[Zhuge Qing: I’m dying of laughter. This slap in the face was so sudden and unexpected. I can laugh at this somersault on Master Roshi for a whole year!】

【Wang Ye: Having said that, I feel that with this somersault cloud, at least 90% of you here will be thrown down by it!】

【Bai Shixue: Ninety percent is an understatement. As for the six senses being pure, I feel that even the old Heavenly Master may not be able to do it!】

【Ma Xianhong: I think I can give it a try!】

【Lu Linglong: I think I can do it too!】

【Canglong: Lord Linglong can definitely do it. Long live Lord Linglong!】

【Zhi Jinhua: You think too much, girl. Based on what I know about you, it’s impossible for you!】

【Lu Linglong: Little bitch, can you shut your mouth at this time? 】

After finally being confident, she was exposed by her bestie. Lu Linglong wanted to kill her!

Huaer, sir, when you encounter danger in the future, I promise to watch the fun from the side and applaud!

Humph, I'll let you say that to me!

【Wang Zhenqiu: Stop arguing, as a temporary worker who can do anything, I know there is one person who can definitely do it!】

【Xiao Zizai: I roughly know who you are talking about!】

【Er Zhuang: According to statistics, in the entire extraordinary circle, probably only the temporary workers in Lubei area can do it!】

【Zhang Chulan: Yes, it is my sister Baoer! 】

When he said this, Zhang Chulan felt very proud.

Hehe, sister Baoer is still awesome, the only one in the world of aliens.

But the next second, he was punched in the back of his head again.

【Feng Baobao: Call me master! 】

Zhuge Qing thought of a question after seeing these chat records.

That is, in the entire alien world, there is only one person who can do this, so this little guy is indeed a rare martial arts genius.

The six senses are pure, which is not easy for even a five or six-year-old child, and it is also a rare talent!

Just when everyone was about to continue watching the video, they saw that sentence on the big screen again:

【After system detection, the following clips belong to paid plots, please pay to unlock the video!】

【Cost: 50,000 RMB!】


【Zhang Chulan: Mr. Qing, I'll rely on you again this time, hehehe!】

【Wang Ye: Be a good person to the end, buddy!】

【Lu Linglong: Actually, I’m not very interested in what’s going to happen next. I’m just curious. I think the boss will satisfy my request!】

【Zhi Jinhua: As expected, a girl’s heart is all black when opened!】

【Zhuge Qing: Although I have no interest in gossip, my love of learning makes me spend money impulsively. From today on, I will be a legend in the alien world. Buy it! 】

In this voice of Mr. Qing, Zhuge Qing had already lost himself.

So he immediately made a decision and clicked the payment button.

But then, a roar came from the living room downstairs:

"Zhuge Qing, you little bastard are crazy!"

"Not only did you live off your parents at home, but you actually spent 100,000 RMB in one night. I'll beat you to death!"

The next second, a strong Qi directly collapsed the stairs.

Then, in the Zhuge family's villa, Zhuge Qing's painful wails were heard!

【(Dragon Ball) Bulma: No!

As the heroine in the film, she stopped it in time.

Unfortunately, the next paid video continued to play in full view of the public.……


After getting the Somersault Cloud, Goku immediately drove it to ride the wind and waves, go up to the sky and into the sea, and had a great time.

Seeing him so happy, Bulma's eyes lit up.

So she said pleadingly:

"Hey, grandpa!"

"Give me a somersault cloud too!"

After hearing this, Master Turtle turned around and asked his old friend:

"Did this girl save you?"

The old man also told the truth:

"Not at all!"

After saying that, it rolled its eyes, completely forgetting that Bulma had given it a bowl of water when it was almost dying of thirst.

However, while the man and the turtle were discussing, Bulma suddenly caught a glimpse of a dragon ball with three stars hanging on Master Roshi's neck.

This immediately made her eyes light up:

"Grandpa, what is this?"

Kame was startled, then looked at the place she pointed at, then pulled the dragon ball off his neck and recalled:

"This one is beautiful!"

"I found this at the bottom of the sea 100 years ago!"

Bulma was not polite.

She knew that the old man didn't know the origin of the Dragon Ball, so she said:

"Then, Grandpa, can you give me this thing?"

After saying that, she even winked seductively.

In fact, Master Kame himself was too lazy to pay attention to her request.

After all, seeing that the other party was so anxious, he guessed that this thing should be a very valuable thing.

But when he found that the person in front of him who was begging him was a young and beautiful girl, he suddenly became lustful.

So he asked tentatively:

"Actually...it's not impossible to give this thing to you!"


"I want to see your panties!"

After these words came out, both Bulma and the turtle were stunned.

If this person was a stranger and just a perverted old man who met on the road, with Bulma's personality, she would probably slap him directly and make him spin 360 degrees.

But he changed his mind and thought that he only had to pay a little bit to get the long-awaited three-star ball. This was indeed not a suitable deal.

So he began to weigh the pros and cons.

Finally, her cheeks flushed:

"Hey, it’s not really a big deal!"

"If you want to see it, I'll show it to you!"

Bulma was wearing a one-piece suit at this time. As long as she lifted the suit, everyone could see the scenery below.

Unfortunately... she seemed to have overlooked one thing...

When he shyly lifted his suit with his eyes closed...

Master Roshi and the turtle were both stunned...

Even... the whole world was quiet...

The birds were silent, and the flowers were fragrant...

Master Roshi didn't seem to have expected that the bold girl in front of him would dare to go into battle without any underwear. Her nose bleeds immediately, and she was almost sent to the hospital because of excessive blood loss.

Seeing this reaction of the old man, Bulma blushed even more.

Just for the three stars, she had already given it all.

So she repeated the action of lifting the suit several times.

While lifting, she said:

"Let me show you, look, look!"

Perhaps she was so overwhelmed by the joy of getting the Dragon Ball that she didn't even notice that she was wearing anything less.

And Master Roshi's nose was bleeding.

He quickly took out a handkerchief and covered his nose while saying:

""Okay, I'll give it to you!"

I thought to myself:

If I had known this, I would have brought the camera.

Young girls are really bold nowadays!

After getting the fourth dragon ball, Bulma was extremely happy and hurriedly thanked Master Kame who was already riding a turtle and preparing to leave.

Then she rode a motorcycle and happily returned to her residence.

But when she entered the capsule room and was about to change her clothes, she seemed to have discovered something.���

The next second... a roar that shook the earth and sky came from inside the house...!

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