After Xiao Zizi finished speaking.

Less than half an hour later, three large trucks arrived at Kugiso.

The truck reads "Courier Everywhere".

Then, people in overalls came down from the truck, and they arrived.

The first thing was to control Shen Chong.

Then controlled Meng Guiqing's father and son.

Then he controlled the people who were "lent money" by Shen Chong.

Zhang Yuqing looked numb directly.

Is this the efficiency of Everywhere?

How fast!

Zhang Yuqing touched Xiao Zhi and said, "You are worthy of being a state-owned enterprise, efficiency is fast!"

Xiao comfortably held up his glasses, "Don't say nonsense, we are not a state-owned enterprise."

Zhang Yuqing pouted, and then helped the people of the company control the entire Jiumuzhuang before returning to the headquarters.


Dou Le, the head of East China, was drinking tea at this time.

Suddenly, there was a knock on the door.

Dou Le shouted, "Come in!"

Xiao came in freely, and he sat unceremoniously opposite Dou Le.

Dou Le raised his eyebrows and asked Xiao Comfortably, "How about it, old Xiao, is there any risk of losing control in the process of Zhang Yuqing's frequent use of Qi?"

Xiao pushed his glasses and said, "No, he is very stable.

However, I lost control. "

Dou Le: ???

Xiao said freely, "When I faced Xia He, I was sick, and I couldn't control my desire to kill.

Zhang Yuqing rescued Xia He and released Xia He, and then woke me up with the Pure Heart God Spell.

Dou Le said, "Xia He, I know that she, the one who looks very beautiful, has been very swaggering recently.

Zhang Yuqing's words to let her go also showed that he was a normal man.

Then, Dou Le took a sip of tea, and his eyes became serious, "You fought with Zhang Yuqing?" How strong is he?

After Xiao Zi was silent for a moment, he said, "Unfathomable!!

"Zhang Yuqing is very strong!

Particularly strong!

When I was sick, he restrained me with only five yin thunder, and he himself didn't even touch me! Hear

this sentence.

Dou Le had a judgment on Zhang Yuqing's strength.

Only Yin Wulei restrained Old Xiao's words.

There are only two possibilities, the first is that Zhang Yuqing's strength has far surpassed Xiao Zizi.

The second is that Yin Wulei is Zhang Yuqing's best trick.

But no matter which point, it is enough to show that Zhang Yuqing is one notch stronger than temporary workers, or even several notches stronger.

Come to think of it.

Dou Le took a breath of cool air.

Zhang Yuqing, as a disciple of the old Heavenly Master, can also thunder law, is still so strong, and the background is still so hard.

Is this going to turn the sky upside down?!?

Heavenly Master really threw a big bomb at me!



On the other side, in the dark bunker in East China.

In a cell.

Two people were being held.

One is Shen Chong, and the other is Zhang Yuqing.

The company suspected that Zhang Yuqing had an affair with the all-sex demon people, so it temporarily imprisoned Zhang Yuqing in the dark castle.

Also detained was Shen Chong.

Their bodies all have shackles made of special materials, which can transplant the circulation of the flame to a certain extent.

Shen Chong looked at Zhang Yuqing next to him who closed his eyes and was uncomfortable.

Because this guy is ridiculously strong.

At this moment, Zhang Yuqing spoke, "Hey."

Shen Chong was taken aback, "Are you calling me?"

Zhang Yuqing said, "It's not to ask you who you are called, to ask you a question."

"Do you recognize it...." Hou Yimo? "

Hear the name.

A look of doubt appeared in Shen Chong's eyes, who is Hou Yimo?

"I don't know."

Zhang Yuqing smiled, laughing a little cruelly, "You are a full-sex person, but you don't know the all-sex person, trick me into playing?"

You better not lie to me, I'm perverted and scared myself!"

Shen Chong was a little confused, "I really don't know!"

Zhang Yuqing shook his head and said helplessly, "Okay, okay, don't use some means, you won't tell the truth!" The

next moment, a powerful flame suddenly erupted from Zhang Yuqing's body, and the shackles were broken.

Then, Zhang Yuqing walked towards Shen Chong step by step.

Shen Chong shivered with fear.

Zhang Yuqing asked, "Ask you again, do you know Hou Yimo?"

Shen Chong wanted to cry without tears, "I really don't know." "


" Zhang Yuqing sighed and said, "

I still refuse to tell the truth, well, my mouth is hard enough!" The

next moment, Zhang Yuqing took out two wires out of nowhere.

The break in the wire is constantly flashing with arcs.

Zhang Yuqing held up the wire and said excitedly, "Left zero right fire, Lei Gong help me!" "


"Tell the truth!?"

"I.... I don't know..."

"Well, my mouth is hard enough!"

Zi la la!

"Say or not!?"

"I....... No.... Recognize..."

Zhang Yuqing threw away the two wires and shook his head...

Using wires instead of thunder law is because he is afraid that he will accidentally blow up with thunder law.

But if he is so tough-mouthed, don't blame me!

In that case, a black mud-like thunder and lightning appeared in Zhang Yuqing's left hand.

A white glow appeared on his right hand.

When Shen Chong saw this scene, he kept snorting.

Zhang Yuqing controlled the amount of flame, don't blow Shen Chong to death.

Then, Zhang Yuqing said, "Since you are willing to tell the truth.

Then let you try Lefa!

Then, Zhang Yuqing added, "You are the hardest mouth person I have ever seen, so you refuse to say this..." Shen

Chong cried aggrievedly, when did he suffer such grievances, "I'm really..... I don't know..."

"Left Yin Right Yang, Five Thunder Zhengfa!"


"Say! Do you know Hou Yimo in the end!

"I..... I really don't know..." Today

, Shen Chong saw what a demon is.

He never wanted to see Zhang Yuqing again!

And Zhang Yuqing put away Leifa.

He looked at Shen Chong, who was lying motionless on the ground, suspiciously, and thought.

Young people are in good health and

fall asleep.

He was about to turn into the Thunder and Lightning King Sikong Zhen, but Shen Chong still refused to say that he knew Hou Yimo.

Is that possible.

That is, Shen Chong really didn't know Hou Yimo?

Looking at Shen Chong, who was sleeping with his head turned upside down.

Zhang Yuqing kicked the cell door irritably and said, "Come, I want to go out!" "

After the staff came.

Looking at Shen Chong, who was covered in scorched black, the corners of his mouth twitched, and asked Zhang Yuqing, "Dao Ye..... You're not going to electrocute him, are you?

Zhang Yuqing said, "Don't talk nonsense, I didn't touch her, he accidentally stepped on the wire."

In short, he is not dead yet, just "asleep", let me out!

"Yes, Master Dao!"



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