It must be said that Feng Shayan's prediction was correct.

On this trip, Bulma, Krillin, Gohan and the other two encountered difficulties from the beginning. They were fooled by two aliens pretending to be Namekians.

Fortunately, they escaped without any danger.

Finally, they arrived at Namek.

Compared with the earth, Namek is really desolate, with only hills and lakes.

As for the houses where these Namekians live, they are completely hemispherical and look very simple.

It's a pity that they didn't expect that in addition to them, this planet had already had two powerful enemies in advance, and their purpose was also to find the Dragon Ball!

One of them was the Saiyan Vegeta they had seen before!

And the other one was a person who made the dignified North King full of fear!

【Feng Baobao: What is the universe emperor Frieza? Is he very powerful?】

【Zhuge Qing: Excuse me, this guy looks very weird and very short. How did he become the emperor of the universe?】

【Lu Linglong: But these guys work so fast that they have found the four dragon balls before Krillin and Gohan arrive. If this continues, Gohan and the others might not make it in time!】

【Zhang Lingyu: This man called Frieza doesn't seem to have any aura, I can't feel how strong or weak he is!】

【Bai Shixue: But I can always feel that this guy has an inexplicable evil aura. Don't tell me that this is Goku's final opponent! 】

In general.

For these aliens across the big screen, their first impression of the king is mainly based on his appearance. They don't have a specific understanding of his fighting ability.

But next.

The king used actual actions to embody a perfect villain to the fullest!

When finding the first four dragon balls.

Frieza has figured out the rules here, that is, there are about a hundred Namekians on this planet, and every ten of them are distributed in a village.

As for those dragon balls.

They are guarded by each village, and the seven dragon balls are distributed in ten villages and guarded by seven elders.

Since Frieza has obtained four dragon balls, it means that he has at least successfully destroyed four villages and killed nearly forty Namekians!

And when facing the next village, these unarmed Namekians.

He introduced very elegantly:

"My name is Frieza, and I'm collecting what you call Dragon Balls!"

"Long story short, where did everyone else go?"

"According to my investigation, there should be ten of you!"

Facing the silence of these Namekians, he sneered.

In the most beautiful tone, he said the cruelest words:

"In the last village, the elder wanted me to follow the rules he told me and refused to give them to me, so I accidentally killed him!"

"So you guys want this too?"

These words completely angered the Namekian elder in front of him:

"You, how could you do this!"

The people behind him said:

"Give up, even if we die, we will never give you the Dragon Balls!"

Unfortunately, the next second, under Frieza's order, a green warrior named Sabo beside him leaped up and flashed behind the great elder. In just a few seconds, he killed the other two old men in a cruel way!

Coincidentally, Krillin and Gohan, who followed them, were also trembling with anger because of this scene.

Especially Gohan.

He was still a five-year-old child, born with a sense of justice. When he saw innocent people being killed, he immediately pounded the ground and said angrily:

"How abominable!"

Klin on the side warned:

"Gohan, suppress your anger, or you will be discovered!"

On the battlefield below, even though two of his fellow tribesmen had died, the elder still refused to hand over the Dragon Ball.

So under Frieza's order, another purple warrior, Dodoria, aimed directly at the other two Namek children.

Fortunately, at this time, the adult Namekians who went out to farm rushed back as soon as possible.

And fought bravely with the soldiers brought by Frieza, and soon killed most of them.

Unfortunately, facing this terrifying warrior Dodoria, they were no match at all, so one by one, they died in his brutal offensive.

And at Frieza's request, they died miserably!

In the end, in order to protect the two children, the elder had no choice but to hand over the Dragon Ball.

Unfortunately, Frieza's next words made him collapse:

"very good!"

"In that case, please tell me the location of the other two dragon balls!"

""Otherwise, I will still kill you all!"

But this has touched the elder's bottom line.

Seeing that he would never betray his people,

Dodoria had lost her patience, so she stepped forward and broke the elder's neck with a smile on her face, like a demon from hell, with no mercy for mortals!

Even the two children, one of them was killed, and fell to the ground and turned into charcoal after being hit by a laser cannon.

The other Namek child was crying and shaking the dead child's body.

He kept shouting:


"Karu, wake up!"

"Don't die!"


【Alien chat group】

【Zhuge Qing: (Angry) These people are such beasts that they actually attacked innocent villagers and children just to satisfy their own selfish interests!】

【Zhi Jinhua: The most terrifying bad guys are the polite ones. This man named Frieza is definitely a terrifying and powerful enemy!】

【Bai Shiyuki: But in this case, wouldn’t Goku be in danger? He is now on the spaceship flying to Namek, and it will only take six days to arrive!】

【Wang Ye: This is the first time I’m so angry. These guys are even more cruel and ruthless than the Saiyans!】

【Lu Linglong: Wait, what is Gohan going to do? No way, is he going to go down to save people? 】

In the video... when he saw the purple fat man preparing to attack the last Namekian child,

Gohan, who had been forbearing, could no longer control his emotions.

So he immediately stood up and roared:

"Stop it!"

Then he rushed down at a very fast speed and kicked Dodoria away.

On the other side, Krillin saw that the situation was not good, so he immediately flew down from the other side, picked up the surviving Namek cub, and then said to Gohan:

"Gohan, let's go!"

After the latter reacted, he nodded quickly.

Then he also flew into the sky with Krillin.

"They don't seem to be Namekians?"

Seeing this scene, Frieza secretly guessed.

And Dodoria, who had just been kicked down, immediately jumped up and chased after Krillin and Gohan!

But on the way, he met another Saiyan he didn't want to see.……!

【Alien chat group】

【Dragon Ball World: Vegeta joins the group chat! 】

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