After getting on the bus, Mo Lin and Zhang Chulan followed Xu San, Xu Si and other teams to leave the abandoned building. They headed to the outskirts of Tianjin. The North China Nadutong branch was established here. Halfway through the journey, two-thirds of the team left and returned to other places. Xu San took the initiative to explain to Mo Lin and Zhang Chulan: "These are brothers urgently transferred from other places by our company. Now that the mission is over, they will return to their original places." Zhang Chulan nodded slightly, with a look of realization on his face. It feels like this company has a lot of people. Mo Lin doesn't care about these, because their police station often goes on missions in the same way. He is more concerned about other things now. "Can you tell me about the closed-yuan needle now?"

Mo Lin did not forget what Xu Si had said to him just now.

Xu Si smiled, "The closed-yuan needle is not a rare commodity in the alien world, but it is not circulated. There are not many of them. Each sect has some, but we are different because we are responsible for maintaining and supervising the alien world, so the closed-yuan needle reserves are sufficient."

"Basically, I will bring a lot every time I go on a mission."

Mo Lin looked at Xu Si and knew there was something else going on.

Xu Si was a little surprised to see that Mo Lin was not impatient at all, but more of it was admiration.

After all, he graduated from the police academy with the best grades.

"But this thing can't be sold."

Sure enough.

When Mo Lin heard Xu Si's preparations, he had already guessed it.

After all, this is a prop that can completely close the alien's Qi channel, which is equivalent to tying the alien's hands and feet.

How could it be circulated on the market, and it is impossible to buy and sell it privately.

"I understand."

Mo Lin nodded. It seemed that he could only think of other ways.

If the abilities of the aliens were not restricted, then the alien criminals he caught in the future would not be able to be locked up in the police station or even sent to prison, except for handing them over to Nadutong.

As for destroying the meridians.

Mo Lin had also considered it, but on the one hand, the meridians were very delicate and complicated, and they were an important channel for the transformation of the human body from reality to nothingness.

He would not destroy the meridians in this way.

Moreover, people whose meridians were destroyed would often suffer from illness and great loss of vitality.

Unless it was a master who was proficient in this way, it would be possible not to hurt the root. Even so, he had to take good care of himself afterwards.

Mo Lin was a policeman. In the arrest operation, he did face urgent and serious violent crimes that endangered his life safety, or his own or others' lives were seriously threatened and there was no other way, as well as stopping the ongoing crimes that seriously endangered public safety.

He could shoot the suspects.

That is, personal injury.

But within a certain safety range, physically destroying the meridians of alien criminals is undoubtedly a violent law enforcement, and even further violation of the rules.

If you encounter a Quanxing monster, it's okay. They have a lot of blood debts on their hands, even if they are accidentally destroyed.

Mo Lin will not take it to heart.

But for those aliens whose crimes are not serious, if they don't cooperate, even if they are defeated at the time.

Later, they will still find ways to use means and abilities to escape.

It's impossible for two aliens to fight and fight, and when they are caught, the two resist and don't want to leave.

Mo Lin will just destroy them directly, right?

Not to mention that the law does not allow it, Mo Lin can't do it.

"But if all the aliens are handed over to Nadutong, according to the general rules of the alien world, those who do not involve human lives, but simply damage other people's property, destroy public property, etc., Nadutong may not lock them up at all, at most asking them to compensate and verbally educate them as symbolic punishment."

"It's a bit troublesome."

Mo Lin thought about the solution in his heart.

In the car, Xu Si was observing Mo Lin's reaction.

He thought that Mo Lin would be annoyed or angry after hearing that the closed-yuan needle could not be sold. In short, he would have to argue and bargain.

But Mo Lin had no other reaction except saying "I know".

This made Xu Si a little confused.

Is this young man too calm?

Not long after, the car drove to the Nadutong Express Company on the outskirts of Tianjin.

"Welcome to the Nadutong North China Branch."

Xu Si got out of the car and smiled at Mo Lin and Zhang Chulan.

The two got out and saw Xia He being escorted by four employees in another car, walking towards the inside of the company.

"Can I go and see it together?"

Mo Lin pointed to the direction Xia He was walking and asked.

"Of course you can." Xu Si smiled, and together with Xu San, he took Mo Lin and Zhang Chulan and followed Xia He and the others.

They took the elevator.

They came to the second underground floor.

There were iron doors everywhere, and inside were prison-like rooms.

Xia He was escorted to one of the iron doors.

Along the way, Xia He was very quiet, perhaps because of the injuries from the fight with Mo Lin, or because she knew she couldn't run away.

In short, there was no struggle or disturbance at all.

She walked into the cell obediently.

The moment the iron door was closed.

The "Criminal Record" in Mo Lin's mind suddenly moved.

He quickly divided his attention and focused on his mind, and saw that there was an extra page on the "Criminal Record".

[Prisoner: Xia He]

[Crime value: 5 points]

[Status: Imprisoned]

[Benefit: Random cultivation/day]

Is it really possible?

Mo Lin's eyes flashed with surprise. Even if Xia He was not locked up in the police station, but only locked up in Nadutong, it could still be registered in the "Record of Crimes and Prisons". Doesn't that mean that if there are aliens who are difficult to deal with and are detained in the police station, they can all be thrown to Nadutong? Xu Si put his hands in his pockets and introduced: "These cells were built with the consent of the higher-ups, you can rest assured about this." "As for Xia He, since she has fallen into our hands, it is basically impossible for her to escape again." "After all, we are professionals." "How is it?" Xu Si turned around with a smile and smiled at Mo Lin: "Do you have any ideas?" Mo Lin knew what Xu Si was talking about. Unfortunately, he still had no idea of ​​joining Nadutong. Although joining Nadutong can indeed bring considerable help to Mo Lin, he still won't join. Nadutong Company. The restrictions on aliens are mainly to prevent them from being exposed to ordinary people on a large scale, not to allow aliens to kill ordinary people, and to maintain stability and balance in the circle. As for the aliens who committed crimes in other aspects, they were always dealt with neither lightly nor severely.

This runs counter to Mo Lin's philosophy.

Aliens who break the law are guilty of the same crime as ordinary people.

Now that it is confirmed that Xia He is imprisoned in Nadutong and will be registered in the "Criminal Prison Record", Mo Lin's purpose of coming here has been achieved.

"Not yet, I want to know how you will deal with her according to her crimes."

Mo Lin pointed to the cell where Xia He was and asked.

Xu Si thought it was a pity and replied: "Xia He is one of the four madmen of Quanxing, with insidious abilities and extremely dangerous."

"Basically, we will not let her out."

That is, she will be imprisoned until she dies of old age.

Another kind of life imprisonment?

Mo Lin nodded, "Okay, then I have nothing to do, can you send me back?"


Seeing that Mo Lin was about to leave.

Xu Si and Xu San were both stunned.


"I'll arrange for someone to take you back."

"I want to go back too." Zhang Chulan also stepped forward and said, since Mo Lin was leaving, he certainly wouldn't stay in this weird place.

Even though this company called Nadutong looked quite powerful.

But he had just been kidnapped, and he didn't feel safe at all outside.


Xu Si's mouth twitched, and he arranged for someone to take Mo Lin and Zhang Chulan back.

After arriving at the top, he watched the two get in the car and leave without any reluctance.

Xu Si and Xu San were silent.

After a long time, Xu Si couldn't help but say, "Are we Nadutong so unwelcome?"


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