Although Cell only devoured No. 17 and did not become a complete body.

However, in the semi-complete state, his strength is still much higher than before. Whether it is strength or speed, it is no longer comparable to No. 16 today.

Even with his bombardment.

No. 16's head was blown off, and a mottled mechanical device was exposed inside, which looked seriously injured.

But fortunately.

At this critical moment.

Since Goku grew up, Tien Shinhan, who has always been inconspicuous, actually fought for his life and fired his strongest trick, the triangular cannon, in succession, keeping Cell in the deep pit.

However, this trick is equivalent to a kryptonian trick.

With each use, he will be tired.

In the end, seeing that No. 16 and No. 18 finally escaped, he was unable to move because of his physical overdraft, and could only suffer the revenge of Cell's storm.

This scene made Goku heartbroken.

After all, these people are his best comrades-in-arms, and the death of any one of them is a pain for him.

Fortunately, he has not entered the Time Chamber yet. Vegeta and his son entered the Time Chamber first.

So, he used teleportation to move to the battlefield.

And issued a formal challenge to Cell.

He stated that he would defeat him in one day.

Then he rescued Tien Shinhan and the dying Piccolo, and returned to the Temple of the Gods through teleportation again. He fed them Senzu beans and saved their lives!

This scene also made many people tremble with fear:

【Zhuge Qing: My brother Tian is a real man. You dare to make such a mistake. You are worthy of it!】

【(Dragon Ball) Tien Shinhan: (pats head) (shy)】

【Lu Linglong: Speaking of which, Wukong's instant teleportation is really a bug. He can move freely in various spaces. This makes it so convenient for saving people and escaping!】

【Wang Ye: But just running away is useless. Cell wants to destroy the entire universe. Only by defeating him head-on can we win the final victory!】

【Feng Shayan: I am more worried. With only one day, even if the time in the Time Room is one day equals one year, can Goku really defeat this monster?】

【Zhang Chulan: Everyone who doubted Wukong last time was slapped in the face!】

【Xu Si: Don't be in a hurry. Compared to Goku, I want to see how this King of Force will operate first. This guy should have arrived at the battlefield! 】

As his voice fell.

In the Temple of Heaven.

Vegeta and Trunks have undergone training in the Time House and have completed a complete transformation. They quickly went to the battlefield and became Cell's next opponent.

But facing this guy's obstruction.

No. 18 was puzzled.

According to him, this guy couldn't even beat her before. His combat power was too poor. Even if he improved during this period, he would never be able to defeat the terrifying Cell!

Compared to him, No. 16 looked at the problem more comprehensively.

He could feel that Vegeta was different from the past at this time, and his combat power had also been significantly improved.

So he hurriedly told No. 18.

When the battle starts, run away quickly.

Leave it to Vegeta here, there shouldn't be any problem.

Perhaps because he has Vegeta's data, Cell's attitude towards his provocation is the same as No. 18, and he also thinks that this guy can't beat him.

So he provoked him.

He even claimed that you, a defective Saiyan, should be grateful that your cells could fuse into a body like mine, the best in the universe.

However, he soon stopped laughing.

Because after the full burst of aura,

Cell discovered that this guy's aura had become so terrifying. He was completely different from before.

And then, he also began to face Vegeta's violent attacks, and truly experienced what it meant to be beaten by society!


【Alien chat group】

【Xiao Xiao: I feel that every time before Goku takes action, Vegeta looks handsome!】

【Zhuge Qing: It’s a pity that he can’t be handsome for more than three minutes before being beaten up. If this guy could change his proud temper, maybe things would be much better!】

【Xu Si: If he could really change, he wouldn’t be Vegeta anymore!】

【Xu San: The main reason is that this guy is too good at causing trouble!】

【(Dragon Ball) Vegeta: You bunch of weaklings, how dare you talk nonsense to me? I am the prince of the Saiyans, how can you guys dare to offend me!】

【Canglong: Oh, yes, yes, you are the best, okay!】

【Zhang Chulan: Some people think he is doing it again!】

【Xu Si: @Vegeta, well, it’s not that you are not powerful at all, the main thing is that your arrogance will 100% become your shortcoming in the future!】

【(Dragon Ball) Vegeta: Fragile earthlings, you don't need to remind me! (Tsundere face)]

In fact, Xu Si's words were just based on his past insights. Unexpectedly

, he hit the nail on the head!

In the fight between the two sides.

Seeing that he was no match for Vegeta at all.

Cell, in addition to hatred, kept boasting that if he became a perfect form, the other party would not be his opponent at all, and he would be the strongest in the universe at that time!

If it was once or twice, it would be fine.

But once he said this too many times, it attracted Vegeta's attention.

As the prince of the Saiyans, Vegeta is also a guy who is not afraid of death. At this time, he was so arrogant that he asked Cell to absorb No. 18 and then become a perfect form!

That's right, he was so arrogant that he wanted to challenge the perfect form of Cell!

His words also made Cell happy.

To say that the Saiyan in front of him was quite strong.

But he was also a little expert in courting death! He actually dared to challenge his perfect form.

Isn't this just waiting to die?

So, he immediately prepared to run away with a grim smile on his face, ready to look for No. 18.

But he was stopped by Trunks who came towards him. Compared with his father who was too reckless, Trunks may have experienced the rampage of the future androids, and his character has become very cautious, and it is even more impossible for him to let Cell run away.

Poor Cell was finally let go by Vegeta, but was obstructed by a guy with stronger combat power. He even directly complained to Vegeta:

"Hey, Vegeta!"

"Can you take care of this brat?"

This scene is also a classic


【Alien chat group】

【Bai Shixue: I remember that I stopped complaining to my parents when I was 10 years old. I didn’t expect that Cell had this side!】

【Orihime: I think it’s a smart move on his part. After all, only in this way can he quickly get rid of Trunks!】

【Lu Ci: What an idiot, Vegeta actually let his enemies get stronger, isn't this raising a tiger to cause trouble? With his temper, how could he give birth to such an excellent Saiyan like Trunks! 】

Of course, not everyone's attention is on Cell.

Krillin is also a big attraction:

【Zhuge Qing: Am I the only one who thinks that Krillin is quite good at flirting with girls? In order to flirt with No. 18, he even stepped on the detonator and broke it!】

【Zhang Lingyu: I don’t recommend it. He is gambling with the future of the earth!】

【Lu Linglong: I can understand that. After all, there’s a saying that goes,"What’s the difference between losing you and winning the world?"】

【Wang Ye: Oh, I really don’t understand the thoughts of girls like you!】

【Feng Xingtong: But number 18 is pretty! (shy)】

【Canglong: Am I the only one who cares about whether Zhang Chulan’s promise to remain single for the rest of his life will come true?】

【Zhang Chulan: I didn't say that, I withdraw it! 】

It was just in the video.

Cell, who was complaining to Vegeta, suddenly fixed his eyes.

Because, with just one glance, he actually found the trace of No. 18!

This also put No. 18 in extreme danger...!

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