In his self-introduction,

Piccolo knew that this guy was also a man-made man, but he came to the past through a time machine from the future. His name was Cell, but the energy in his body was terribly chaotic.

It seemed that he possessed the energy of many warriors, even Goku's energy.

He could even use the Kamehameha wave, which was exclusive to the Kame-ryu!

His strength was not inferior to that of No. 17.

Fortunately, Piccolo had just merged with the God and became a Super Namekian. His current strength was the strongest among all the warriors.

So he was not inferior to Cell at all.

However, Cell was also a man without martial ethics.

While harassing Piccolo with Kamehameha, he suddenly came behind Piccolo and poked his tail into Piccolo's arm.

And absorbed the energy and genes in his body!

Although Piccolo finally broke free from his restraints, his arm had completely shrunk!


【Alien chat group】

【Zhang Lingyu: Although this monster is scary, with his current abilities, he should be no match for Piccolo!】

【Shiraishi Xue: Maybe Piccolo was ambushed by him?】

【Orihime: But Piccolo can regenerate his cells, so why would he surrender to this monster? I really can’t understand!】

【Zhuge Qing: Didn't you realize that Piccolo was acting? It wasn't until this statement came out that everyone seemed to see the moon after the clouds parted, and they understood instantly:

【Zhang Chulan: I was wondering, how could Piccolo, a super Namekian, lose to this guy? Turns out he was trying to get information!】

【Xu San: You are indeed a professional movie star!】

【Lu Linglong: But his trick is really effective. After being bombarded by him, this cockroach actually confessed everything about himself! 】

In the video... when Piccolo admitted defeat in a dress and lamented that he was not as good as Cell, the latter seemed to be immersed in the joy of victory, so he told all his situation:

"Hahaha, I'm very happy. After absorbing this level of your power, I will be one step closer to my complete form!"

"You must be honored to be able to help me become a perfect body!"

Piccolo took advantage of the situation and asked:

"Before you become complete, I want to ask you a question?"

"Who are you?"

"Why are Goku and Frieza so angry?"

"And you can also perform Kamehameha waves!"

Seeing Piccolo's face covered with cold sweat at this time, it seemed that he was about to reach the end of his life.

Especially one of his arms was completely disabled and could no longer fight against himself.

Cell felt that he was no longer a threat, so he told the truth.

It turned out that he was created by a large computer that Dr. Gero had used for a long time.

A long time ago, Dr. Gero began to collect cells from all martial arts masters, and studied how to combine the cells to create artificial humans.

But because it took too long, he gave up halfway.

But the computer did not give up, and continued to do this research, and indirectly collected the cells of Goku, Vegeta, and Frieza who was chasing to the earth.

As for his method of collecting cells. He used the little bee similar to a detector mentioned by Dr. Gero before to collect them.

And because of the small size of the little bee, no one would notice it at all, and even As for now, he has circled around Piccolo and is collecting his cells!

As for the last question asked by Piccolo.

That is, what is the reason for Cell to come here?

In this regard, Cell's explanation is.

He wants to become a perfect body!

If he wants to become a perfect body, it is not enough to only absorb human life energy!

In the middle of this, he must merge with two important special life forms.

Those two special life forms.

They are Androids 17 and 18 created by Dr. Gero himself!

But he didn't expect that in the time and space when he was born, the artificial gods 17 and 18 at that time were all destroyed by Trunks.

So Cell had to kill Trunks at that time and seized his time and space machine.

Then he flew back to an earlier time.

This is what he is today.

It's just this logic, but it made everyone fall into a brainstorm:

【Lu Linglong: What on earth is this guy talking about? Why am I increasingly confused?】

【Hibiscus weaving: From the original timeline, to the timeline where Tait came, and the timeline where Tait won, and then the timeline where he was killed by Cell, four time and space have now appeared!】

【Xu San: But this... isn’t this a time-space paradox?】

【Wang Zhenqiu: I really don’t understand. Just hearing these makes my mind a mess!】

【Er Zhuang: According to my computer, based on their logic, there seem to be more than four time and space!】

【Wang Ye: Okay, if I can’t figure it out, I won’t think about it anymore. Let’s continue to see what happens next. I wonder how terrifyingly powerful this Cell will be if he becomes a perfect form!】

【Feng Shayan: Then we have to rely on Wukong! 】

Seeing that this guy finally told the truth,

Piccolo finally didn't bother to pretend anymore.

So he immediately sneered:

"Okay, I kind of understand!"

"So, how can I let a guy like you become a complete form?"

"You still have my cells, and you don't even know that my arm can regenerate, you idiot!"

Then, in Cell's shocked eyes.

He actually broke off his withered arm.

Then, after a roar, he grew a brand new arm, almost exactly the same as before!

Cell knew that he was not Piccolo's opponent yet, and seeing other fighters rushing over, the situation was even more unfavorable to him, so he used Tien Shinhan's cells to hit a solar punch.

Only then did he escape in a hurry.

In addition to looking for No. 17 and No. 18, he also continued to absorb the source of life of the earthlings to improve his abilities.

In this way, several cities continued to suffer. Even

Krillin, who was about to rush to Kame House, encountered this terrible guy on the way and was almost absorbed.

Fortunately, Piccolo arrived in time to save him!

However, at this time, the alien live broadcast room was indeed celebrating for Cell:

【Zhuge Qing: Fortunately, Krillin is not dead, otherwise this guy would be finished!】

【Lu Linglong: Historical experience tells me that even if Cell kills Gohan, it's okay, but don't kill the bald guy! (Funny)】

【Zhang Chulan: Congratulations to Cell for saving his life!】

【Wang Ye: But, it's not a good idea to let him suck like this. If he continues like this, his strength will surpass Piccolo sooner or later, and then everyone will be in real danger! 】

On the other side.

Goku, whose heart disease has been successfully suppressed, entered the spirit house of the gods with Vegeta and their sons to resist the invasion of the androids.

In this place, one day outside is equivalent to one year inside.

In this way, after practicing inside for a period of time, they may be able to defeat these terrifying androids when they come out!

However, they still don't know about Cell's affairs...!

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