However, what everyone didn't expect was that after finding out that he was no match for Piccolo,

Frieza didn't show any nervousness, but laughed again.

He also said that he still had two more chances to transform!

This statement also shocked everyone present.

【Xiao Xiao: He...what did he say, he still has two chances to transform, what does that mean?】

【Wang Ye: Transformed twice... That means he still hasn't used his full strength!】

【Shiraishi Yuki: In that case, wouldn't Piccolo be in danger?】

【Zhang Chulan: Is this fun? A group of martial artists met a cheater!】

【Zhang Lingyu: So terrifying! 】

In the horrified eyes of the crowd, he began to transform horribly again!

The third transformation, Frieza completely turned into a monster, but his fighting power was indeed improved a lot, from being suppressed by Piccolo to directly developing to beating Piccolo!

This growth stunned everyone.

And Frieza seemed to be very bored.

So he proposed an idea again.

That is to turn himself into the fourth stage, and then kill everyone in the most terrifying way!

Under his call, his body as the third stage gradually began to break.

And the airflow around him also changed again, becoming more messy and manic, as if it resonated with this powerful force.

Once he successfully turned into the fourth stage, no one present would be his opponent!

When Vegeta learned that the Namek cub Dandy could heal any dying people. But he suddenly had an idea.

If his healing function can be combined with the characteristics of the Saiyans, can he make his strength increase again to resist Frieza's final stage.

So he turned around and grabbed Krillin's collar and said:

"Little bald head, you should understand too!"

"Every time we Saiyans come back from the brink of death, we become stronger!"

"So listen to me, before Frieza transforms for the last time, you have to beat me half to death!"

Faced with Krillin's inaction, he continued to urge:

"What's wrong? Hurry up and do it!"

"I will reduce my power to the minimum, so that you will have enough strength to hurt me. If you don't do it, we will have no chance at all!"

At Vegeta's urging

, Krillin was forced to close his eyes and send out a Qigong wave, which penetrated Vegeta's body.

Vegeta fell down with a happy face, and forced himself to cover his wound and walked to Dandy, asking him to treat his wound.

Unfortunately, he overlooked one thing.……


【Canglong: I'm dying of laughter, Dandy said, you killed so many of our tribesmen, I won't give you treatment!】

【Zhuge Qing: Lao Bei, debts owed must be repaid!】

【Feng Shayan: That should be the bald guy’s peak moment!】

【Zhang Chulan: Actually, I am more curious, why didn't Krillin use Qi Yuan Zhan to attack him? (smirk)】

【Xu Si: @Zhang Chulan, I find that you really don't like being a human being. All Vegeta wants is to be on the verge of death. You asked Krillin to use the Ki Yuan Slash in order to kill him!】

【(Dragon Ball) Krillin: Actually, I do have this idea!】

【(Dragon Ball) Vegeta: Mr. Zhang, don't let me meet you! 】

Fortunately, after a round of persuasion from Krillin and Gohan, in order to consider the overall situation, Dendy still chose to help Vegeta with his treatment.

And as Vegeta's injuries healed,

Frieza also successfully completed the final transformation.

Compared with the third stage, his height and body shape in the fourth stage are similar to the first stage, except that the horns on his head are gone, replaced by a round bald head.

At the same time, the pressure he gives people has become more terrifying.

The first thing Frieza did after the transformation was a wave of light, which blasted Dendy, who had been healing everyone's injuries, into charcoal!

"You are unforgivable!"

Seeing Dante's death,

Krillin and Gohan's anger levels immediately reached their maximum, so they both attacked Frieza in his final stage, but he dodged them one by one.

Even with the addition of Piccolo, it was still useless.

Fortunately, Vegeta had completed the final upgrade.

So he immediately stood in front of Frieza and said coldly to the others:

"You're just getting in the way here!"

""Get away from me, open your eyes and watch carefully!"

Similarly, after a round of verbal attacks, the two strongest people finally started the final battle.


【Alien chat group】

【Zhang Chulan: The sky is clear, the rain has stopped, and Vegeta feels like he's fine again!】

【Canglong: Don’t say that. At least in the first three seconds, His Royal Highness the Prince was absolutely invincible!】

【(Dragon Ball) Vegeta: You two bastards, I'm going to let you feel what the limits of a Saiyan are!】

【Bai Shixue: My Wukong hasn't come out yet, you'd better stay where you want!】

【(Dragon Ball) Chi-Chi: I'm still here, pay attention!】

【Lu Linglong: But you know what, I really hope Vegeta wins, so that Goku won't have to continue to get hurt, but for now, I feel that the prince will lose! 】

Although they are competing in strength, the aliens at this time have long been left far behind by the combat power of the Dragon Ball world.

But they have not fallen behind in one thing.

That is eyesight.

Through basic measurements of the breath bursting out of both sides' bodies, everyone finally came to a conclusion.

That is, Vegeta's combat power at this time is at most equivalent to Frieza's third form!

But if he faces Frieza now. He will definitely be beaten. And this is exactly the case. At the beginning, Vegeta could still fight Frieza for a few rounds, and they were evenly matched! It's a pity that when Frieza was in full state, Vegeta went from being evenly matched to being evenly matched.

���Instantly became disadvantaged, completely reduced to being beaten by Frieza.

That's right, even if Vegeta completed the near-death reinforcement again.

Compared with the current perfect Frieza, it is still far behind.

And it seems to be because of the previous resentment.

Or maybe it's just fun!

After defeating Vegeta.

Frieza did not kill him immediately, but wrapped his tail tightly around his neck, sneering:

"Next, you will see something more terrifying than hell!" As soon as he finished speaking, he threw a punch.

This punch hit Vegeta's back, causing him to spit out blood and look like he was in great pain.

But Frieza enjoyed it.

As he kept punching, Vegeta's body was hit by terrible blows again and again, and he had completely become Frieza's toy.

This might be the real beating!

At the same time, his miserable appearance also made the other people in the chat group feel fear again:

【Zhuge Qing: Although I knew Vegeta would lose, I didn't expect that he would lose so completely!】

【Wang Ye: Just looking at it makes my waist ache!】

【Feng Xingtong: This is what we call a real beating!】

【Lu Ci: But this guy has never admitted defeat. He is a real man. It’s not easy!】

【Lu Jin: The hatred of having our homes destroyed is irreconcilable. No one would tolerate such a thing!】

【Xu Si: But in this case, Vegeta is probably in danger! 】

Fortunately, at this time, another familiar breath finally walked out of the recuperation area.

At the same time, Lu Linglong also felt the appearance of this breath.

So he quickly typed:

【Great, Wukong is finally healed!】

【As long as he is here, we can definitely kill this evil monster.……!】

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