There was no unexpected problem like the upgrade of the S alloy wall. Chen Dong easily upgraded the automatic defense armed system successfully and began to enter the defense cooling period that he had known before.

What he needed to do now was to wait for the automatic defense armed system to be upgraded and see the effect after the upgrade.

Chen Dong took out his battle suit and tried to upgrade it with S alloy.

But he found that the upgrade of the battle suit was still incomplete.

S alloy is just one of the materials. If he wanted to upgrade, he needed other alloys.

Chen Dong removed the S alloy wrapping of the frosted silver battle suit and realized for the first time that this battle suit might accompany him for a longer time than he thought.

If he used several alloys to upgrade this battle suit in the future, would it be possible to sit in the sky and into the sea?

Chen Dong made a bold guess and felt a little fascinated.

After the upgrade, the three began to move some supplies and furniture from the ground villa into the underground fortress.

But for some reason, Tian Xiaoyu's movements were always a little unnatural.

The expression on his face was also a little strange, as if he was trying his best to endure something.

Chen Dong looked carefully for a long time, and suddenly exclaimed.

"Fuck, Xiaoyu, why are you bleeding?"

The voice fell.

The air suddenly became quiet.

"You, what are you talking about!"

Tian Xiaoyu's face turned red, and she ran out directly.

This is a bit embarrassing.

Chen Dong touched his nose, and then realized what the other party was like.

Women always have those days every month.


The next day, the automatic defense armament system was upgraded.

Chen Dong looked at the original crossbows and live fire guns, which were replaced with brand new laser guns and Gatling guns that could emit blue fire, and nodded with satisfaction.

He even hoped that some blind survivors could take the initiative to come to the door and be free quality inspectors to test the power after the upgrade.

Next, Chen Dong opened the email to see what unlimited supplies he got today.

Sanitary pads?

Chen Dong couldn't help but be speechless.

In recent days, there are cosmetics for women such as foundation, concealer, and essence.

Now there is a sanitary napkin...

However, it is also a timely relief.

Tian Xiaoyu just needs it.

In the future, Xie Anqi will also need it.

Selling some of it will benefit the majority of women.

At the same time, some S alloys were also sold, and mechanical flying claws, parachutes, special hemostatic drugs and other things were obtained.


The early warning of the meteorite rain disaster has rapidly improved the material level of the survivors.

Earlier, everyone was still risking their lives for a cold weapon and a little bread and milk.

Now, high-level material boxes are emerging one after another.

A team near the villa area recently collected a platinum-level material box.

They actually drove an armored vehicle.

For them, it is definitely a huge improvement in strength.

They tried to launch a surprise attack and force attack on other survivors, and excitedly found that this armored vehicle was simply like entering a no-man's land.

The bullets hit the armored vehicle without even making a scratch.

They rushed into other people's strongholds, ran rampant, and then slowly got off the car to finish the looting of supplies.

This team began to show off their power.

They also gave themselves a domineering name, Dongxing.

Other teams were very afraid of this armored vehicle and did not want to provoke too much.

But Dongxing was in its heyday, so how could it miss such a good opportunity for expansion?

Dongxing issued a notice to nearby survivor teams, asking others to join its forces.

Those who disobey will be suppressed with iron-blooded means.

Some small teams with weak strength and shortage of supplies can only join or flee overnight.

There are also some survivor teams who think they are not weak, and they directly tore up a notice from Dongxing and expressed their disapproval.

But then, Dongxing drove an armored vehicle into their camp and suppressed them bloodily.

Under such circumstances, Dongxing became famous.

Chen Dong also received an invitation from Dongxing.

Seeing the content of such a sudden letter, Chen Dong couldn't help laughing.

It was more like a notice letter than a letter.

In the letter, Dongxing described how rich its supplies were, how powerful its armored vehicles were, and how powerful its team members were.

Finally, it asked Chen Dong to join.

He said frankly that he did not want to fight Chen Dong.

While tearing up the letter, Chen Dong thought.

"Is it because I didn't show enough force? Why do these guys always come to provoke me?"

Chen Dong reciprocated and wrote a letter in return.

With a big stroke of the pen, he only wrote two big words: "Idiot!"

Then, Chen Dong asked the messenger waiting outside the wall to take the letter back.

After receiving Chen Dong's reply letter, Dongxing boss Situ was furious and threw the objects on the desk in front of him directly to the ground.

"10086, I'm going to hit you!"

Situ violently pulled the female secretary beside him and pressed her to kneel on the ground, trying to cool down.

But he was so angry that he couldn't swallow his anger.

He always thought that since his team had armored vehicles, they should have been on par with 10086.

He even wanted to recruit 10086 as his own.

In the end, he rejected his offer.

Does he think that his Dongxing can be compared with the scumbags like Fox and Iron Arm?

They not only have guns, but also armored vehicles!

10086 dares to be so arrogant, it's really outrageous!

A shudder!

Situ, who had let off some steam, calmed down a little, and a thought emerged in his mind.

He wants to eat the supplies of 10086.

Without any preparation, Situ pushed the female secretary away rudely and ordered: "Pass my words on, let the brothers get ready."

"After lunch, we will break through the wall of 10086 and drag him out to parade!"

The female secretary wiped her mouth, stood up and respectfully left Situ's room.

Then, she went down to convey the will to everyone in the team.

After lunch, Situ walked out of the room, came to the stairs, and looked down at the minions who were looking at him in unison, full of pride.

"Brothers, just now, 10086 rejected our invitation from Dongxing and called us idiots. Can you tolerate it?"

The Dongxing henchmen shouted loudly: "No!"

Situ said again: "Then should we swallow this breath?"

The Dongxing henchmen blushed and shouted at the top of their voices: "No!!"

Situ smiled.

Then, with a fierce expression, he slapped the handrail of the stairs.


"Then should we get back the place?!"

The Dongxing henchmen burst out again.

"Yes! Yes!"

Situ nodded, very satisfied with the performance of his brothers.

He lowered his voice, burst out a hoarse but clearly audible voice, and asked: "Then, how do we get back the place?!"

The Dongxing henchmen showed their guns and raised them above their heads.

"Kill 10086! Kill 10086!"

Situ laughed.

"Very good! Very energetic!!"

"Brothers, let's set off now."

"Whoever can chop off 10086's head later will be rewarded with 20 kilograms of rice and mineral water. I mean what I say!"

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