries him the most.

After the fortress wall was built, Jiang Kai's team knew his identity immediately.

Although Chen Dong doesn't expect his identity to be hidden forever, that's not the case now.

If Jiang Kai and the others posted their identities in the chat channel, Chen Dong would be very passive now that he was still a fledgling.

After all, everyone knows that he has a lot of supplies, so there is no guarantee that no one will have any evil intentions.

Chen Dong narrowed his eyes slightly and said with a smile: "Why, is your team only interested in my identity?"

Xiaoqian covered her mouth and smiled sweetly: "Brother, as you said, you are so out of touch. Maybe we will have a chance to become teammates. Don't you want to invite me into the room to sit for a while?"

Chen Dong looked at Xiaoqian with squinted eyes, unsure of what she wanted to do.

But he still smiled and said: "Haha, you are a guest. Since your team has shown sincerity, I will not be stingy. Come on, please come in."

In another villa, Jiang Kai and others received the team channel message from Xiaoqian.

We have successfully entered the shelter of 10086 and started investigating the situation!

Xiaoqian successfully entered Chen Dong's villa.

Just as Xiaoqian reported, she came with a mission this time.

That is to spy on Chen Dong's truth.

It is impossible for them not to know that 10086 spent 600 necessities of life to purchase gold-level blueprints.

You know, they also thought about barriers and walls.

However, the strength is insufficient.

When they saw Chen Dong building the barrier wall, they already knew Chen Dong's identity.

He is the player number 10086 whose dragon has never seen its end!

Jiang Kai's men once persuaded him to use Chen Dong's information as intelligence and sell it to those forces or players who had ideas about Chen Dong and the gold-level blueprints.

But this idea was directly rejected by him.

Even, scold this idiot.

Then, he revealed his plan.

Jiang Kai planned to send someone to spy on Chen Dong's true identity.

Then, he ate Chen Dong, the big fat sheep.

He clearly saw Chen Dong and Xie Anqi running into the villa.

This shows that there are only two of them, Chen Dong.

On his side, there are still eight people!

Although Chen Dong is rich in supplies, it is difficult for him to defeat four hands with two fists.

As long as they figure out the layout of Chen Dong's villa, wait until the opportunity is ripe, and quietly climb over the barrier wall, they can capture the two of them effortlessly!

By that time, they no longer have to worry about supplies.

This layout is simply perfect!

So, the night before, Jiang Kai called Xiaoqian.

First, he vented his anger on Xiaoqian, and then.

"Xiaoqian, how does Brother Jiang treat you?"

Xiaoqian snuggled close to Jiang Kai, stretched out her hand to draw circles on Jiang Kai's chest, and said charmingly: "Brother Jiang is the best to me. It was Brother Jiang who rescued me from the zombies, and it was Brother Jiang who gave me food and drink." Yes, Xiaoqian has been with Brother Dingjiang for the rest of her life..."

Brother Jiang laughed loudly and kneaded it hard until Xiaoqian felt a slight pain before letting go with satisfaction.

He said slowly: "Xiaoqian, tomorrow, go find out the details of 10086. Don't bring any weapons. After entering, you must gain the other party's trust. If necessary, you can meet all his requirements."

Xiaoqian looked at Jiang Kai with shock on her face.

She naturally understood what Jiang Kai meant, and her expression was a little hesitant for a moment.

"Brother Jiang..."

Brother Jiang interrupted directly and said coldly: "Why, do you want me to say it a second time?!"

Xiaoqian had no choice but to nod bitterly.

"Yes, Brother Jiang..."

Jiang Kai then turned his anger into happiness, kissed Xiaoqian on the cheek, and said with a smile: "This is my good sister, let my brother continue to love you..."

As a result, there was a scene where Xiaoqian took the initiative to come to the door after Chen Dong came back the next day.

After Chen Dong led Xiaoqian in, he first ordered Xie Anqi to stand still on the balcony on the second floor, occupy the commanding heights, and observe whether Xiaoqian's teammates made any changes.

Then, let Xiaoqian sit down in the living room.

"Xiaoqian, let's sit and talk. I haven't eaten yet, would you like some fried rice and orange juice?"

"Okay, since little brother invites me to dinner, of course I can't refuse."

Chen Dong nodded, took out the things from his backpack and put them on the dining table.

Smelling the aroma of fried rice, Xiaoqian couldn't help but swallow a mouthful of saliva.

After coming to this apocalyptic world, it was difficult for her to fill her stomach.

Fried rice, oranges, etc., just like a dream.

It was as if the experiences of the past few days were all hallucinations, and she was still the goddess being held in the palm of a licking dog.

After eating a few mouthfuls of rice and drinking a glass of orange juice to moisten his throat, Chen Dong got back to business.

"Xiaoqian, you said before that you wanted me to join the team. I'm curious. Now that you know my identity, what confidence do you have to ask me to join you?"

Xiaoqian wiped her mouth and said with a smile: "Brother, we have a big team of eight people. You must have seen us destroying the zombies in the villa area before. This is not something that just a team can do. Arrived.”

Chen Dong nodded.

"I admit this. I can see your strength. It is indeed very strong."

If it were before, he would not have a deep understanding of the strength of Brother Jiang's team.

It wasn't until he went out to hunt zombies alone that he realized that Brother Jiang's team was very strong!

Seeing this, Xiaoqian continued to add: "Although we killed almost half of the zombies in the villa area before, we will continue to develop and come back."

"Given time, we can definitely become a big group that dominates."

"At that time, everyone in the team will be able to enjoy huge benefits..."

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