One Man’s Power

Chapter Thirty-Three: A Scholar Dies for a Confidant (Part 1)

'I grew up without a father, only a mother. '

'I asked other children, they all have fathers. '

'When I got home, I asked my mother, where is my father... She never said, but I found out later that my father had always lived in the same city as us. '

'I'm so happy. '

‘That year, there were no web maps. '

'I just bought a paper map and realized that my father was very close to us. I measured it with a ruler, and it was about five kilometers, and the bus was less than eight stops away. '

'Why doesn't he come to see me. '

‘Must be busy with work and no time. '

"As long as I am a good boy, he will come to see us... One year has passed, two years have passed, five years have passed, I am in high school, and I have waited for him for more than ten years, but I have never met him . '

'Until my sophomore year. '

'I met Fang Nanxun. '

All the memories erupted at this moment, and all the suppressed, restrained, and hidden strong emotions all erupted at this moment, blasting Li Guanglei's mind.

The dark-faced man's eyes turned red.


He took a deep breath on the Zhonghua cigarette.

To be honest, he doesn't like this stuff, since childhood Li Guanglei hated smoking the most.

But life is always so strange.

Ever since he met that person, Li Guanglei began to imitate that person intentionally or unintentionally, including that person's lifestyle. He likes Chinese hard boxes the most, except for the habit of snuffing out cigarettes with his fingers.

Li Guanglei did not imitate the cigarette butt snuffed out with his fingers. Because the endurance factor is not strong enough, if you do this frequently, your fingerprints may be worn away.

"Last cigarette."

Li Guanglei seemed to have exhausted all his strength, inhaled a puff of smoke into his lungs, and watched the cigarette burn rapidly under his eyes.

See Mars.

Saw beads of sweat.

See your true self.

There was no way he could hit that self-destruct button.

Over the years, Li Guanglei has always advertised that he is rational and objective, but what he really wants...

Want to get approval from others.

Especially eager for Fang Nanxun's approval.

However, there is usually only a thin line between rationality and sanity. Cold and indifferent and cold-blooded and ruthless are also very similar.

"I am right."

Li Guanglei kept telling himself that.

So it became the appearance of discrimination by the public, and the opinions of the public affected Li Guanglei even more-the more he was not recognized, the more he wanted people to agree.

But the prejudice in people's mind is a mountain.

No matter how hard Li Guanglei tried, he couldn't move.

He was hesitant and suffering, not knowing what to do to gain people's approval.

"I am right."

At this moment, Li Guanglei still told himself that.

Because he finally understood.

The opinions of others, the approval of others, are actually not that important.

"What I want most..."

"I most want to be..."

"From the beginning to the end, it was just that person's expectation of me."

Li Guanglei has never received any affirmation since he was a child.

Meeting Fang Nanxun was the biggest turning point in Li Guanglei's life, and it was also the thing Li Guanglei didn't regret the most in his life.

The only thing I regret is that I failed to reach that person's height.

The wave of mixed emotions overturned Li Guanglei's inherent concepts, and disintegrated all of Li Guanglei's timid and hesitant thoughts of retreating. In a trance, he seemed to be back on the side of the road in his sophomore year. He squatted on the road, the street lights were dim, eating with ice cream.


meet that person.

From then on, enter the world of extraordinary gods.

Li Guanglei lowered his head, he didn't finish the last puff, he pinched his fingers, and slowly crushed the cigarette butt, as if he also crushed the top barrier.

"Don't you want me to be the top?"

"I'll show you now..."

Li Guanglei walked out of the shattered glass door, facing the high sunshine in August, facing the ruthless attack of the normal humanoid god, he opened his arms and knocked on the top door.

"So what if the battle of gods is lost?"

"Then fucking lose,"

"The blood and tears we shed have not failed this land and everyone. Why should we shut up and work hard in silence when we live, and not let us die properly when we die!"

Not everyone is qualified to work hard.

Not every extraordinary person feels happy when he has money and status.

Forbidden to be famous, forbidden to be famous, what's the use of prohibiting being famous, no matter how much money and status a person has.

"Think about it?"

Li Guanglei looked at the slender humanoid regular god: "Just step over my corpse!"

Legs tightened, and Li Guanglei slammed into the regular god with a violent shot!

He's still not at the top.

But Li Guanglei, who has the first belief, is almost the same as the top.


Take this step, and the sea and the sky will bloom!


This rage, with the willpower controlled by Li Guanglei's first belief, twisted the air, gathered strength together, head-to-head, fighting to the death without retreating until death!


The first belief born in my heart at this moment is so twisted and mischievous, and so blazing, that a man dies for his confidant!

Li Guanglei's first belief:

scholar! for! Know! Has! By! die!

'that is……'

'I'm a little sorry...'

I really want to have another hot pot meal!


The short golden blade pierced through Li Guanglei's palm, and when he lifted it up, he saw three bloody severed fingers thrown aside.

Li Guanglei felt severe pain, but he was laughing in his heart.

Carefree, carefree, he didn't know how to describe this moment with his limited vocabulary, so he could only express his mood with actions. The remaining two fingers were juxtaposed, and the fingertips that contained the first belief poked a ripple of divine power!

There was even a small pit on the surface of the divine body!


The roar of the normal god added a tragic look, and the two figures frantically fought together, and strands of flesh and blood flew around, while his body faded little by little.


Objective data is cold...

The reduction rate is less than one-third, which is also the main reason why the top extraordinary Xu Yunhan chose to leave.

If you can't grind away his divine body, don't try to kill him.

To kill the regular gods that just came, at least one top-level god plus fifteen standard extraordinary ones are required.

In the heyday stage, regular gods need two top-level transcendents, plus 20 standard transcendents... There are also top-level transcendents with strong foundations that can be killed alone, but that is too rare.


Dozens of tons of force collided, his left hand broke, and Li Guanglei was clearly at a disadvantage. To be honest, the first belief he just found is not as good as the ordinary top Xu Yunhan. No matter how emotional he explodes, he can't make up for the objective gap in strength, and it is impossible to make a comeback.

Li Guanglei didn't even think about turning the corner.

The oxygen level continued to decrease, and he felt his vision darken faintly.

Li Guanglei knew that the oxygen level had reached a critical point and he had to take a breath, but for a while he couldn't get away from the close fight of this normal humanoid god.

Just as he was about to open his mouth to take a breath, he punched from the east, his superb boxing skills pierced through the sultry air, that figure was like a galloping locomotive, and he punched wildly, barely repelling the normal god.


The tumbling sound waves were pushed away, and the concrete floor cracked.

Why bother screaming,

why bother

Tang Hong crucified this conventional god!

final moments...

Despair and hope coexist, I am extraordinary, we are extraordinary! !

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