One kind of unlimited supplies every day, I pushed through the doomsday

Chapter 82 Upgrade to Intermediate Underground Fortress, Unlimited 762 Bullets

Chen Dong was eager and hurried back to the underground fortress.

The underground fortress at this time was a metal room formed by covering the foundation and walls with S alloy.

The upgraded intermediate underground fortress can open properties such as cold resistance, heat resistance, and lightning resistance.

Only after upgrading to the intermediate underground fortress can it be considered a shelter in the strict sense.

After all, the villa where Chen Dong and his friends live can only block zombies.

Building a primary underground fortress can only block meteorite rain.

If there will be extreme natural disasters such as magma rain and ice and snow in the future, an intermediate underground fortress will be needed.

Although there are no signs of magma rain and ice and snow now.

But it is better to take precautions before they happen, and upgrade as soon as possible to avoid worries.

Chen Dong clicked on the information panel of the underground fortress.

[Underground Fortress]

Level: Primary

Introduction: The S alloy underground fortress with basic defense capabilities can resist most disasters.

Click the upgrade button.

[Do you want to upgrade the underground fortress? ]


Chen Dong continued to click [Yes].

[Underground Fortress (Intermediate)]

Upgrade Materials: Concrete (5000/5000)

S Alloy (165/20)

The 5,000 pieces of concrete and 20 pieces of S Alloy in the backpack disappeared with a ding, and then after transformation, the underground fortress was upgraded.

The underground fortress expanded outward along the original foundation.

The primary underground fortress was built on the basement of the villa.

This time it was upgraded to the intermediate level, and the space expansion extended along the direction of the villa yard.

Chen Dong witnessed with his own eyes that the underground fortress had an additional empty area of ​​the same size as the villa yard on the ground.

Now, they have a place to put the fresh fruits and vegetables they grow.

Even, a lot of space can be freed up.

Because this is a whole piece of open space, the villa yard on the ground also has garages, flower beds, ornamental trees and other things, which is far less pure than the area expanded by the underground fortress.

[Underground fortress (intermediate) upgrade completed]

[The fortress gains new attributes: cold resistance, heat resistance, and lightning resistance]

After the upgrade was completed, Chen Dong went upstairs to tell Xie Anqi and Tian Xiaoyu the news.

The two were stunned at first.

Just now, I was still thinking about how to collect enough concrete to upgrade the intermediate underground fortress.

As a result, the upgrade was completed in a blink of an eye?

But then, who cares, it has been upgraded anyway!

I guess Chen Dong found a team to provide concrete.

The three of them happily moved all the fruits and vegetables in the yard and the rooftop terrace to the underground fortress.

And many fluorescent lamps were hung in the planting area of ​​the underground fortress to ensure the photosynthesis of fruits and vegetables.

It's done!

Chen Dong wiped his sweat.

But he didn't think how hard it was to run up and down to move fruits and vegetables.

Seeing that the fruit and vegetable seedlings he had worked hard to grow were able to survive, he was only happy.

At the same time, after solving this problem that troubled the three people, Chen Dong could also prepare himself wholeheartedly and prepare to go to the old city.


Slept well.

The next morning, Chen Dong was the first to receive today's unlimited supplies.

"Unlimited 7.62mm bullets!"

This is a killer weapon!

9mm bullets can only be used in pistols and submachine guns, and their power is always a little unsatisfactory.

Now with unlimited 7.62mm bullets and a rifle, the strength has been greatly improved.

More importantly, the Gatling machine gun in the yard has finally found its place, and there is no need to worry about insufficient bullets.

After eating and drinking, get ready to go!


The road is terribly quiet.

There is no cicada chirping, no breeze, only endless silence.

The roar of a car came from afar, breaking the silence of this road and bringing a little excitement.

The car drove very fast, and the speed of the car made the tires whizzing on the asphalt road, and the dilapidated road signs on the roadside were blown down by the whistling wind.

The road sign fell to the side of the road with a clang, and the oil-printed words on it were a little blurred with the erosion of time and rain.

But a few words can still be seen.

Industrial City.

This is the third hour that Chen Dong has been driving continuously, and he has killed many zombies along the way.

When he encounters an unmanned section of the road, he willfully presses the accelerator to the bottom.

When he is in a good mood, he hums a song.

"It's dark and the road is slippery, this society is complicated..."

Chen Dong hummed a song and suddenly saw a shaky road sign with the words Industrial City written on it.

He knew that his destination this time was coming.

After entering the old city, Chen Dong stopped the car and walked slowly on the streets of the city.

The name of the old city is well deserved.

The architectural style of the street is a bit like the real world, with white bricks and red tiles in the 1980s and 1990s.

The aisles of the shops facing the street are even concrete roads paved with gravel.

Chen Dong saw a barber shop with broken glass on the doors and windows outside.

Looking at the tinplate barber chairs and disc-shaped mirrors here, he seemed to have returned to his childhood.

It seems that this old city has stagnated for more than ten or twenty years, and its appearance has not changed.


Chen Dong heard a sound coming from the second floor of the barber shop.

It was the sound of someone coming downstairs.

The one coming downstairs was a zombie.

It was wearing a dark green vest, a Mediterranean hairstyle, three-quarter shorts and sandals, and looked at Chen Dong.


The zombie growled.

Chen Dong put down the hair clippers he picked up out of curiosity and smiled slightly, saying, "Uncle, I'll go out now. Bye."

The zombie growled again and rushed over quickly.

Bang, bang, bang!

Chen Dong took out the UMP9 submachine gun and accurately shot the zombie's head.

After a long period of unscrupulous practice, Chen Dong's shooting skills have become very accurate.

Although he is not as good as a sharpshooter, he is not as bad as at the beginning when he couldn't aim at the zombies standing in front of him.

After dealing with the zombies, Chen Dong went upstairs again.

He just wandered around and didn't expect to gain anything.

But on the second floor, he still found a bronze-level supply box.

Chen Dong put two bottles of water and a bag of bread into his backpack, and was a little surprised at the density of supply boxes in the old city.

"We just entered the old city. I was just strolling in the barber shop, but I found bronze-level supply boxes. If I go a little further, wouldn't there be a lot of silver-level and gold-level supplies?"

"No wonder the old fox, the sheriff, was so decisive to go to the central area for development, and now he wants to develop the old city."

"Tsk, the villa area is really only suitable for retirement."

After slightly adjusting his inner waves, Chen Dong walked out of the barber shop and continued to walk deep into the old city.

The old city is not actually very big. If you drive at a normal speed, it will probably take less than half an hour to get from south to north.

However, at Chen Dong's walking speed, it will probably take some time to walk to the central section of the old city.

Chen Dong did not hide deliberately, and walked carelessly on the streets of the old city.

Wearing a combat uniform, he calmly fought the zombies rushing towards him.

The zombie tide is organized.

Now it's just a group of ordinary zombies, so he dares to walk on the street with confidence.

Chen Dong is very confident in his strength.

Wearing combat uniform, holding a UMP9 submachine gun, and carrying a critical Tang sword on his back, he is not afraid of zombies at all.

Of course, if there is a zombie tide, he still has to retreat strategically without looking back.

Or hide in an armored vehicle and drive away directly.

Chen Dong once watched the video of the zombie tide in the old city posted by other survivors in the chat channel.

When the zombie tide starts, the old city street where he is standing now will be packed with people.

All zombies!

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