Chen Dong immediately tried to contact him.

Like a young man who likes gossip very much, he asked him for details.

In the conversation, Chen Dong showed great desire, and praised him quite a lot, and exclaimed from time to time.

Let the latter feel flattered and enjoy it very much.


Half a day later.

"Well, thank you Brother Yang for sharing, which will help you rise step by step, and gain power in the Ye family as soon as possible, conquer cities and territories, and take the lead among many trialists!"

Chen Dong finally ended the call with the other party, and his pair of dark and deep eyes flickered.

Sure enough.

It was almost the same as he expected.

This person, named Yang Jun, joined the Ye family earlier and was appointed as a steward of the Ye family.

Although he was just a servant of low status like a servant, he worked in the Ye family mansion and was close to the core of the Ye family.

The private conversations of the servants usually involved some important information of the Ye family.

This brother Yang Jun, under his intention, did obtain a lot of information.

Under Chen Dong's deliberate guidance, he spit out everything he knew.

"Although the Ye family has not yet investigated my identity, they have spared no effort to investigate recently and have found some things."

"For example, the Ye family already knows about the trialists..."

As a dominant force, the Ye family is extremely powerful.

By summarizing and sorting out various intelligence, a mysterious force was finally discovered.


However, at this stage, the attitude of the Ye family towards trialists is very intriguing.

I don't know what will happen next.

Trialists, as an external force, are not well-known and have no influence at present.

However, the growth characteristics of trialists.

In the near future, it is bound to have a subversive impact on the world's pattern!

"If I were the head of the Ye family, I would definitely make arrangements in advance to deal with future crises when I learned that such a mysterious, highly growing and fast-growing force had appeared!"

Chen Dong thought secretly.

"First, I will try to gather as many trialists as possible."

"Give them some benefits, use their characteristics, and continue to grow and seek an invincible position!"

I think the Ye family will soon make similar moves.

Including the entire Tianxing Province, and even the Eternal World, all the indigenous forces will know the existence of trialists.

The truth will come out one day.


In this case, the danger Chen Dong will face may be much greater.

Chen Dong raised his eyebrows.

"The Ye family must have known that I am a trialist. Although they don't know who I am, with my growth potential, this time, they will definitely kill me in the cradle at all costs!"

"Otherwise, when I really grow up, the destruction of the Ye family will not be far away!"

"If it is me, a million troops will be on the border in an instant!"


Chen Dong was in a heavy mood.

After that.

The undercurrent in Tianxing Province surged.

Over the land of tens of millions of miles, dark clouds were densely covered, and the sun and moon were not visible.

There were fierce roars all day long, and the drizzle was dense. Every inch of the air was permeated with an indescribable sense of depression.

On the peaceful land, there was actually a turbulent undercurrent.

From the common people, street thugs, beggars in the dilapidated temples, to the lords of a city, generals who controlled thousands of troops, or the top leaders of the major hegemonic families who controlled the lives of millions of people, there was a feeling that a storm was coming.

Soon, this feeling would spread to the entire eternal world, and no one would be spared.

The natives knew that the sky was going to change.

The arrival of the trialists was destined to reshuffle the major forces!

This was a catastrophe.

But it was also a huge opportunity!

The winner is the king, and the loser is the enemy!


The Ye family!


"The sky is really going to change!"

The head of the family, Ye Wutian, had cold eyes and extremely deep eyes. No one knew what he was thinking.

The extremely majestic voice was immediately transmitted.

"This is an opportunity for our Ye family to rise, but also a crisis of destruction. Whether we survive or perish, whether we soar to the sky or perish, it all depends on this time!"

"Pass my order!"

"Mobilize all the forces of the dragnet to secretly search for the trial takers. Once found, do everything possible to win them over. If they are given benefits, they must be accepted into the camp of our Ye family!"

"But if..."

Ye Wutian's voice suddenly paused, and countless cold lights flashed in his dark eyes, as if great terror was brewing in them.

Even though the people below were all high-ranking officials in charge of a region, they were terrified!

Ye Wutian paused for a moment and said coldly: "If the other party is unwilling, let him be crushed to pieces and completely destroyed, and never reincarnate!"

"Those who do not join our Ye family are our great enemies, and must not be let go! Do you understand?"


Ye Wutian nodded and said: "Before that, the castle lord in the Devil's Forest must have been a trialer."

"In the last battle, we wiped out our Ye family's 80,000 troops and gained a lot. I think we have initially formed a climate!"

"80,000 troops are far from enough to wipe them out!"

"The 100,000 troops that are about to be sent out are not enough. Now, immediately draw another 100,000 elite troops from the front line of confrontation with the Xiao family! A total of 200,000 troops, attack in two directions, and make sure to take them down completely!"


"I respect your order!"


Xiao Cheng.

In the distant sky, a white-feathered bird suddenly broke through the floating clouds in the sky and flew into the huge palace complex that was strictly guarded.

In a blink of an eye, it flew into one of the magnificent palaces.

In the palace.

Xiao Chen and a middle-aged man sat opposite each other.

A chessboard in the middle.

The black and white chess pieces were like giant dragons, fighting each other constantly, very anxious.

Suddenly, Xiao Chen raised his eyebrows, as if he had noticed something, and looked outside.

The middle-aged man, Xiao Zhan, the head of the Xiao family and the controller of nearly 100 million people, also had a change of expression.

Then, a white bird flew in.

Xiao Zhan took the letter from the white pigeon, looked at it intently, and frowned.

"The arrival of the trialists will cause a turbulent situation in the world. A great change is inevitable!"

"This is the news from my Xiao family's most important chess piece in the Ye family. It is the most core secret of the Ye family. With the ability of the Ye family's dragnet, it will definitely not be false!"

"At this time of great opportunity, my Xiao family must seize the opportunity and never miss it!"

Xiao Chen's face changed and his expression was shocked when he heard this.


Great changes in the world?

A great chaos is about to happen?

For a moment, his mind was buzzing.

Without waiting for him to ask, the old, steady, knowledgeable, and experienced Xiao family master, for some reason, trembled slightly with his hands, and said very quickly: "Chen'er, the Chen Dong who is on good terms with you must also be a trialist!"

"Now, at all costs, help him through the difficulties!"

"We will give him whatever he needs, and we must help him survive the encirclement of the Ye family!"

"In addition, pass on my order, Tianji Pavilion will search for trialists all over the world, and must bring them under the command of my Xiao family! No mistakes!"


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