One kind of unlimited supplies every day, I pushed through the doomsday

Chapter 58: Loot, astronomical telescope, underground fortress blueprints

The leader of the Wild Wolf Group, Wild Wolf, was shot dead in the bedroom by Chen Dong, and no one knew about it.

Until the fire spread so fast that it could not be extinguished, the Wild Wolf Group's dog-headed military advisor hurriedly wanted to call the boss to run away, only to find that his boss had been shot in the head at some point.

Such a news surprised him a little.

But more of it was that it had nothing to do with him and he didn't care.

After all, he couldn't protect himself now.

If he wasn't afraid of being held accountable in the future, he would have run away with the bucket like other members.

How could he risk his life to find the boss?

The military advisor walked in front of the Wild Wolf without any taboos, squatted down and searched for supplies.

Unfortunately, Chen Dong had already gotten there first.

After shooting the Wild Wolf, he received the supplies as soon as possible, and then he went to the warehouse to rescue Tian Xiaoyu.

The military advisor looked around but couldn't find any valuable supplies, and he felt a little unhappy.

He looked at the Wild Wolf lying on the ground and kicked him hard.

"Damn it, you're a piece of shit! You're always so arrogant in the Wild Wolf Group, but you got shot in the head and can't even keep your supplies! Bah, you're worse than a wild wolf or a wild dog! What bad luck!"

After the military advisor finished cursing, he spitted a little on his hands and shook them.

Just to get rid of the bad luck of searching for the dead man's money just now.

Afterwards, he didn't stay too long and left directly and fled the scene.

After the Wild Wolf died, this situation happened in various places in the Wild Wolf Group.

When facing danger, everyone went their separate ways.

Who cares about the survival of the Wild Wolf Group?

After all, it's just to make a living.

The most interesting thing is that after the military advisor left the Wild Wolf's room, someone else sneaked over and wanted to pick up a loophole.

As a result, everyone searched in vain.

Then, they kicked the Wild Wolf a few times to vent their anger.

Poor wild wolf, he was glorious in life, but miserable after death, his face was swollen from being kicked.

However, this situation did not last long.

Not long after, the fire spread to the two-story villa where the leader of the Wild Wolf Group lived.

Soon, the flames engulfed the wild wolf.

At this time, Chen Dong and Tian Xiaoyu were standing on a commanding height not far away, watching the Wild Wolf Group's base being engulfed by the fire.

Tian Xiaoyu had taken off his combat uniform as a reward for Chen Dong's rescue at the risk of his life, and completed the transaction.

Watching the fire burning, Tian Xiaoyu suddenly remembered the story of the fire burning the camp.

The current Wild Wolf Group base is exactly the same.

At this time, Tian Xiaoyu suddenly thought of something, exclaimed, and turned to look at Chen Dong.

"Chen Dong, the supplies of the Wild Wolf Group were burned by the fire, isn't it a waste?"

Chen Dong was still looking at the direction of the fire on the Wild Wolf Group's side. Hearing Tian Xiaoyu's question, he retracted his gaze and laughed.

"Nothing is wasted. The people under the Wild Wolf Group are ridiculously poor. The real wealth is monopolized by the Wild Wolf. I just killed the Wild Wolf, and his supplies are in my hands."

"You can say that killing him is basically the same as plundering the Wild Wolf Group."

After hearing this, Tian Xiaoyu's expression was a little amused.

"Okay, I thought you came directly to save me, but I didn't expect that you went to kill the Wild Wolf and grab the supplies first. Oh, sad."

Chen Dong knew that Tian Xiaoyu was joking, but he still didn't know whether to laugh or cry, and made a wronged expression.

"I have to find your location first, find the Wild Wolf first, but in order to find you..."

Tian Xiaoyu snorted a few times.

"I didn't expect you to be able to pretend to be a little milk dog."

"Okay, okay, I lost, I have goose bumps."

Chen Dong laughed and patted Tian Xiaoyu on the shoulder.

"Who told you to squeeze me just now? I'm conquering the enemy without fighting. Do you know how powerful I am now?"

Tian Xiaoyu was a little nervous by this sudden action and subconsciously shrank her shoulders.

Chen Dong was embarrassed for a moment, and then he remembered that Tian Xiaoyu was a girl.

"By the way, you said you got the supplies of the Wild Wolf just now. Are there any rare supplies? As a leader of a not-so-small force, there should be a lot of good things, right?"

Chen Dong shook his head, a little helpless.

"The Wild Wolf Group is a model of gold and jade on the outside, but rotten inside. The Wild Wolf is a big boss, not only does he not have hot weapons, but there are not many things in his backpack except for some daily supplies."

Tian Xiaoyu was speechless after hearing this.

She didn't know how to respond to the Versailles that Chen Dong inadvertently revealed.

You know, in the current doomsday world, there are still many people who can't eat enough.

A person who can have more daily supplies, such as water, bread, milk, etc., is a very powerful character.

As a result, this kind of character became a straw basket in Chen Dong's mouth.

Tian Xiaoyu pursed her lips and could only ask: "You just said that there are not many things that can be shown, which means that there are some rare materials that can be shown?"

Chen Dong nodded and took out two things from his backpack.

Astronomical telescope, primary underground fortress construction drawings.

Chen Dong actually felt that these were not useful things.

Astronomical telescope?

In the current environment, do you still have the mind to see the stars?

At least Chen Dong didn't.

Moreover, he couldn't understand it.

As for the construction drawings of the primary underground fortress, Chen Dong felt that it was very useless.

After all, he already has a wall and a villa.

Who would hide in an underground fortress for no reason? It's dark and dark.

"These two things are rare materials."

"This is the first time I've seen an astronomical telescope. As for the primary underground fortress blueprint, it is an upgraded construction blueprint."

"Referring to my automatic defense armament system, this underground fortress has great potential."

"However, now I don't know what help they can bring to me. I feel like they are just used as decorations for emergencies."

"Huh? Astronomical telescope?!"

When Tian Xiaoyu saw the astronomical telescope, she suddenly became interested.

Chen Dong then remembered that Tian Xiaoyu seemed to have organized an astronomy club in college and invited himself to join.

But how could he, a child from a poor family, understand astronomy?

In his inherent impression, this is a hobby for rich people.

Looking at Tian Xiaoyu's happy face, Chen Dong smiled and said, "I almost forgot that you are the president of the astronomy club. If you like this astronomical telescope, I'll give it to you."

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