However, the crowd of strangers was no longer calm:

【Zhuge Qing: @Gohan, come here, boy, let me teach you how to pursue girls. Also, can you change your aesthetic taste?】

【Zhang Chulan: Twin tails, Gohan, you bastard, these are twin tails. Just because of what you said, do you know that there is one less girl with twin tails in the world? What crime should you be punished for?】

【Feng Shayan: What kind of psychopaths are these?】

【(Dragon Ball) Gohan: This……】

【Wang Ye: Let’s not talk about the techniques to chase girls, but the Sun family’s aesthetics, we’ve seen through everything from the moment you picked your uniform! (Funny)】

【Lu Linglong: I feel that Gohan shouldn’t go to Namek. Why don’t you learn from anyone else but the Ginyu Force?】

【Shiraishi Yuki: When Gohan saw the formation of the Ginyu Force, he was already poisoned beyond repair!】

【Xiao Xiao: It’s not easy for Qiqi to have these three troublesome people at home!】

【(Dragon Ball) Qiqi: Finally someone understands me, long live understanding!】


Fortunately, although Gohan is a little bit silly, perhaps because he is a member of the Sun family, he has a unique charm.

This also led to the relationship between the two of them rising instead of falling.

Even when Chi-Chi asked them when they would get married, Bi'er did not refute it, as if she had tacitly accepted this fact.

The scene returned to the martial arts tournament.

When Goku appeared, everyone cried with joy after seven years of not seeing him. When they saw this optimistic boy again, they all called him by his name.

As the best friend, Krillin even shed tears.

Piccolo also showed a wicked smile.

Especially the first few friends, such as Oolong and others, these people had the strongest and deepest feelings for Goku, so they rushed up and hugged him the moment they wanted to see him.

This quiet and peaceful atmosphere seemed very comfortable.

Among the crowd, only Goten was standing there in a daze.

After all, this was the first time he saw his father, and he was inevitably a little curious.

However, with Chi-Chi's introduction, Goten finally realized that the person in front of him, who was almost exactly like him, was his father.

So he immediately ran over and threw himself into his arms.

His face was filled with joy!

This warm scene made many strangers feel emotional:

【Lu Linglong: As expected, Goku has a kind of magical power. Anyone who gets along with him will unconsciously like or become attached to him. Even Piccolo and Vegeta, who represented the evil side at the beginning, were influenced!】

【Zhi Jinhua: This is actually the charm!】

【Wang Ye: This scene is quite touching. In fact, if Wukong was a little less obsessed with martial arts and let the poster resurrect him, everyone would be reunited. That would be the best ending!】

【Zhuge Qing: What a pity, for some people, fighting is their ultimate destiny!】

【Lu Jin: Goku, you are such a person who sacrifices his own family for the sake of everyone! 】

After everyone hugged and entered the venue together, the new World No. 1 Martial Arts Tournament was officially launched.

However, compared with the previous martial arts tournament, after many years, there have been some changes in the competition system and rules.

First of all, there is a distinction between the juvenile group and the adult group.

This also means that Goten and Trunks will compete separately from everyone else.

After hearing the news, Trunks was extremely dissatisfied, because he really didn't want to fight with a child. Isn't this child abuse?

Unfortunately, the rules are dead.

So, they had to go to the juvenile group unhappily.

As for the competition system of the adult group, it has also changed with the passage of time.

Perhaps it is because of the increase in the number of contestants.

The traditional knockout competition has been changed from a martial arts competition to a boxing machine.

The higher the weight of the boxing, the higher the score, and finally according to the score ranking, they enter the finals!

Then, a series of jokes happened:

【Yun: Before Wukong and the others came on the court, the game was apparently normal, but as soon as they came on the court, the style changed!】

【Zhuge Qing: No. 18 got off to a good start, with over 800 points. I want to know how these people control their strength in their daily lives?】

【Zhang Chulan: Hiss, I wonder how many I can hit? 】

In fact, for this kind of daily segment, everyone still likes it and is happy to watch it. Compared with the desperate duel, the overall viewing experience is indeed much more comfortable.

It’s just that the process is too annoying.

In general, everyone else is trying to be bigger, but they are trying to be smaller.

But the strength of this group of people is here.

So even if they exert a small amount of power, the final value is basically around 200.

This terrifying suppression force makes the people around dare not even breathe!

Of course, this is not the most outrageous!

【Wang Ye: Vegeta's ultimate move!】

【(Dragon Ball) Vegeta: Humph, this kind of boring thing shouldn't even exist!】

【Zhuge Qing: Why, hasn’t Lao Bei’s late stage of tsundere syndrome been cured yet?】

【Wang Zhenqiu: Do you know how painful it is to hold back laughter when doing a mission? Vegeta's punch really made me laugh so hard!】

【Bai Shixue: Be a human being. He just replaced a boxing machine and you smashed it to pieces. You will lose any friends if you do this!】

【Zhang Lingyu: Such behavior is simply disturbing my mind! 】

After the adult group was over, the youth group officially began.

As expected, Trunks and Goten each quickly passed the youth group competition with overwhelming strength and finally made it to the finals together.

In their duel,

Trunks was one year older and stronger than Goten, so he successfully won the final victory!

However, in addition to the large amount of money, the reward for the victory also gave him a chance to compete with the previous world champion, Mr. Satan.

In fact, from the beginning of the fight between Goten and Trunks,

Satan had been watching from the side.

He originally wanted to see what the final winners, the two children aged 6 and 7, had the ability to defeat those little guys around 15 years old. Only then did he come to the scene.

But after watching from beginning to end, if he hadn't been a little stronger, he would probably have wet his pants directly.

This... this is a child?

Where did these monsters come from!

Moreover, when he thought about choosing one of them as his opponent, his face froze, as if he had seen his tragic fate.

However, Mr. Satan's emotional intelligence was still online.

So soon, he came up with a plan that made everyone laugh to tears...!

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