The two of them were very close, and the two sides were very close.

"I didn't expect Zhang Chulan to agree at this time?"

Xu Si said with a surprised look.

With his experience, he naturally understood that Zhang Chulan called at this time.

It is likely that he wants to join Nadutong.

Xu San also understood this, and he sighed: "Maybe if we talk to him well, he would have come in a long time ago."

"Zhang Chulan is not stupid, but very smart."

Xu San's words made Xu Si look depressed.

Indeed, Xu Si already regretted it at this moment. Although he had not been in contact with Zhang Chulan for a long time, he could see that this 19-year-old teenager was very smart and understood the situation.

Knowing that under the current circumstances, joining Nadutong is his best choice.

At least with Nadutong as a backer, people in the circle will not act recklessly and directly, and safety can be guaranteed.

Since they can think it through, they will join after being given time to consider.

Then what Feng Baobao did was useless except to cause trouble and push Zhang Chulan out.

"This kid really knows better than anyone else. Alas, this is the first time I feel regretful in all these years."

"Maybe I should really change my attitude."

Xu Si threw the cigarette out of the car window, waved his hand to disperse the smoke and said, "Let's go. This kid just said that, probably to grind us, so we satisfy his wish, which can be regarded as compensation."

Xu San looked at Xu Si in surprise: "You have changed a lot."

Xu Si curled his lips: "Hey, there is no need to be surprised. This time Baoer was locked up because of me. If I don't reflect on myself, am I still a human being?"

"Hehe, just for the things you usually teach Baobao, you are not a human being at all."

Thinking of what Feng Baobao said before, Xu San looked at Xu Si with disdain.

Then he started the car and drove towards the address Zhang Chulan said.


"Ding Dong!"

On the way to patrol, Mo Lin heard the phone notification sound in his pocket.

Take out the phone and see the message from Zhang Chulan.

Zhang Chulan: Brother, I went back with Xu Si and the others. The key to the house is under the carpet at the door.

Zhang Chulan: I will work hard to become stronger, and then help more people like you, Brother Mo. Come on.jpg

Seeing the message, Mo Lin smiled, edited a message and sent it.

Mo Lin: OK, I'll wait for that day, send me a message if you have something.

It was sent within two seconds.

Zhang Chulan: Watch me! Just do it.jpg

"This kid."

Mo Lin chuckled and put away his phone.

The auxiliary policeman next to him noticed Mo Lin's expression and asked curiously: "Brother Mo, who are you chatting with?"

"A friend."

Mo Lin smiled.

"Then you must have a very good relationship." The auxiliary police asked curiously: "I saw your smile just now, just like a kind old father."


Hearing this description, Mo Lin couldn't help but take a breath, looking at the auxiliary police and said: "Although I don't deny that there is a little bit, it's not good to say that."

"Hey, what's the big deal."

The auxiliary police waved his hand and said nonchalantly: "When I was in school, there were so many sons adopted in the dormitory and nothing was said. Brother Mo, you are too polite. Friends should treat each other as their own sons."

"Of course, sometimes I will call them godfathers, anyway, I won't suffer any loss, haha."

"Hmm..." Mo Lin stroked his chin and felt that it seemed to make sense.

But then shook his head.

How to get along with friends, everyone has a different answer.

Some friends often contact but don't have a deep relationship.

Some friends contact once every few years, but call each other sons when they meet next time.

Although he had only known Zhang Chulan for a few days, Mo Lin also treated Zhang Chulan as a friend after getting along with him.

First, this child had suffered a lot, and his experience was somewhat similar to his.

Second, Zhang Chulan was not a bad person, but a good person. It was just because of the teachings of his elders that Zhang Chulan was evasive and used to hiding himself under countless masks.

Mo Lin's purpose of contacting Zhang Chulan was not pure. He started with a compensatory attitude.

But after a few days, he found that Zhang Chulan was uneasy, inferior, and lonely.

This made Mo Lin seem to see his former self.

In addition, he also knew some of Zhang Chulan's life experience and what he might suffer in the future.

Therefore, he subconsciously treated Zhang Chulan as his younger brother and took care of him in all aspects.

He smiled and stopped thinking about it.

Mo Lin only hoped that Zhang Chulan could get through better everywhere because of his intervention.

If he really became a policeman in the future and helped more people as Zhang Chulan said, he would be happier.

"Let's go, continue patrolling, and call Sister Wen and the others to have dinner together later."

"Okay, Brother Mo."


In the next few days, Mo Lin lived the same life as usual.

He originally thought that Ren Fei would notify him soon.

But he didn't expect that a week would pass.

There was still no news.

Sometimes Mo Lin wondered if she had found other masters and didn't need his help.

She should have told him in advance.

However, although Ren Fei had no news, Mo Lin received his cultivation income on time at 12 o'clock every morning.

His own skills and the cultivation level of the Fire Escape Method were advancing day by day.

Even faintly, Mo Lin had a sense that the Fire Escape Method had reached a bottleneck.

This was much faster than originally expected.

But it was no wonder.

After all, Mo Lin's daily cultivation gains are much more than before.

On the ninth day after Zhang Chulan returned to Tianjin.

Mo Lin's mobile phone suddenly received a text message.

[At 9 o'clock in the evening, meet at Yandu Yulong Bay, Yan XX Road, Tiantongyuan - Ren Fei]

Seeing this text message, Mo Lin's expression slightly condensed.

Finally here!

The fat man Ping San, nicknamed the Golden Tooth Big Black Bear, hid very well, and it took Nadutong so long to find him.

But there may be other reasons, otherwise it shouldn't take so long to find someone in Beijing.

Mo Lin sent a message back to Ren Fei to indicate that he had received it.

He looked at the current time, it was more than five o'clock in the afternoon.

Because of the heavy workload today, he came to the internal work post to help the internal police sort out and process some information and data.

Fortunately, it will be completed in about an hour at most.

More than an hour later, it was almost seven o'clock.

Mo Lin and other colleagues finally finished their work.

"Thank you for your hard work, Mo Lin. We can do the rest by ourselves. Do you want to have dinner together later?"

"No, I have something to deal with at home. Let's do it tomorrow."

Mo Lin smiled and declined his colleague's offer, then changed into casual clothes and left work.

No mysterious sneaky outfit with a cap and a mask on his head.

Just a white T-shirt and blue jeans.

A head of neat and clean black hair, bright eyes, and distinct and handsome features.

Plus a tall figure that holds up his clothes, and long and straight legs.

He is a sunny and handsome young man.

He attracts the attention of the women around him when he walks on the street.

It was because Mo Lin walked too fast and his inexplicably frightening temperament that no one came forward to ask for WeChat.

And Mo Lin found a restaurant to have a meal.

After paying, he took the subway to the address given by Ren Fei.


I'm really sorry, I just saw where the book review and paragraph comment pointed out that the protagonist was double-standard.

There are indeed problems with the chapters dealing with Xia He, and I changed chapters 49 and 50.

I didn't write it well before.

Before dealing with Xia He's supernatural power, there is no way to put her in prison. The protagonist will not destroy her meridians, but if it is not done well, it will cause death or disability.

And Nadutong is in a state of laissez-faire towards the fighting and killing of supernatural people. As long as it is not serious, does not involve ordinary people, and does not threaten society, it will not deal with the fighting between supernatural people, even if it is a fight between Quanxing and the upright.

So at the beginning of the plot, Xu San could obviously catch Xia He, but he still let her go.

Based on this, I judge that what Xia He did was not bad enough to destroy her meridians.

The protagonist had no choice but to put her in Nadutong, but I didn't write down the idea and reason at the time.

It brought a bad viewing experience to all readers.

I apologize to you here.

Thank you to all the readers who have read this far and are still supporting the young author, thank you.

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