One person: Li Tang’s martial arts body shocked the Heavenly Master

Chapter 034 You control the three corpses to summon the devil, but I awaken the ghost king and am no



As soon as these words came out.

The starry night compass changes suddenly, and the twenty-eight stars shift!

Above the sky, four pillars of light of different colors suddenly flashed out!

And a huge fairy light curtain shrouding the light pillar!

Four beams of light fell from the sky!

Falling impartially behind Li Tiance!

Every beam of light bursts out with terrifying energy!

Blue light beam, red light beam, white light beam, black light beam!

Four light pillars are listed on the top of Longhu Mountain at the same time.

The dazzling light reflected the entire Tianshi Mansion clearly!

Even Xu Si, who led his staff to help the Tianshi Mansion, couldn't help but be stunned by this scene.

Four...light pillars? How many heroic souls are contained in Li Tiance's body of the God of War!

at the same time.

Outside the Tianshi Mansion.

This was also the first time that a group of strangers saw Li Tiance summoning four guardian spirits at the same time!

They all smacked their tongues and looked at Li Tiance surrounded by light beams with disbelief!

Unexpectedly... Donor Li can actually summon four spirits at the same time. He really has a secret in the Luotian Dajiao!

Extraordinary, really extraordinary! No wonder Zhang Chulan would admit defeat that day. It turns out that Li Tiance has such a method!

The four pillars of light and the four guardian spirits are all enemies of ten thousand people. We are so lucky to see this today!

The words have not yet fallen.

The four beams of light dissipated in unison.

Four soldiers of the Tang Dynasty, who looked like ferocious beasts and were as strong as green oxen, came out!


The four divine generals of the Tang Dynasty, with just one step, caused most of the Dragon and Tiger Mountains to shake!

It even made Quan Xingsi go crazy and couldn't help but take a breath of cold air!

Only the Three Corpse Demon Tu Junfang showed no fear at all when he saw these four guardian spirits.

Instead, a wicked smile appeared on his face:

No wonder this guy dares to say such arrogant words, these four divine generals will naturally not take us seriously!

What a pity, Li Tiance, the opponent you met is me, Tu Junfang!

After saying that, Tu Junfang controlled his whole body's energy.

Using his thoughts to transform into a god, he directly unlocked his ability to control the three corpses!

It only takes a moment.

Black energy surged from the bodies of everyone present!

Except for a few high achievers from Longhu Mountain.

On each stranger's body, more or less, large or small monsters appeared with black energy!

What...what's going on? Why is there such a monster in my body?

Xiao Bai, you... there's a pure black bat coming out of your belly! What's going on!

I feel so uncomfortable. I feel like my body is out of control! Help me, who can help me!

Dozens of strangers stood behind Li Tiance.

Almost in an instant, Tu Junfang controlled the three corpses on his body!

These abundant combat powers of one's own side immediately turned into a sharp sword in the hands of the omnipotent demon.

Tu Junfang spit out a trace of black Qi from his mouth, and said with provocation in his eyes:

Li Tiance, I didn't call your three corpses.

Today I will first let you experience the horror of the desires of the general public!

Wait until tonight is over!

I want to capture you back to your full self and slowly uncover your secrets!

The words just fell.

Tu Junfang then controlled the three corpses of all strangers present and attacked Li Tiance like crazy!

But under the barrier formed by four ridiculously strong guardian spirits.

The three scattered corpses controlled by Tu Junfang could not cause any harm to Li Tiance at all.

See this.

Tu Junfang took a deep breath, and he used both hands to fuse the three corpses of all the strangers present!

Three corpses were originally the size of one person.

It is also in the process of integration.

Crazy expansion!

Double, ten times, a hundred times!

When the three corpses of dozens of strangers gathered together.

An aggregation of three corpses with a terrifying and strange appearance, exuding an unpleasant stench, suddenly appeared in front of Li Tiance!

Li Tiance, for some reason, I can't absorb the three corpses of these guardian spirits!

The secret in you really excites me!

With the company and the strangers from Longhu Mountain acting as a base, it’s enough to deal with you!

Three Corpse Demon Gods, Stage 1!


Tu Junfang roared!

The three corpse demon gods, who were a head taller and more powerful than the guardian spirits, staggered towards Li Tiance and attacked!

The three corpse demon gods set off hurricanes with just their own bodies!

The so-called demon god's true energy is so filthy that it makes people sick to their stomachs!

Even the four guardian spirits guarding Li Tiance.

They also clenched the sharp weapons in their hands and couldn't help but stand ready!

Li Tiance didn't expect that the real strength of Sanzitu Junfang was so powerful!

Summon five guardian spirits at the same time.

Li Tiance's own true energy consumption has also reached a critical point!

The strength of the guardian spirit is closely related to the person who sends it.

Li Tiance's true energy supply is insufficient, and the strength of the four guardian spirits will be greatly reduced!

As the three corpse demons got closer and closer, Li Tiance also shouted:

Tu Junfang's blow is no small matter. Four Yingwu of the Tang Dynasty, help me withstand it!


The four guardian spirits shouted in unison, protecting Emperor Tang with a death wish!

At the critical moment.

The light curtain that was hovering on Longhu Mountain finally slowly fell down.

A stream of immortal Qi surged up.

The only divine martial spirit.

The first generation of bad handsome men.

The Imperial Master of the Tang Dynasty.

Yuan Tiangang!

Finally appeared in front of Li Tiance.

It's not that Yuan Tiangang is late!

The subordinates deprived others of their superpowers for Emperor Tang, which cost a lot of money!

I shouldn’t have taken action tonight!

But in order to protect the lineage of the Tang Emperor, my subordinates are willing to burn their lives to add another touch of Tiangang's energy to the Great Wall of Heroes of the Tang Dynasty!


The words just fell.

A golden Tiangang Qi was poured directly into the bodies of the four martial spirits!

The four guardian spirits immediately surged in energy and were ready to go!


The next second.

A loud bang!

The three corpse demon gods controlled by Tu Junfang crashed into him!

The four heroic souls of the Tang Dynasty are like a city wall of flesh and blood!

What was forcible was the three corpses of the demon god that were condensed into the three corpses that resisted these dozens of strangers!

When Tu Junfang saw this, he shouted gloomily:


Li Tiance, the true energy in your body is visibly passing away!

I want to see how long you can endure in the face of the embodiment of human nature and desire!

Tu Junfang's true energy is strange, and the attack of the three corpses is quite terrifying!

Although Li Tiance's warrior god body has extraordinary combat power.

But if we fight a war of attrition.

Li Tiance couldn't bear it!

A quick victory is the only way for Li Tiance to win!

Right now.

A burst of cold electronic sound also instantly penetrated Li Tiance's ears:

Ding! Checked by the system!

The host already has 4 human martial spirits and 1 divine martial spirit as a guardian spirit!

Among the 4 human martial spirits, 3 have 100% proficiency in martial arts!

Congratulations to the host for successfully obtaining the power of the Ghost King!

Excuse me, host, which human martial spirit do you want to bestow the power of the Ghost King on?

Damn it!

Dog system!

Well done!

Li Tiance was a little exhausted, but he still pointed to Li Yuan at the front and said:

Give the power of the ghost king to the human martial spirit Li Yuanba!

Ding! The system has given the power of the Ghost King to Li Yuanba!

I hope the host will dominate the alien world as soon as possible!

Say it.

The system panel disappears.


The next second.

A faint white air came out of thin air.

Unconsciously, he got into Li Yuanba's armor.

Li Yuanba, who was still fighting against the three corpses, suddenly turned red!

The veins in his arms popped out, and the armor made of spirit body was directly shattered by Li Yuanba!

That roaring, disgusting, and extremely oppressive three-corpse demon god!

In an instant, Li Yuanba was knocked over on the spot by one man's crazy criticism!

The demon was beaten back to its original shape on the spot!

The huge three-corpse demon god shrunk to half in an instant!


Tu Junfang was attacked by the three corpses and spat out a mouthful of blood: What!?

This...this is the Three Corpse Demon God, how could it be reversed in an instant!

What trick did you use? What kind of magic was used!

Tu Junfang's heart trembled, and his face was full of surprise!

Li Tiance, on the other hand, took a breath and showed a faint smile:

Tu Junfang, I am destiny.

If you can control the devil, I can create the true god!

Li Yuanba, the Ghost King is at full strength!

Cut that black devil of death into pieces!

Beat that gesticulating Tu Junfang into a pulp!

It’s time for this farce of all-sexual monsters to end!

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