It was early morning.

The sun was shining.

Mo Lin got up on time at six o'clock, even though he had only slept for less than six hours.

He felt refreshed and energetic.

"After getting Qi, I feel different from before."

Mo Lin found that he was in a better state than ever before.

Basically since entering high school.

I have never experienced the feeling of having excellent sleep quality and sleeping through the night.

And after becoming a policeman, it was even more so.

"No wonder the average life expectancy of people who have Qi is so much higher than that of ordinary people."

"I don't even dream when I sleep at night."

Mo Lin shook his head slightly.

After a simple wash, he went out for a morning run.

I didn't show off too much, I just ran at a moderate pace for an hour.

After the run.

Mo Lin found that he was still full of energy, and he didn't even sweat.

But his body was much warmer.

"With my current physique, it's not uncommon for me to win the marathon."

"This is only half a year of training."

Mo Lin sighed in his heart, and seeing that the time was almost up, he returned to the rental house and bought breakfast on the way.

After eating, he changed his clothes and went to the police station.

"Good morning, Sister Wen."

As soon as he entered the door, Mo Lin greeted Liu Wen who was yawning at her workstation.

"Good morning."

Liu Wen raised her hand sleepily. Seeing Mo Lin, she couldn't help asking, "Mo Lin, aren't you sleepy? You worked the whole afternoon yesterday, right?"

Mo Lin smiled and said while taking the water, "I slept well last night, so I'm not sleepy."

"That's great..." Liu Wen's eyes were almost overflowing with envy: "I was busy all day yesterday, and I watched TV until 1:30 at night. My eye bags are almost falling to the ground..."

"Hey, Mo Lin, did I just realize that your skin is so good?"

When Mo Lin approached.

Liu Wen opened her eyes wide in surprise.

"Good sleep will naturally improve your skin, Sister Wen, I advise you to stay up less in the future."

Mo Lin looked like he was doing it for your own good.

Liu Wen pouted, "I don't want to stay up either, but what can I do if I don't want to sleep?"

"That's nothing."

Mo Lin shrugged and returned to his seat.

In fact, his skin was not very good before. The north is dry, and he never thought of hand creams like Dabao.

Plus he was exposed to the wind and sun every day.

So his skin was a little rough.

It was just that he got Qi and mastered the Golden Light Mantra.

When he woke up, Mo Lin found that not only was he in good condition, but his skin was no longer dry, and it was more delicate than before.

It made his already high appearance improve a little bit.

"The method of self-cultivation is amazing."

Mo Lin was amazed.

Then he started another full day of work.

It was still a lot of trivial things.

But compared with the past, Mo Lin no longer felt tired, but it was more boring.

But for the police.

Boring work.

It means that the people are safe.

Mo Lin thinks this is good.

However, the daily work of the police is always full of complexity and uncertainty.

For normal people, tomorrow and accidents, usually tomorrow comes first.

But for the police.

Basically, there will be several accidents every day.

"Comrade police, I just passed by an abandoned hospital on Qingnian Road and suddenly heard a loud noise coming from inside."

"Yes, I heard that the hospital was closed in 2007. It can't be haunted..."

"How can it be haunted in broad daylight? If you ask me, there must be young people doing bad things inside. Don't young people like this now?"

"When you say that, I suddenly remembered that my wife and I were in Caogudui..."

Mo Lin was speechless. These old men are quite trendy.

Especially the last one, who was getting more and more outrageous.

He interrupted quickly and said, "Stop, I know a few uncles. How about one of you take me there?"

"Uh... I suddenly remembered that I should pick up my grandson."

"I remembered that the gas at home is not turned off."

"My wife is waiting for me to buy vegetables and cook. Sorry, comrade police."

When Mo Lin asked who should lead the way,

The three old men pretended to be deaf and dumb, looked around, and left with an excuse.

Mo Lin: "..."

Finally, Mo Lin followed the navigation and rode the police electric bicycle to the abandoned hospital on Qingnian Road.

For areas with more complicated road conditions.

They usually ride police bicycles, or

Police electric bicycle.

This makes it lighter and more flexible.

Fortunately, the place is not far away, and it only takes a few minutes to get there.

What caught my eye.

It was a very dilapidated building.

There was no guard at the door.

Mo Lin frowned. Such abandoned places are generally easy to become dens for illegal and criminal activities.

Or homeless people gather.

In short, the probability of accidents is extremely high.

"Is anyone there?"

Mo Lin stopped the car and shouted, but found that no one answered.

Seeing that there was no one around, Mo Lin had no choice but to bend his legs slightly and jump over the iron gate in one jump to the hospital.

If ordinary people saw it, they would definitely stare at it.

Because the iron gate is two meters high.

But Mo Lin just jumped vertically in the same place.

And his feet were at least half a meter away from the iron gate, which is a height of two and a half meters.

This has exceeded the world record for vertical jump in the same place by a lot.

But for Mo Lin.

This is just a little bit ordinary.

After entering the hospital, Mo Lin walked to the dilapidated door of the building, and his face suddenly changed.

Because he smelled a burning smell coming from inside.

"Is someone setting a fire inside?"

Mo Lin looked at the locked door and did not force his way in. Instead, he walked to the side and used the golden light. He jumped to the second floor, stepped on the wall before landing, and then got into the open window on the third floor.

As soon as he entered.

The smell of burning immediately became much stronger.

He opened the door of the ward and came to the corridor. He suddenly heard a collision and a quarrel between two people in the distance of the corridor.

"Sure enough, there are people."

Mo Lin raised his eyebrows and went to the end of the corridor.

The closer he got, the louder the collision and the burning smell.

At the same time, there was a fire.

When he came to the corner, Mo Lin stuck his head out and immediately saw two red-haired people fighting in the hall.

One of the red-haired youths was wearing a tight suit, with flames burning in his hands, burning towards the red-haired man in a white Tang suit on the opposite side.

The red-haired man quickly dodged.

Two spikes attacked him as he waved his hand.


The red-haired youth quickly dodged, his expression becoming more and more angry. Mo Lin was surprised to find that even his eyebrows were red.

"Jia Zhengyu! Apologize to me quickly!"

"Otherwise, don't blame me for going all out!"

The red-haired youth shouted loudly.

Jia Zhengyu took a few steps back and sneered, "Oh? Am I wrong?"

"A sect that only knows how to play with fire is out of date in this era."

"And little fire god, do you dare to burn me with all your strength?"

"Although this is an abandoned hospital, if it really burns and a fire breaks out, you can't afford it."

Hearing the conversation between the two.

Mo Lin's eyes lit up slightly.

Jia Zhengyu, little fire god! ?


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