The two of them were in a state of panic, and the two of them were in a state of panic.

Everyone looked back and found that the person who spoke was Mo Lin.

Liu Yanyan saw that it was Mo Lin who spoke.

Subconsciously, she was a little scared, but she thought that she was in the police station, Mo Lin was also a policeman, and her parents were here.

The other party had no reason and no ability to hurt herself.

Liu Yanyan suddenly felt that she was OK again.

She raised her chin, stared at him with her beautiful eyes and asked, "What did I say wrong?"

"If aliens don't use their powers, why do they learn these methods?"

Mo Lin looked at Liu Yanyan calmly and said, "Do aliens have to use the methods they learn?"

"I don't think so."

"Although I don't know what kind of sect you are talking about, if you join it, you can break the rules and restrictions and use your powers whenever you want."

"Then I can understand that you choose not to follow the rules and choose to indulge yourself without restraint."

"That's right!" Liu Yanyan snorted when she heard it, "I just heard that the Quanxing Sect is a sect that preserves the true nature of the whole nature, does not burden the body with things, and maintains its own nature. It is exactly the sect I want to stay in."

Seeing that Liu Yanyan is still arrogant and domineering.

I don't understand how serious this matter is.

Liu's father was furious.

But he didn't interrupt Mo Lin.

Because he suddenly found that when this young man was talking, his daughter would always restrain herself.

Father Liu thought that maybe Mo Lin could help him educate this useless daughter.

Mo Lin did have something to tell Liu Yanyan.

"According to your logic just now, that is to say, except for the Quanxing Sect, other sects of the extraordinary people are hiding themselves and not displaying their abilities in front of the public, right?"

Mo Lin asked.

Although he has memories of his past life, he is now mainly pretending to be a newbie.

He can't just say the information that only people in the circle know.

"Yes, my old man wanted me to learn this corpse-driving technique and Gu technique. I spent a lot of energy and almost lost my entire childhood to learn it, but in the end I was not allowed to use it. Then wouldn't the youth I spent be in vain?"

Liu Yanyan snorted coldly, looking at her father with resentment in her eyes.

"You girl..."

Father Liu felt very sad that Liu Yanyan didn't expect him to think of him like this.

Mother Liu was also very sad and said, "Yan Yan, don't blame your father..."

Mo Lin ignored the two parents and squinted his eyes to look directly at Liu Yanyan.

Seeing this, Liu Yanyan felt a little uneasy for some reason, "You...what do you want to do?"

"I understand now."

Mo Lin's expression was a little dazed, and then he looked at Liu Yanyan with a playful smile and said, "If the Quanxing Sect is the only sect in the world that does not abide by the rules and uses superpowers whenever it wants, then for other sects, Quanxing is considered to have broken the rules and will definitely not be allowed by other sects."

"Just now, seeing the reaction of your parents, I think this Quanxing Sect is probably not a place for good people to stay."

"I guess the people gathered inside should be lawless and do not abide by the rules and laws, right?"

Father Liu nodded directly: "You're right, that's right."

"So what? I just want to..."

"So can I think so?" Without giving Liu Yanyan a chance to finish her sentence, Mo Lin interrupted directly: "Since the Quanxing Sect doesn't follow the rules and uses supernatural powers recklessly, can other sects also break the rules against the Quanxing Sect?"

"For this sect composed of lawless 'evil men', if it is encountered by other sects of different people, will it be beaten up?"

"Even the worst case scenario is... being beaten to death privately."

When Mo Lin said this, his tone was low and solemn, which made Liu Yanyan's heart tremble slightly.

"How... How is it possible? Now we live in a society ruled by law, and killing is illegal!"

Liu Yanyan didn't believe it. It's the 21st century, how can there still be such a thing as killing.

However, she saw that her usually strict father looked at Mo Lin with some surprise.

"Young man, aren't you from our circle?"

Mo Lin nodded and pointed at Zhang Chulan next to him: "He and I have just come into contact with the circle you mentioned, and we don't know what's going on inside, so please forgive me if my guess is wrong."

"No, you are right!"

Father Liu looked at Mo Lin in amazement: "I felt strange when I heard what you said just now, it turns out that you are new to the circle, but what you said just now is not true.


Father Liu's expression became serious: "For the Quanxing Sect, all sects in the world recognize that they are troublemakers."

"Anyone who encounters a Quanxing Sect member, if they are caught, it is okay to kill them alone."

He turned his head and looked at his daughter Liu Yanyan with complicated eyes: "This is the unspoken rule recognized by all sects for the Quanxing Sect."

"Quanxing monsters, everyone can kill them."

After hearing this, Liu Yanyan was completely dumbfounded.

"No... Impossible, why? Why would you be beaten and killed if you join the Quanxing Sect?"

"Silly Yanyan, because they are all bad people."

Mother Liu said sadly: "Quanxing monsters have committed many evil deeds. They can stir up trouble everywhere for their own selfish desires, without caring about innocent people at all. They do things according to their likes and dislikes, without any rules or regulations. "

"But... it's just using superpowers..."

Liu Yanyan said in bewilderment.

She still doesn't understand how such serious consequences can result from just using superpowers at will.

Mo Lin walked over, stood in front of Liu Yanyan, and looked down at her.

"There's nothing wrong with using superpowers, but it's wrong to act recklessly."

He looked sternly: "You, Liu Yanyan, used your abilities to dig up the grave of Zhang Chulan's grandfather and stole his body in order to join the Quanxing faction."

"Have you ever considered Zhang Chulan's feelings?"


"You didn't! Because you don't care at all, you only think about your own desires."

Mo Lin said coldly, looking at Liu Yanyan who was beginning to panic: "Because you are stronger than him, you can hurt him. So, if I don't like you and you are weaker than me, can I beat you up? "

"If a powerful bad guy happened to meet you last night, saw that you were pretty, and planned to violate you, and then did it directly."

"What would you do?"

Liu Yanyan's pupils shrank, thinking that Mo Lin had beaten her to death with just a simple punch last night.

If Mo Lin was not a policeman, but was really a gangster.

The consequences...

Seeing this, Mo Lin continued expressionlessly: "You are completely powerless to resist and can only be violated. Even worse, he will directly capture you and imprison you, making you suffer humiliation day and night."

"And all this is just because that person wants to do this."

"Are you willing to accept such a world?"


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