The more you look at the picture, the more you will see.

"Domain magic, infinite space!?"

Hundreds of strange people at the scene heard this.

There was a look of astonishment in their eyes.

"What kind of magic is this? Why have I never heard of it after traveling in the alien world for many years?"

"Hiss... The power of the domain sounds mysterious. Could it be the secret method of Quanzhen Sect!"

"It's hard to say. Looking at the entire Chinese alien world, whose magic can make Senior Lu Jin embarrassed?"

"Little Master, what school is this domain magic you are talking about?"

"Yes, little master, we don't want to delve into the mystery, but you should tell us where this magic comes from!"

"Source? This magic was realized by the little master himself, so he himself is the source."

"So stupid... There is no alien in this world who can realize the skills out of thin air, unless the little master is..."

"The little master seems to be a congenital alien. Could it be that the power of the domain is really..."

Accompanied by hundreds of audiences at the scene, they were discussing.

Zhang Tianyi's slightly upturned mouth corners even more perfectly curved.

[After system detection, the host successfully shocked the alien with his strength! ]

[Acting degree +1]

[Acting degree +1]

[Acting degree...]

Just by showing the basic usage of the Blue Eyes and the Infinite Space.

The acting degree of the Six-Eyed Sukuna template was raised to thirty-seven points!

At present, only three points of acting degree are left.

I can advance to another level in this arena.

And the corresponding is.

Get a god-level item, or a brand new spell!

Every leap in acting degree.

It is a sign of my soaring strength.

It is a big step towards revenge!

The momentum is strong now.

Naturally, I have to take advantage of this momentum.

Directly raise the acting degree of Six-Eyed Sukuna to forty points.

It is the best strategy!

"Since you have asked questions, I will answer them.

The source of this infinite space is indeed the master himself!

However, the ability of this infinite space is a new method that the master has realized from the Quanzhen technique!"


As soon as these words came out.

There was an uproar at the scene.

Lu Jin sat down again and dusted off the dust on his suit.

With a slightly complicated expression, he said to the old Taoist priest beside him:

"Old Taoist priest, you are too unkind.

Junior Brother Tianyi is so sharp, why do you let me go up and embarrass myself?"

"Old Lu, don't put all the blame on me.

It's obviously you who is like a happy rabbit."

Hearing this, the old Taoist priest just held back his laughter and waved his hand.

And in the corner on the other side of the stands.

Several Quanxing monsters disguised as ordinary aliens.

However, they became very interested in what Zhang Tianyi said.

Especially one of the four madmen who participated in the Quanzhen massacre that year - the root of trouble, Shen Chong.

There was an intriguing greed in his eyes when he looked at Zhang Tianyi.

"Innate extraordinary people can comprehend new methods from acquired magic.

This is the first time I have heard of it, Old Xia, have there been similar examples before?"

A bearded uncle with a special charm, his old face slightly reddened, asked Xia Liuqing beside him.

Xia Liuqing, a famous Quanxing master, shook his head decisively after hearing this:

"Zhang Tianyi is clearly talking nonsense.

There has been no such example from ancient times to the present.

The supernatural powers of innate extraordinary people are unique in the world.

How can it have anything to do with acquired magic?"

"If so, what is the reason for this young master to lie?"

The bearded uncle disguised by Xia He continued to ask.

Xia Liuqing was silent for a moment, and shook his head in confusion.

Hearing this, the troublemaker Shen Chong took over and said:

"It must be to cover up the true origin of the Infinite Void.

However, we have taken away all the skills we could find during the bloodbath of Quanzhen.

Every corner has been searched very carefully, and it is unlikely that there are any omissions.

This Infinite Void is definitely not the secret method of Quanzhen.

So, there is only one possibility.

Zhang Tianyi has a secret that is comparable to the entire Quanzhen sect!"

Xia He smiled slightly when he heard this, and then said softly:

"In that case, I will go to the head of the sect right now.

Tell him to list Zhang Tianyi as the first target of this operation!"


At the same time.

In the center of the arena.

Looking at the reaction of the audience.

Zhang Tianyi's eyes flashed with a hint of pride.

He raised his voice and shouted again:

"As for the ability of this infinite space.

According to common sense, it should not be announced to the world.

But my Dragon Tiger is a famous and upright sect, and we act in an open manner!

Since this has been opened today, I, the master, will make it clear!

This infinite space is the power of the domain.

Only with a stronger domain power, or a hundred times more true qi than mine, can it be broken from the inside!

This technique can break time and space!

It is my world!

Anyone who wants to enter will die!"


As soon as these words came out.

All the strange people at the scene were stunned!

If what Zhang Tianyi said is true.

The infinite space can break time and space.

It is a domain that belongs entirely to Zhang Tianyi.

And it can only be solved by domain or a hundred times true qi.

Then wouldn't he be nearly invincible in his own level?

After all.

Throughout the entire Chinese alien world, who else has the power of the domain?

How many rare beings have the true Qi that is a hundred times stronger than Zhang Tianyi?

And at this moment.

Standing high in the stands, Yaoxing President Qu Tong finally widened his eyes.

"Infinite space, the power of the domain, can cut off time and space?

Who exactly is Zhang Tianyi?

Could it be that he is the descendant of Gu Qiting of Daluodongguan back then!?"

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