At this time, a team leader spoke.

This is a man wearing a mask with a sharp sword tied to his broken arm in his left hand.

"Fox, tell me, what should we do to avoid a bloody battle?"

"If we don't attack by force, there's no way we can get close to the villa behind the 10086 barrier, let alone settle the score with 10086."

Fox is the codename of this bespectacled young man and the leader of one of the teams in the villa area.

Hearing the one-armed leader's question, the fox smiled slyly and said, "Don't worry, iron-armed leader, I already have a plan to keep 10086 safe."

Iron Arm raised his eyebrows, somewhat dissatisfied with the fox's pretense of mystery.

He said calmly: "Since you already have a countermeasure, why don't you stop talking in circles and talk about it? Say it directly, and everyone can make plans in advance."

The fox smiled slightly and said unhurriedly: "It's actually very simple. We select some people to pretend to be wounded and come to 10886 for help. We also promise to give adequate rewards and ask 10086 to rescue our wounded."

"As long as they can get close and open the barrier, if someone pretending to be a wounded person makes a sudden attack, 10086 will be caught off guard and won't have time to close the barrier."

"When the time comes, our large troops will be ambushing the surrounding areas. As soon as they see someone taking action, they will rush in."

"As long as 10086 loses its most solid shield, there is nothing to fear."

After hearing this plan, many people nodded.

However, some people have raised doubts.

"Fox, isn't the plan you proposed not very reliable?"

"What if 10086 opens the barrier but is unwilling to rescue the wounded? Wouldn't that mean the plan is scrapped?"

The fox shook his head with a confident expression.

"Based on my understanding of profit-seeking people like 10086, he will definitely open the door as long as the conditions we propose are generous enough."

Some survivors asked: "Even if 10086 opens the door to rescue the wounded, will the raid on the wounded be effective?"

The fox did not speak, but suddenly took out a dagger from his backpack and rushed directly towards the survivor who spoke.

The man had no time to react, and the dagger in the fox's hand had already reached his neck.

It was just a hair away from piercing his throat.

The fox retracted the dagger and said confidently: "What if I play the role of the wounded? Do you think I am qualified to raid 10086?"

The survivor who just asked the question wiped the sweat from his head and was convinced.

"The fox leader is so fast that 10086 will definitely not be able to react! Maybe the fox leader will be able to assassinate 10086 directly!"

Iron Arm and the strong man before laughed.

"Okay, the fox is indeed amazingly fast!"

"In this way, even if 10086 is lucky enough to escape this fatal blow, there will be absolutely no chance of closing the barrier wall."

"As long as the fox can buy us ten seconds, we can definitely rush in."

"When the collective firepower comes, 10086 will be unable to fly!"

Faced with the adulation from everyone, the fox did not become overwhelmed.

"As everyone knows, we are the latest team to come to the villa area. Before this, I have always heard about the various deeds of 10086, and I have always wanted to have a few fights with 10086 to see what this legendary aloof ranger is like. How dare you refuse the police station’s offer and challenge the mutated spider alone?”

"This time, thank you for giving me such an opportunity."

Iron Arm said: "Fox, if 10086 is successfully eliminated this time, you will definitely take the lead. When the time comes, you can pick his supplies first."

"King Kong, do you have any opinions?"

The strong man shook his head.

"Our team has no objection. If Fox's plan is really successful, then I, King Kong, will be convinced. 10086 supplies can be given to Fox first."

The fox smiled and waved his hand.

"Everyone has come together because they share the same goals, so don't talk about this. I only need 10086's automatic defense weapon system. The other barriers, walls and generators are for you two teams."

Iron Arm and King Kong were very satisfied with this answer.

What I said before about letting the fox choose first was just for the occasion.

If the fox is really a lion and is greedy, then after 10086 is wiped out, it will be the fox's turn.

Fortunately, the fox also knew what was right. Although he offered to choose the automatic defense system first, he was not greedy.

Iron Arm and King Kong are also acceptable.

Iron Arm said: "Then I want a generator. What do you think, King Kong?"

King Kong nodded.

"What I like is the wall."

"Before, I was worried that you wanted to compete with me for the barrier wall. Since you want the generator, it would be best if we each get what we need."

It seems that the three teams have regarded Chen Dong's rare materials as their own and have begun to discuss the distribution plan.

"Hahaha, then it's settled. When the time comes, we will divide the remaining ordinary supplies into three!"

Iron Arm was very happy.

He was one of the first people to come to the villa area. He had seen the fight between Chen Dong and Jiang Kai's team, and even witnessed Chen Dong's iron-blooded methods afterwards.

He wished that Chen Dong would die soon.

After all, with such a evil star around, it is really difficult to sleep peacefully.

After finalizing the plan, Fox proposed: "Two leaders, to ensure that everything is foolproof, we can sprinkle poison on the materials rewarded to 10086 for rescue. Food and water, all sprinkle poison."

"If we can trick 10086 into eating directly, there is no need to take risks, and we can achieve a truly bloodless victory."

King Kong frowned.

"But won't these materials be wasted?"

Iron Arm agreed with Fox's suggestion and said: "King Kong, you can't catch a wolf without sacrificing a child. Although a lot of materials will be wasted, as long as 10086 is successfully eradicated, all the efforts will be worth it, and we will get several times, or even dozens of times the reward!!"

King Kong gritted his teeth.

"Okay! Then it's up to you. Spray all the materials with poison when the time comes!"

Fox nodded, and then ordered the men of the three teams present.

"Everyone, we will soon be able to take a hot shower and use air conditioning! Please be alert and eliminate 10086 in one fell swoop!"

Everyone shouted in unison, shouting to eliminate 10086. They seemed to have seen the happy life in the future.


Chen Dong got up early today.

However, he was a little angry.

Because he got up early not because he woke up naturally.

He usually likes to sleep until eight o'clock, then stretch his body and stretch his joints before getting up.

But today, he was woken up at seven o'clock.

It was other survivors in the villa area. Among the seven or eight people, there were several wounded people with gauze bandages, who were banging on the door outside and shouting loudly.

This made Chen Dong very angry.

"Fuck, why are you knocking on the door so early in the morning? Are you looking for trouble?!"

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