

Seeing that Goku was ready to go, Cell was completely stunned.

Didn't the information given by the doctor say that Goku has always been the defender of the earth? Why would he choose to use this method that could destroy the earth if he was not careful to deal with himself?

This is impossible!

However, what no one expected was that at the moment when the Kamehameha was ready to be launched, Goku actually used teleportation to move himself in front of Cell.

And showed a triumphant smile.

Then, while the other party had not reacted, he hit the Kamehameha in his hand hard.

In an instant, sand and rocks flew.

This terrifying Kamehameha even directly blasted Cell's upper body into pieces, almost destroying half of his body!

It's a pity that Cell, who has Piccolo's genes, has no fear of these.

Even if his head and arms were blasted to pieces, he can still rely on his remaining lower body to gradually repair the incomplete body and return to his original state!

Seeing him like this.

Goku was not surprised.

Instead, he smiled and said:

"I actually forgot that you also have the ability to regenerate!"

"I thought I had won just now!"

"But after this resurrection, I can feel that your energy has decreased a lot!"

Cell replied:

"Same here!"

"Aren't you also tired and out of breath?"

"Let's continue!"

At this point, he smiled coldly again:

"But I have to remind you first, using the same method again will never work!" To be honest, regardless of whether Cell is evil or not, this fist-to-flesh fight was indeed very satisfying to the aliens, and they all expressed their opinions:

【Zhuge Qing: Although this battle is not as cool as the special effects of Vegeta and others, this is a real battle!】

【Wang Ye: Goku focuses on physical skills, which is different from others!】

【Lu Linglong: And Goku’s combat awareness is really high. He was able to come up with that tactic just now, which even scared Cell!】

【Wang Zhenqiu: So, although according to Karin, Cell has more energy, Goku has more combat experience, so it is not impossible for him to win!】

【Zhang Lingyu: It’s like in the wild mountains and forests, no matter how powerful Tyson is, he can’t beat the mountain special forces!】

【Bai Shixue: Goku, come on!】


However, Wukong then did something that no one could understand.

After the two sides had been fighting for a long time,

Wukong's physical strength had visibly begun to decline.

So he smiled indifferently and said:

"I surrender!"

"I am now very clear about your strength, Cell!"

"So I decided to give up!"

These words also surprised the soldiers behind him:



"How can this be?"

"Wukong would never say surrender!"

"What's going on?"

Chiqi, who was sitting in front of the TV, fainted when she saw this scene.

Because what Wukong said was too contrary to common sense, as if he was kidnapped and forced to say it!

【Lu Linglong: Wukong, if you feel threatened, just blink!】

【Wang Ye: This is totally inconsistent with Wukong’s style. I always feel it’s weird!】

【Zhuge Qing: Why? Wukong has never said anything discouraging before. What happened now?】

【Origanum: The most crucial point is, if Goku surrenders, who else present can defeat Cell?】

【Zhang Lingyu: On the contrary, I think he must have a purpose for doing this!】

【Lu Ci: Humph, little devil, you have become something that even I can’t figure out!】


Even Cell was shocked when he said this, and couldn't help but warn:

"Sun Wukong, you should know what that sentence you just said means, right?"

"If there is no challenger in this Cell Tournament, I will wipe out all of you Earthlings, have you forgotten that?"

To this, Goku replied:

"Cell, don't make any mistake!"

"My surrender does not mean that no one among us can fight you!"

Cell replied proudly:

"The meaning is the same!"

"No matter whether it is Vegeta, Piccolo, or Trunks, no matter how much their skills have improved, they can never be compared with you!"

"They are no match for me!"

The host was very cooperative at this time and immediately said to his microphone:

"Okay, Mr. Satan, now it's time for you to come on stage again!"

However, after watching their fight just now, although Satan was tough-mouthed, he also knew very well that if he went on stage, he would definitely go to his death.

However, the other people around him could not see the situation clearly.

He praised him again. It was equivalent to flattering him to death.

As the saying goes, what to do when you are in doubt? You have to pretend to have a stomachache!

Satan was also very good at using this skill, so he immediately covered his abdomen and got away with it.

However, Wukong's next action shocked everyone again:

【Xiao Zizai: This guy, is he crazy? Does he need to let his son go?】

【(Dragon Ball) Krillin: Poor Gohan, he has to fight such a terrifying guy!】

【(Dragon Ball) Piccolo:……】

【Lu Ci: Idiot, no matter how capable a son is, he can never be better than his father!】

【Er Zhuang: But when Goku said this just now, I found a very interesting data, that is, in the previous battles, Gohan's data did surpass Goku several times! 】

This situation, on Earth and Raditz���This happened once when they were fighting.

At that time, Gohan's fighting power was indeed better than Goku's.

Similarly, if we talk about potential, Gohan is also greater.

After all, when Goku was 12 years old, he was still fighting dinosaurs in the mountains, but when Gohan was 5 years old, he had already gone to Namek to fight Frieza, and even suppressed him.

All these things show that Gohan is an existence with no limit!

【Orihime: In other words, it is possible for Gohan to defeat Cell?】

【Wang Zhenqiu: But Gohan’s current strength is just average. It’s impossible for him to defeat the devil Cell!】

【Xiao Xiao: To be honest, I still don’t think highly of him. It’s too difficult for him to exceed his limits!】


But no matter what.

Since Goku has already admitted defeat and named his son to fight.

Even if Gohan is afraid, he has no choice but to grit his teeth and walk onto the ring.

But, can he really beat Cell...?

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