"I found you, Baby!"

These thought-provoking words seemed to have sentenced this evil guy to death.

After a moment of stunned silence, the latter replied:

"Humph, I didn't expect you to change again!"

Hearing this, Wukong sneered:

"I'm sorry, I'm completely different now!" As soon as he finished speaking, a flash of lightning suddenly spread out, instantly destroying the computer next to him.

Then, he looked at Bulma, who had now completely transformed into a demon, as if she regarded the Saiyan group as a thorn in her side. He subconsciously frowned, and anger rose in his heart:

"As expected, it's all your fault!"

"Baby, I will never let you off easily!" As soon as the words fell, the battle between the two was about to break out.

At this time, in the chat group of strangers:

【Zhang Chulan: I bet 10,000 Senzu beans that Wukong will definitely win!】

【Canglong: I’ll give you 20,000!】

【Zhuge Qing: The two of you above, even if you want to gamble, you need to have Senzu Beans. Besides, how can Wukong lose in this situation?���It's a whole leap forward!】

【Lu Linglong: A small stool, some popcorn, and wait for Baby to be beaten into a melon!】

【Xu Si: Elegant, so elegant!】

【Xu San: In fact, the outcome of this battle is very easy to infer. Although there is a big gap in combat power between the original Super Saiyan 3 and Baby, it will definitely not exceed three times. However, after the previous strengthening by the gorilla, Goku's combat power at this time is at least ten times that of Super Saiyan 3. The result is already obvious!】

【Xiao Xiao: So, let’s just watch quietly, this guy will be beaten into a paste soon!】

【Wang Zhenqiu: How much is a serving of popcorn? By the way, give me a small stool so I can sit down and watch the show!】


Similarly, when the fight really started, Baby realized that the last Super Saiyan in front of him had such a huge increase in combat power!

At the beginning, Baby was really suppressing Goku.

For some reason, Goku never fought back and just endured his fierce punches for dozens of times.

It was not until Baby was tired that Goku sneered and slowly spoke:

"I'm sorry, even I can't believe that I'm this strong!"

While speaking, he wiped the corner of his mouth and said something even more arrogant:

"Those punches you threw made me itch to death!"

This was an unforgivable insult to both Baby and Vegeta.

So, in anger, the latter once again soared into the air, put his hands together, and slammed down heavily.

This blow hit Wukong, knocking him out, and raising a burst of sand and rocks on the ground.

After the smoke cleared, Wukong slowly climbed up.

But he was still safe and sound.

There was not even a scar on his body.

This scene also made Baby completely doubt his life:

"How...how could this happen!"

"Then I'll let you try this!"

""Revenge Death Bomb!"

As soon as he finished speaking, he immediately threw the black light ball that he had just gathered down with force.

The huge dark energy had already set off a huge wave even before it touched the ground.

But even so, Goku did not dodge at all.

He just watched quietly as the so-called revenge death bomb approached him, and at the moment of contact, it instantly swallowed him up.

The next second, the aftermath of the huge explosion seemed to overturn the entire planet completely!

This scene also made several gods in the Kaioshin Realm break out in a cold sweat, fearing that something would happen to Goku in this explosion.

Even Baby, at a certain moment, felt that he had successfully defeated this dead monkey.

Unfortunately, when the smoke cleared,

Goku stood in the deep pit with his hands behind his back. Even though the ground around him had completely collapsed, his position was like bamboo shoots after a spring rain, standing firm.

"How could it be!"

This scene also completely shocked Baby.

He never thought that the fatal blow he released with all his strength would not cause any damage to the opponent. This was simply unimaginable.

But the reality appeared in front of him.

He had to believe that this man's strength had surpassed him by a lot!


【Alien chat group】

【Lu Linglong: Wow, the look in Goku’s eyes just now was so handsome that it made me sick. Why would such a handsome person exist in the Dragon Ball world? I feel so unbalanced!】

【Zhuge Qing: When you have tried everything and still cannot hurt your opponent at all, you should realize that the gap between you and him has reached a certain level!】

【Wang Ye: Yeah, we’re just playing. When I see Baby’s expression as if he had eaten a thickened version of feces, I want to laugh!】

【Xiao Xiao: Master Wang, you are good at using metaphors!】

【Zhi Jinhua: Although it looks really cool, but my logic tells me that Wukong should change his reckless behavior, otherwise he will easily get into danger!】

【Zhang Chulan: Let me not talk too much, let me enjoy it for a while, let me see how this Minotaur will be abused next!

Although it does sound a bit inappropriate for Zhang Chulan to call Baby a Minotaur, if you think about it carefully, this name is indeed very vivid.

After all, this is a guy who robs the body and loves to play dirty tricks.

So, it is not an exaggeration to say so.

It's a pity that at this time, our Minotaur has completely collapsed.

Even silently, he actually used the signature tactics of this body, the Prince's tactics, and bombarded Wukong with countless Qigong waves.

It was as if he had fallen into madness.

And Wukong responded to him with only one punch.

But this punch hit him hard in the abdomen, making him feel unprecedented pain for the first time.

Next, when he turned around, he found that a big hand had covered his cheek.

In an instant, the air cannon surged out.

And without exception, all of them hit Baby, and directly blew him away!

Then, he started to beat him unilaterally, hitting him hard one after another, just like hitting a sandbag.

The pain was just like Zhu Bajie eating ginseng fruit.

After Ying received the last punch, Baby fell down again and smashed a deep hole in the ground.

However, when he slowly stood up, he sneered:

"I think you forgot one thing!"

"From the very beginning, the one you tortured was not me, but your friend, Vegeta!"

"Forget it, it doesn’t matter. No matter what you do, you can’t cause me any harm. In the end, the only thing that will be hurt is this body!"

But Wukong only responded to him with one sentence:

"You think you understand the Saiyans, but you don't. Every time a Saiyan fights, he becomes braver and braver!"

Baby sneered at this:

"Humph, a Saiyan from the fighting nation?" He then turned around and threw out a purple light bullet, as if he wanted to turn the tide of the battle with this move.

However, Goku broke it with one hand, ending his last hope.

However, Baby's words just now made everyone in the live broadcast room feel a little worried...

Hmm... Is it really worry?

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