The first person to suffer in this incident of the androids was Yamcha.

In the encounter with Androids 19 and 20, he was mistaken for Sun Wukong. Then, he was strangled by Android 20's head without any resistance and his palm pierced through his chest.

It was really miserable.

Faced with the destruction of a city and Yamcha's serious injury,

Wukong turned into a Super Saiyan again in anger and started the first battle with the androids!


【Alien chat group】

【Wang Ye: I didn’t expect that this guy has been using the surveillance system to capture Wukong’s movements. It seems that they have a big grudge against Wukong!】

【Xu Si: After all, it is a product of the Red Ribbon Army!】

【Zhuge Qing: Now I am even more doubtful about how Frieza became the emperor of the universe. Any random android is stronger than him!】

【Canglong: If humans had this technology, they would have ruled the world long ago!】

【Zhang Chulan: But this battle was really frustrating to watch!】

【Hibiscus: Indeed!

To be honest, if Goku really relies on his full strength, his current combat power is definitely above these two androids, and he may not lose even if he fights 1 against 2.

It's a pity.

Perhaps because of the excessive use of the Kaio-ken before, his chronic heart disease can only be suppressed by drugs, but there is no way to cure it completely.

And now, in the process of building Android 19, his heart disease broke out again!

But fortunately, when Goku was about to lose and his energy was absorbed by Android 19, Vegeta, who arrived in time, relied on the power of jealousy and anger towards Goku to become a Super Saiyan.

And because he was not suffering from illness, he defeated Android 19 very easily.

As for Android 20, his combat power is weaker than Android 19.

He can't even beat Piccolo, which is really a shame for the androids. It seems that he is not a fighting material at all!

It's as if this crisis has ended before it even began.

Similarly, this also makes the aliens in the crowd very confused:

【(Dragon Ball) Vegeta: Hahaha, I finally surpassed Kakarot. I am the true Saiyan prince and the strongest Saiyan!】

【Zhuge Qing: @Vegeta, Old Vegeta, please don’t say anything. I am very confused now. Could it be that these two guys are the two very scary androids that Trunks mentioned?】

【Wang Ye: Although No. 19 defeated Goku, that was only a lucky victory because Goku had a heart disease. But then he lost to Vegeta. Even No. 20 was beaten by Piccolo. This is too weird!】

【Er Zhuang: The information just now was a little wrong. Now it seems that these two people may not be stronger than Frieza!】

【Lu Linglong: So, has history really changed, or is Trunks exaggerating?】

【Orihime: I still feel like something is not quite right. The androids Trunks talked about are not the same as the two we have now!】

【Shiraishi: I am confused!

Although the combat level in the Dragon Ball world is far higher than that in the alien world, the aliens in the chat group are still sharp-eyed and quickly concluded that the combat power of these two androids is about the same as that of Frieza, or even worse than that of Frieza.

For a moment, they all fell into deep thought.

Until Trunks came back from the future again.

He said something that shocked everyone:

"No...that's not right!"

"How can this be!"

"The two androids who will destroy the world in the future are not them at all!"

These words also made the soldiers confused.

Could it be that, apart from these two, there are other androids?

Seeing that his identity had been discovered, Trunks no longer concealed it, but told the truth about Androids 17 and 18.

In his memory, Android 17 was a boy with long black hair and a scarf around his neck, and Android 18 was a cute girl with a similar dress to Trunks.

Both of them had cold eyes and round earrings, which could be distinguished by careful observation.

The key is that they are not the type that absorb energy.

Instead, they have endless energy.

These two people are the real opponents of the big guys!

It's a pity that just now, Android 20, that is, Dr. Gallo who created the androids, had fled back to his base.

And when everyone came, he released Androids 17 and 18.

But what he didn't expect was that

Androids 17 and 18 mentioned by Dr. Gallo were two completely disobedient products.

Not only did Android 17 destroy Dr. Gallo's controller, he also released a guy that even Dr. Gallo himself was afraid of, Android 16!

" must not activate him!"

"This artificial man is very scary!"

"I am the one who created you. Don’t you even listen to what I say?"

Dr. Gero, who was pushed to the limit, seemed to try to wake up No. 17 and No. 18 with words.

Unfortunately, his call only had the opposite effect.

Perhaps he was tired of this old man.

Android 17 took advantage of him and punched him, even twisted his head off, and crushed him with one foot, completely destroying Dr. Gero, who had become a android!

As for Android 16, although he looked muscular and very strong, he was silent and very interested in nature.

In general, he didn't look like an evil android, but a normal human who loved life!

And their goals were surprisingly unified.

They were born to kill Goku!

Vegeta, who had become stronger, didn't take the threat of these androids seriously at all, but felt that his power was superior to these androids.

So, regardless of Trunks's dissuasion, he insisted on finding the androids and fighting them.

But facing his threats, the androids didn't take it seriously at all.

Android 17 even said bluntly:

"It seems that being too conceited is a characteristic of Saiyans, and the same is true for Son Goku. Those who are incapable but try to be heroes will probably not live long!" How could Vegeta, the prince of the Saiyans, accept this insult so easily?

So he immediately retorted:

"shut up!"

"As a puppet, you dare to talk nonsense. I will make sure that your body is not intact!"

"Who of you will die first?"

"The cocky kid, the girl, or the big guy?"

"Or do I have to send all of you to hell in one breath!"

Faced with his arrogant words.

Even the androids couldn't stand it.

So, Android 18 came out helplessly and acted as Vegeta's first opponent.

In the following time, he started a fierce battle with the rampant Vegeta...!

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