[Zhuge Qing: Why do I feel so relaxed and happy when watching Vegeta getting beaten?】

【Lu Linglong: This is the episode where I support the villain the most!】

【Lu Ci: If you don't listen to the advice of the elderly, you will suffer the consequences. Young man, don't be too presumptuous!】

【Xiao Xiao: This kick from Cell cured my cerebral thrombosis that had lasted for 10 years!】

【Hibiscus Orihime: But then again, the difference between Cell before and after is too big. He just swallowed No. 18, and went from being completely beaten by Vegeta to actually turning the tables. Is this guy still human?】

【Bai Shixue: He wasn’t a human being to begin with!】


After knocking Vegeta down with one kick,

Cell even crossed his arms and said sarcastically:

"Really, you just told me not long ago that the gap between us is too big and there is no point in fighting with me!"

"Now, I will return this sentence to you!"

It was not until Vegeta completely fainted that Trunks prepared to attack.

The reason he gave was that he could not let his father know that he had become stronger than him. It was indeed to protect Vegeta's self-esteem.

Trunks, who had surpassed the limit, had indeed surpassed Cell in strength.

And after a fight, he had the upper hand with strength alone.

Unfortunately, after many battles,

Cell had already understood his weakness.

So he smiled and said:

"I admit that your power is higher than mine!"

""But you still can't defeat me with just this!"

Trunks naturally didn't believe this, so he rushed forward again, wanting to use the force he just used to knock down the demon.

But his multiple attacks were dodged one after another.

On the contrary, Trunks was out of breath after just a few fights because he used too much force.

At this time, even the aliens could see from his appearance that although this guy's strength has become stronger, his speed has decreased a lot!

On the other side.

In the Spirit Time Chamber.

Goku, who can also transform into this form, demonstrated it in person in front of Gohan and pointed out the shortcomings of this form:

"This form looks awesome, and so is the power!"

"However, when the muscles expanded to such a terrifying degree, although the strength increased, the speed decreased at the same time!"

"No matter how powerful you are, it is meaningless if you can't hit your opponent!"

"In this way, there is no way to defeat a monster like Cell!"

"And it consumes a lot of energy to maintain this body shape!"

So compared to this, although the strength of ordinary Saiyans is far inferior to this form, it is the most energy-saving state after the battle!

However, Trunks on the battlefield was not aware of his shortcomings at all, so he tried countless times.

But in the end, it still ended in failure!

Later, even Cell couldn't stand it anymore, so he told him the truth.

It turned out that this form can be transformed not only by Cell, but even by Vegeta, but they all knew the drawbacks of this form, so they chose not to use it.

Only Trunks.

He always regarded this form as a treasure.

But he didn't know that this bulky form was not vulnerable at all!

Trunks, who understood everything, realized that he had been occupied by pride, so he fell to the ground in disappointment and changed back to his original form. He said in a deep voice:

"I'm no match for you!"

""Kill me!"

But Cell had no interest in this.

He didn't want to kill someone who had lost his will to fight, but instead proposed an interesting idea.

That is, to hold a martial arts tournament in 10 days.

As a battle maniac, he also wanted to see to what extent these Saiyans could improve their strength in such a short period of time!

And the purpose of doing this was just to feel how strong he could become after becoming a complete body!

At the same time, use them to hone his own strength.

As for his ultimate goal, it was to see the fearful faces of the earthlings!


【Alien chat group】

【Feng Shayan: I always feel that Cell is really perverted. He actually came up with such a method!】

【Wang Zhenqiu: This guy is even more reckless than Vegeta. Isn't this just giving him a chance?】

【Hibiscus: Wait, I suddenly realized something. Did Cell have all the genes of everyone before?

In the previous video, she heard Cell say that he had all the genes of Goku, Piccolo, and even Vegeta.

In other words, while he inherited the good genes of these warriors, he also inherited their shortcomings.

For example, Vegeta's arrogance!

After understanding this, everyone's hope was rekindled:

【Yun: So, Wukong and the others are not completely hopeless. If they can just stay in the spirit house for one more day, won't everything be solved?】

【Zhang Chulan: Your idea is very good, but didn’t you hear what they said? If you stay in the spirit house for too long, you won’t be able to bear it!】

【Lu Linglong: At the critical moment, we still have to rely on Wukong!】

【Er Zhuang: But Goku is indeed a combat genius. He actually thought of a way to let the Super Saiyans maintain their normal state and then enhance their physical training. This method can help them make breakthroughs faster!】

【Zhang Lingyu: Breakthrough faster?】

【Er Zhuang: That’s right, what it means is that when they make Super Saiyan a normal state, and continue to break through this normal state, they will become Super Saiyan 2!】

【Xiao Xiao: I don’t understand, but I am deeply shocked!】


But everyone didn't expect that Cell would broadcast the details of the game through live TV.

To this end, he even destroyed all TV stations and used their channels as his own private broadcast. He immediately began his own story:

"Good morning, people all over the world!"

"Now I would like to take a little time and use the TV to say a few words to people all over the world!"

"In fact, I have brought some good news especially for those of you who are still living a peaceful life!"

"After hearing this news, I believe everyone in the world will be able to live a happier life!"

"My name is Cell, and I’m the monster that absorbed humans from your city after city. That monster transformed many times and became who I am today!"

"So in order to thank everyone, I recently decided to hold a martial arts tournament called"Cell Games", the location is at the fifth point 28KS northwest of Zhongdu!"

"I have prepared a martial arts arena!"

"Unlike the World Martial Arts Tournament, if the person representing Earth loses, he must let the next contestant continue to fight."

"This kind of competition is only good for you. No matter how strong I am, I may still feel tired after countless competitions!"

"The rules of the competition are roughly the same as those of the World's No. 1 Martial Arts Tournament. Whether you surrender or have a part of your body fall out of the ring, you lose!"

"I think I will let most of the people who lose the game go!"

"But some will still be killed!"

"If all your representatives are defeated by me, I will kill all the humans in the world!"

The last sentence was like a bombshell, and the mood of all the viewers in front of the TV suddenly fell to the bottom...

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