One Man’s Power

Chapter Thirty-Five: The Power of One Person (Part 1) [Seek first order! 】

Killing God today, the first belief, the source of infinite motivation rooted in the bottom of my heart!

What is the temptation of the gods!

Break it with one punch!


With the increasing strength and willpower, Tang Hong's whole body seemed to be filled with unrivaled fierce flames, blood vessels and tendons began to bulge, and bones and joints were faintly exposed.

Li Guanglei flew into the air with his shoulder...

Gazing at the regular gods...

At this moment, the eruption was extremely violent. It can be said that the whole process took less than two seconds. It was like a volcano that had endured for many years, boiling vigorously. Tang Hong beat out all the strength and will mixed with temporary belief!


Repel the conventional gods with one blow!

With the power of one person, he tried his best to turn the tide, and Tang Hong's eyes burned with boundless fighting spirit!

The two elements of flexibility and endurance can't support such a strong strength... The doubled furnace fire realm offsets a lot of pressure, and the explosion is done in one go, extremely smooth.

'war! '

Stepping forward with his right foot and following up with his left fist, the force of Tang Hong's sudden split directly surpassed the top threshold of 60 tons!


With a punch, the air parted, and on a sunny day like a steamer, there seemed to be a faint trace of a straight line of air waves, starting from Tang Hong and falling to this regular god!


The humanoid regular god with a slender body and two heads wields a light golden short blade, and the connected thin line trembles. This line is also a part of the body, including the three legs that are cut like phantoms. Hit Tang Hong's punch.

Boom! Boom!

After colliding twice in the blink of an eye, Tang Hong felt the surface of his fist crack slightly and even bleed!


'Such a weak injury! ? '

In a blink of an eye, Tang Hong sensed the key to willpower.

Human will can effectively weaken the destructive damage caused by divine power and divine breath, just like the divine power and divine body can ignore the bombing of thermal weapons.

'It's faith! '

'The first belief is the core of willpower! '

He immediately recalled the concept Li Guanglei had described.

Willpower is an empty package. Only when the first belief of an extraordinary person is born, can the true light of will shine.

Faith is the core, belief is the principle, and Tang Hong's belief:

Killing God!

Killing God!

With a soft scoff, Tang Hong trembled all over, his tattered skirts turned into strips of cloth and fluttered, he strode across suddenly, grabbed the short blade with his left palm, and flicked his right fist!

The flexible element exploded!

Almost like a spring suppressed to the limit, it ejected with terrifying force, strength, will, and the invincible belief!

The stamina element provides a lot of stamina...

The furnace fire environment quickly eliminates fatigue...

He became more and more proficient in controlling the surging force in his body.

He became more and more aware of the shining belief in his heart.

This is the first time Tang Hong has stimulated the mechanism of [Power of One Person]. The surge of power and will will definitely make people lose control, become stiff, and become jerky.

But the skyrocketing realm helped Tang Hong gradually adapt to the power of one person.

Oxygen molecules in the body are consumed like running water, and soon less than one-half, one-fifth, and even one-tenth of the oxygen bottom line is left, so we must look for opportunities to breathe.

'Retreat! '

Tang Hong thought so, and slammed forward, his left foot smashed the concrete floor, his right foot seemed to be fired, and the air twisted wherever it passed.

Far more than sixty tons!

Seventy-ton, eighty-ton, progressive levels of extraordinary power are transmitted upwards from the soles of the feet, through the toughness of the tendons and bones, twisted into one force, and even the waist wound cracked again.

Boom! ! !

This kick was born to death, filled with a sense of ferocity and unbridled tragedy, almost ninety tons of extraordinary power!

The normal god in human form retreated a little, and all three legs were erected.

This is a truly extraordinary power. It is no longer a blockade, but an injury and death. Let this kick fall on the god's body, and it can completely break part of his god's body.

A silent collision.

Then, there was a shallow air wave, and the first belief, with willpower, penetrated the surface of the god's body through strength.

Divine power enters the body, with terrifying lethality.

Correspondingly, the extraordinary faith and will, once penetrated into the body of the gods, can also cause indelible and serious damage to them.

I saw His golden body faded a little.

After Xu Yunhan's consumption and Li Guanglei's relentless battle, the divine body has been weakened by three tenths, and now it has been weakened by four or five tenths. If an extraordinary person wants to block the god, there is only one way to kill him:

Obliterate and polish his divine body!

No matter how conventional gods are, they still have the attributes of gods. Their divine body is a whole, and the damage of part of the divine body can be replenished instantly without affecting their strength.

'retreat! '

Meticulous and calm thoughts flashed through Tang Hong's heart.

He backed away, just after exiting the range of the 20-meter life-and-death line, the normal god chased after him, as if he also knew the weakness of the superhuman to breathe, and he was indeed wise.

Whoops, whoops!

Tang Hong gasped desperately.

It is difficult to retreat to the warning line to take a breath, and it is not easy to take a breath at the line of life and death, so Tang Hong can only rely on himself.

It is useless to pray to gods and Buddhas.

He vaguely felt the heroism, despair, and hope of Li Guanglei fighting to the death alone.

When despair and hope coexist...

It's better to fight!

Fight as much as you want!

After Tang Hong finished breathing, he immediately went up to meet him!

[Ding dong! 】

[For the first time to experience a person fighting against a god slave, the value of each person will be increased by five]

Even so, the dangerous gods are the servants of the gods, and the normal gods are the slaves of the gods.

The corners of Tang Hong's mouth twitched, and he retreated to the line of life and death again to take a breath.

He has no time to think too much.

Just because the normal gods are called God slaves by the system, it is ridiculous to carelessly despise them.

With the gods on the side...

He is still a servant of God beyond the imagination of normal people!


Tang Hong let out a breath.

In actual combat, the breath cannot be contained in the body, and it is very likely that the gods will target this place, forcing the transcendent to exhale this breath, and once the breath is exhaled, the pervasive divine breath will spread into the human body.

'etc. '

'God breathes into the body. '

He instantly remembered that when he took the standard fetish for the second time, it inspired [Aloof and Unparalleled].

Alone and Peerless:

Reject all external force intervention, so that the body temporarily produces resistance.

Tang Hong subconsciously wanted to breathe in and try.

But the absolutely rational state of the battle made him immediately dispel this reckless idea, and just hid his eager thoughts in the deepest part of his heart.

In the midst of a fierce battle, trying these is simply courting death.

The power of one person and the incomparable loneliness are obviously two different strange states, can they be superimposed, can they be stimulated at the same time?

'Hold your breath! '

Strong willpower makes consciousness strong and provides great efficiency in the operation of thinking.

In an instant, Tang Hong thought a lot, but at the next moment, he put it all aside, only the burning terrifying fighting spirit and the belief in killing gods remained in his heart forever.

'Come! Come! '

Tang Hong faintly felt that his body organs were filled with oxygen molecules, like heavy rain pouring down.

Immediately took two or three steps, broke into the line of life and death, and faced the conventional god. The first belief was like a great sun hanging in the air, shining on the body and mind, and the endless will was attached to the body surface. Tang Hong split his light golden short blade in the palm of his hand. , in charge of grabbing the past.

It seems to want to smash the mountains and rivers.


Grabbing his head directly, with all his strength, he swung it wildly on the ground!

Peng! Peng!

Tang Hong grabbed his head and slammed it on the concrete floor, causing the cement to crack.

The body of the god that was thrown around gradually faded away. Although hitting the ground could not cause any damage to the body of the god, through the concussion effect, Tang Hong poured his will and belief into the body of the god little by little, or it would be more accurate to say that it was more accurate to smash into the body of the god.

It almost melted and disintegrated.

The willpower with the first belief caused indelible damage to him.


He struggled to break free from Tang Hong's grasp.


Culling over again, the slender divine body faded by sixty-seven, the short blade cut across, and the three pale golden legs rushed towards Tang Hong like a gust of wind, and the two heads also breathed inexplicable power faintly.

Divine breath is strengthening!

Divine power is exploding!

The sun is shining brightly, the blue sky is clear and no clouds can be seen, and the flesh and blood use their faith to drive their will to fight this conventional god in close quarters!

The open space in front of the building.

The glass front door is shattered.

The tragic collision with an impact force of up to a hundred tons is like a storm passing through. The solid concrete floor is cracked inch by inch, dust and powder are floating on the small pits, the silent bloody battle, and even the building of No. 6 Extraordinary Sanatorium. trembling slightly.

Shaking is not enough.

But in it, everyone clearly felt the extremely obvious vibration.

And because of the short distance, Tang Hong's bloody battle with the regular God happened at the main entrance of the building, which caused these shocks to be surprisingly strong, almost like the ebb and flow of the tide, seemingly endless.

There are occasional hiatus.

The shock was only slightly weakened and passed on again.

"Who is that?"

In a dim room with swaying lights, Mo Xiusheng, the adviser of the imperial capital, barely opened his bright eyes that were crooked from participating in the battle of crystallization in different spaces in the special training camp.

For more than ten years, Mo Xiusheng participated in countless battles, with victories and failures.

he knows...

Such a fierce battle frequency...

Someone is blocking a regular god in its heyday alone!

Mo Xiusheng continued to lie down, his whole body was glowing with a golden gleam, only the brain was intact, and the rest of the body was in the treatment stage.

"Who is downstairs?"

"Which is the top of the headquarters?"

Mo Xiusheng listened attentively to the roaring sound, and a series of supernatural tactics flashed through his mind, and compared them one by one, trying to figure out who this person was, he felt familiar the next moment.

"It seems to be Fang Nanxun's splitting fist."

"It's strange. In my impression, there is no top-notch major in split boxing at the headquarters." Mo Xiusheng opened his eyes and closed them slowly, with a smile on the corner of his mouth, and fell asleep drowsily: "It should be the military's extraordinary Or the top of other institutions."

Wish I could wake up and open my eyes again...

Wish I could still see the world...

Mo Xiusheng thought lightly, life or death, can't shake his terrible willpower at all, the extraordinary willpower to break the third limit is enough to suppress the desire to survive!

Another room.

The fragrance of flowers permeates the air.

Peng Ming, the top transcendent, stared at him: "I have challenged all those near the imperial capital who have the ability to stand alone against the top of the normal gods."


"I should have never met this top class."

Peng Ming understood that this raid must be a regular god in his heyday.

And the shock is so strong, it must be a top transcendent person whose strength is the main factor.

"Who is it?"

Peng Ming was puzzled.

At this moment, there are more than twenty different rooms.

The extraordinary wounded opened their eyes one after another, or fell asleep until they woke up, or held their breath, all with inexplicable expectations.

"It's not Xu Yunhan, I guess they have evacuated, and now this is the only person left to stop the god."

"It doesn't sound like a consultant, still top."

Most of these wounded were Pioneer Chaos, Top Levels of Chaos.

Just by listening to the sound of the collision of the fierce battle, one can figure out how much it is.

Based on the experience of everyone participating in the war, the sum of acquaintances and friends is enough to cover the extraordinary world around the imperial capital, but no one can recognize the identity of this person.

Xu Yunhan retreated.

On the contrary, the mysterious top-level transcendent that everyone doesn't know, and who may or may not have seen, is still guarding the building.

This has been...

It is completely outside the scope of extraordinary obligations.

According to the usual decision-making, they should be abandoned.

"If you want to be able to live, who doesn't want to live."

The extraordinary were seriously injured, and it was difficult to get up, let alone move to the window to observe the outside battle situation. They could only simulate the general situation of this battle in their minds based on years of experience.

The roar weakened, and this person was looking for a chance to breathe...

No one to help, no one to cooperate, indeed only this person is here...

The third breath, the fifth breath, until the ninth breath, the divine breath rioted, the divine power twisted and turbulent, and the sultry air made a tearing sound, probably the activation of a divine spell...

This is the sound of divine art!

As the name suggests, the technique of the gods, through the strange combination of divine power and divine breath, or arouses part of the characteristics of the divine body, to perform divine spells, the lethality is quite terrifying!

And once the regular god casts a magic spell, it also means that the battle has reached the last moment.

There is no altar of gods around here. Conventional gods cast divine spells to consume his divine body, which is equivalent to the last desperate means, and they will not be used easily.

Whether he wins or loses, the outcome will be known soon.

Everyone's eyes were bright, flashing strands of light with different expressions, or looking forward to, or nervous, or smiling lightly.

"Dodge quickly, don't be head-on!"

"It's the last moment. If it succeeds, it will be another top-level god-slaying character!"

Killing a regular god alone with a top body, and still a regular god in his heyday, such characters are rare nationwide.

Now that the matter has come to this point, everyone is not nervous and secretly looking forward to it.

At this time.

The broken glass door is directly ahead.


With a divine roar, the two triangular and prism-shaped heads suddenly swayed from side to side, and the faceless head without eyes, nose, and mouth manifested a vortex, and collapsed counterclockwise, followed by a group of extremely condensed golden flames dancing towards Tang Tang. Hong suddenly rose.

There was a soft bang, and the flames elongated, as if a cloud of flames had sprung up in an instant!

Tang Hong was shocked...

How could the flame extend so far?

The corner of his eye twitched, and he flicked to the side. Out of the corner of his eye, he glanced at the concrete floor where he was just now. It was faintly soft under the sun, as if it was bubbling.

The concrete floor is melting!

What a flame!

Tang Hong only felt a chill in his heart, and he became more vigilant about divine arts, and saw another golden flame attack coming in front of him in the blink of an eye.

that scorching heat...

That majesty...

Tang Hong tilted his head and dodged again, making a decision in his heart, and reason gave him clear thinking.

'Dodge is not feasible. '

‘My sensitivity and speed elements haven’t broken through the limit yet. '

Sensitivity and speed are not as good as how the standard extraordinary Tang Hong can dodge.

With no one to cooperate and no one to cover, Tang Hong's ability to dodge twice is already very dangerous.

'There can be no further delay...'

'I can't wear down my body anymore...'

Many wounded people in the building thought that Tang Hong was a top class. According to the situation, delaying time and waiting for him to fade away is indeed the best way.

But Tang Hong couldn't afford it.

He was almost out of control.

The physical strength bottomed out, the sweat fell like rain, and the muscles and bones were creaking.

If this continues, Tang Hong knows that when his body is exhausted, he will be exhausted and even faint on the spot.

'In that case...'

Tang Hong's eyes seemed to tear apart the world with a tiny electric light: "Then find a way and find a chance to kill him!" '

Divine art, to put it bluntly, is nothing more than divine power, breath or body.

Extraordinary, willpower, including the first belief can resist.

Tang Hong raised his head, his sweat was exhausted, but his eyes were extremely bright, staring at the third impact of the golden flame, he raised his left hand little by little.

‘The will of man is unyielding! '

"And faith, god-killing faith, is more restrained towards gods..."

People have faith!

There are all possibilities!

The belief in killing gods brewed a murderous intent, and a terrifying roar erupted in Tang Hong's heart like thunder boiling.

This belief is completely different from Li Guanglei's first belief.

If you want to divide it into three, six or nine, killing gods belongs to the second or even first level of beliefs. If you want to distinguish between strong and weak, at this moment, there is no belief that is more suitable for Tang Hong than killing gods.

'Killing God! '

'Killing God! ''Killing God! '

Tang Hong mobilized his faith, added willpower, and tried the next magical technique with the edge of his left hand.

The impact of the golden flame swept across more than 30 meters in just one second.

Tang Hong just flashed out of the warning line, his eyes became slightly hot, and his left palm caught the magic spell.

Unimaginable pain invaded the palm, along the entire arm, and spread to the mind.

The divine power is not as strong as imagined.

It's just that the palm is a little warm.

The point is that the intense pain caused by this golden flame burning the nerves, as if countless needlepoints penetrated the head, faintly exceeded the limit of pain defined by human beings.


The normal god, which had been diluted in all likelihood, came to Tang Hong, and the golden short blade was raised, reflecting the holy connotation against the sunlight.

at the same time.

He was not careless.

The two triangular, prism-shaped, faceless heads once again issued divine spells.


'It's finally here. '

Tang Hong's drooping head instantly lifted up, and he slammed into it!

The impact of the golden flame is mainly nerve pain, if it can be sustained, it is nothing, and Tang Hong happened to have experienced a lot of severe pain that increased the value of one person-he was surprised to find that after experiencing nerve pain, he seemed to develop resistance .


Hit the short blade with your shoulder and go straight through!

Bright red blood flowed out!

Stuck it with a bone, Tang Hong's face showed a ferocious, cruel, boundless killing intent, this is the belief in killing gods!


Also feel pain?

Tang Hong restrained the short blade with his left shoulder bone, blocked his leg with his left arm, and pushed the two golden flames with his right palm, pushed them back abruptly, and threw them towards his head!

Boom! Boom!

Tang Hong swung his right palm and nearly exploded his head with two consecutive slaps. The horror of the god-killing belief was finally revealed!

The whole person jumped up faintly,

Overwhelmed by this conventional god,

It seems that the Panggu giant who has come to life picked up a sledgehammer and struck again and again to smash the mountains and rivers!

Tang Hong punched so hard that the tendons and bones of his five fingers were broken, and the palms were bleeding. He punched dozens of times without stopping, and suddenly he opened his fist, and his five fingers swung round like a fan!

Boom! ! !

The impact force of hundreds of tons roared and chiseled on the two heads!

'Excuse me……'

‘God, does it bleed too? '

His two heads were slightly solidified, with cracks cracked.


Lightly fried.

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