After seeing the news from Captain Zhang.

Mo Lin knew that the verdict on Jia Zhengyu had come down in the few days he was away.

The reason why the result came out so quickly.

It was still because of the efforts of their director.

When Mo Lin saw the content of the WeChat message, he couldn't help but raise his eyebrows slightly.

"Revoke the suspended sentence and sentence him to six years in prison?"

That's right.

Because Jia Zhengyu carried a murder weapon (Dragon Pecking Cone) and caused minor injuries to Mo Lin, seriously endangering his personal safety, the circumstances were serious, and he was punished more severely. In addition, he had previously damaged public property and arson, but in view of the criminal's good attitude of confession and repentance.

Therefore, he was sentenced to six years in prison.

"Six years? That's fine."

"It's about the same as the verdicts for ordinary people who commit these crimes."

Mo Lin nodded slightly.

That's enough.

Mo Lin's pursuit is to let the alien criminals receive the punishment that ordinary people deserve after committing crimes.

There's nothing to say.

The matter of Jia Zhengyu is over for Mo Lin.

"Six years, even if there are only 30 days a day, it's just one month of cultivation."

"It can bring me a total of 182 years of cultivation, nearly 200 years of cultivation!"

Mo Lin's eyes are bright.

Even if I never catch alien criminals again from now on, after six years, he can still become a top powerhouse in the alien world with more than 180 years of cultivation.

"The future is promising!"

Mo Lin's face showed a faint smile.

It's just that one family is happy and the other is sad.

Mo Lin is happy because Jia Zhengyu can bring him long-term cultivation benefits.

Then what about Jia's father and mother?

Just because of Jia Zhengyu's verdict, he was silent and sad.

He watched his son being sentenced and had to spend six years in prison.

Father Jia closed his eyes, while Mother Jia cried.

These days.

Father Jia and Mother Jia have searched all the connections they can find.

They even called Zhao Fangxu, the chairman of Nadutong, but it was still useless.

Because in this place in Beijing.

If you dare to attack the police, it is a serious crime.

What's more, you are still on probation, and you are also an alien, an alien with clear requirements and restrictions.

This is an aggravated crime.

When Zhao Fangxu of Nadutong knew about this, he directly rejected Father Jia's request.

And notified everyone in the company that no one was allowed to interfere in this matter.

If there is, and he knows about it.

Severe punishment.

And Zhao Fangxu asked the company's people to focus on marking Jia Zhengyu's family. If they have any signs and symptoms of seeking revenge on the police, they don't need to notify him and just take them down.

He was responsible for communication with Jiajia Village.

And Nadutong could not get any help.

Jia's father asked for help from some leaders.

But when he learned that it was an assault on the police, and the local police station chief in Beijing personally made an effort, those leaders also rejected Jia's father's request.

Just kidding, you can't stand the assault on the police.

What's more, even if it's just a police station chief, in Beijing.

Even if it's a chief, it's a very high level in other places.

In addition, they are all chiefs, how can they not know some people?

Therefore, Jia's father's idea of ​​using connections was shattered.

He could only watch Jia Zhengyu go to prison.

The disheartened Jia's father returned to Jiajia Village with the sad and regretful Jia's mother and Jia Zhengliang.

As soon as he entered the village.

They found that many people in the village looked at them with strange eyes.

Obviously, they already knew about Jia Zhengyu's affairs.

It was impossible that they didn't know.

An old man with red hair, thin body, and looked to be in his eighties or nineties, wearing a Tang suit, walked up to Jia's father and mother.

"Clan, clan leader..."

Jia's father and mother bowed their heads and greeted.

"Alas, I have heard about everything." The old man looked at Jia's father and mother and sighed.

"You have to spend more time on the education of children in the future."

"When Xiaoyu comes out in the future, let him stay in the village and don't go anywhere."

"And you, don't think too much, this matter is originally our fault, okay, go back and rest."

After speaking, the old man turned and left.

And Jia's father and mother's expressions changed slightly.

They understood what the clan leader said, that is, when Jia Zhengyu was released from prison after serving his sentence, he would be locked up in the village and not go anywhere.

The latter sentence is to warn them not to have any ideas about the policeman who arrested Jia Zhengyu, that is, Mo Lin.

Jiajia Village

, the clan leader is the village chief and the person with the most say.

No one dared to listen to his words.

So Jia's father and mother could only copy it.

Of course, although they had opinions and complaints about Mo Lin, they did not have the idea of ​​revenge.

Jia's father and mother walked home, but the strange eyes of the relatives around them were like sharp needles piercing their hearts, making them extremely uncomfortable and ashamed.

Seeing his parents' sadness, Jia Zhengliang couldn't help but clench his fists, and his heart was burning with anger.

He was very angry.

Angry about why his brother Jia Zhengyu did such a thing, making their parents unable to raise their heads in the village.

Angry about why Officer Mo refused to let go, obviously his brother Jia Zhengyu already knew he was wrong.

However, no matter how angry he was.

There was no way.

On the other side.

The fact that Jia Zhengyu in Shaanxi was arrested and taken to the police station and then went to prison.

It caused quite a stir in North China.

Because Jia Zhengyu is quite famous here.

He is also quite skilled, whether it is the running palm or the method of controlling objects, he is quite good.

Even many alien forces call Jia Zhengyu a master.

And it is said that even Feng Zhenghao of Tianxiahui wants to invite Jia Zhengyu to join Tianxiahui.

So how come this man went to jail in the blink of an eye?

Even Feng Zhenghao paid a little attention to this matter.

He asked people in the association to investigate it.

And this investigation aroused some interest of Feng Zhenghao.

"A policeman in Chaoyang District of Beijing arrested Jia Zhengyu?"

"After that, Jia Zhengyu attacked in the middle of the night, but was caught again."

"Although Jia Zhengyu's strength is not the top part, he is definitely a good player."

"This policeman named Mo Lin is not simple."


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