But no matter what, the difference in strength between the two sides is still obvious.

Especially after Vegetto became a Super Saiyan.

In order to deal with him, Majin Buu almost exhausted all means, such as wrapping him up with his silicone body, or using his own magic to turn him into a marble.

But none of them worked.

Facing Buu's restraint, Vegetto blew the former's body into pieces with just one burst of energy.

Even if Vegetto was turned into a marble, this marble still had the ability to act on its own, and beat Majin Buu to a bloody head and lost face.

After all, he was a demon, but he was beaten up by a candy.

It was too cheap to say it out.

But the one thing that everyone was worried about still happened.

That is, Vegetto was so wild after the fusion, and he fought with the opponent from beginning to end, as if he had never taken it seriously, and fought very casually.

But he completely forgot that indulging the enemy on the battlefield is giving the enemy a chance!

In the countdown of Vegetto's declaration of justice.

The cells that had fallen to the ground when Majin Buu was knocked down by the opponent gradually rose up and blocked his retreat.

The next second, the cells suddenly opened up.

Then they completely wrapped Vegito and swallowed him into their bodies.

This unexpected change also surprised everyone:

【Zhuge Qing: It's over. I've already said it. As long as the Saiyans attack, something bad will happen. This is their Achilles' heel. What should we do now?】

【Zhang Lingyu: Once Vegetto is devoured, the Earth will be hopeless! 】

However, compared to them, there are still some aliens who have noticed some details.

【Zhi Jinhua: Actually, that’s not entirely true. Do you think that it was not that Vegito didn’t notice that cell just now, but that he deliberately wanted to be swallowed by that cell!】

【Lu Linglong: After hearing what Hua'er said, I seem to have felt it too. When Vegetto was wrapped up, he seemed to have opened something! 】

These words also made the others tremble, and their worries turned into joy in an instant:

【Bai Shikiyuki: In other words, Goku did this on purpose because he wanted to save his friends who were swallowed by Majin Buu?】

【Wang Ye: These two guys always make us worry! 】

And what happened in the next video just proved that this inference is correct.

In fact, before swallowing, Vegeta deliberately opened a protective shield to effectively protect himself, even if he entered the body of Majin Buu, he would not be absorbed by him.

The most intuitive manifestation is that even if Vegeta was absorbed this time, the appearance of Majin Buu did not change at all.

At this time, in his body.

Seeing the strange environment around him.

Vegeta, who successfully completed the plan, sighed to himself:

"It looks like I have successfully sneaked in!"

Then, the laughter of the demon Buu came in, making him complain helplessly:

"So noisy!"

"How long is he going to keep laughing like a fool?"

"It's of no use now that it's inside his body. However, I didn't expect the protective barrier I created would be so useful!"

"Thanks to him, I was not absorbed by Buu!"

Just as he finished speaking, when the protective barrier disappeared, a ray of light rose from his body. When the light ended, Goku and Vegeta, who were originally inseparable, were magically fused and decomposed!

But this is also good news.

After all, if they continue to merge, let alone the two of them, this matter will also be a disaster for Bulma and Chi-Chi.

In order to quickly find the missing people, when they came to a fork in the road,

Goku and Vegeta decided to search separately.

But they didn't know that they walked into this fork in the road because of the brain of Demon Buu.

And then, when Demon Buu had enough, he recalled his previous battle with Gotenks and Gohan, and the figures of these people began to form in his mind.

So, Goku and Vegeta were in trouble!


【Alien chat group】

【Xiao Xiao: This is the first time I see Gohan beating Goku. Could this be the legendary father’s kindness and son’s roar?】

【Wang Zhenqiu: Hahaha, I laughed so hard that I cried. Goku’s situation is okay, he can only face one person, but Vegeta has to fight three at the same time. I feel worried for him!】

【Feng Xingtong: Piccolo's strong man is something!】

【Zhang Chulan: I didn't expect the inside of Demon Buu's body to be so terrifying, with reptiles and tsunamis. Now he has to deal with an illusion that is equally powerful as his real body. These two are so unlucky!】

【Xu Si: But fortunately, they can save Gohan and the others! 】

Originally, facing these immortal phantoms, Goku and Vegeta were really in a tough battle.

Fortunately, after Demon Buu recalled, he found that he was hungry, so he went straight to the cake shop. When he ate the cake, the phantoms in his mind turned into cream cakes.

This opened a way for the two of them to survive.

Then, when they reached the deepest part.

Goku and Vegeta finally saw Gohan, Trunks, Goten and Piccolo who were wrapped in cocoons.

So they took action and put them all down.

At the same time.

As they broke free from the restraints.

Demon Buu's appearance gradually returned to its original state.

This gave him a premonition that something must have happened in his body.

So he immediately put his clone into his body to stop the two people who were making trouble in his body, and started a desperate struggle with them.

It's a pity that Vegeta just now crushed the earrings into pieces because he didn't want to merge with Goku again.

This also led to the fact that the two of them were beaten by Buu.

However, after the battle.

Vegeta circled���He found the weakness of Majin Buu.

That is, he now has the energy of the previous Fat Buu.

So when he saw the other party fighting with Goku, this guy ran to the side of the last cocoon, and under Buu's horrified expression and panicked words, he pulled the cocoon wrapped in Fat Buu down. At the same time, Majin Buu completely lost his vitality and randomly turned into a pool of turbid water.

Correspondingly, his body began to gradually collapse.

Fortunately, at the last moment, the two successfully led everyone out of Buu's body.

But at this time, they saw that Majin Buu, who lost the support of Fat Buu, was sweating and convulsing all over. Finally, with a roar, his body gradually shrank. Finally

, it turned into another form.

Compared with before, his strength did not seem to have changed much, and there was even a trend of weakening.

But if you feel it carefully, everyone can find that the evil contained in the body of this new little Buu is the most terrifying...!

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