One Piece: 100-Year-Old Teacher

Chapter 21 Zoro! Shot together【44】

It seems that because of the influence of the king of the sea, Zoro and Kuina did not go to sea again during the next journey, and stayed on the ship honestly.

After sailing for half an hour, a puff of black smoke caught Zoro's attention.

"Kuina, do you see what happened there?"

Zoro pointed his finger in the direction of the black smoke and motioned to Kuina to look.

Following the direction of Zoro's fingers, Kuina put her hand on her eyes and took a look, then her brows suddenly wrinkled.

"It looks like a ship, Zoro!"

"Moreover, there seems to be people walking around on the ship. It is very likely that some pirates are looting the passing ships!"

Kuina told Zoro what she saw.

As for Zoro, his face suddenly changed when he heard that there was a pirate, and then he ran to Lin Wuya and said, "Master, too master, it's not good, there is a pirate ahead of him robbing the ship!"

"Let me see!"

Lin Wuya got up from the chair and came to the bow of the ship. He glanced into the distance. There were pirates, and there were still a lot of people, like a dozen people.

"Master, what should we do now? Are we going to take action?"

Zoro asked Lin Wuya.

"Do you want to shoot?"

Lin Wuya asked Zoro.

He didn't answer Zoro head-on, but asked Zoro if he wanted to make a move, because in the future, Zoro will definitely encounter similar things, and these things need to be faced by Zoro himself.

"I want to shoot!"

Zoro said his thoughts.

"What about you Kuina?"

Lin Wuya asked Kuina.

"I want too!"

Kuina's answer is the same as Zoro.

"Since you want to, let's go take a look!"

Lin Wuya smiled and said, then turned the direction of the boat and walked towards the smoke-emitting place.

The place where the black smoke was coming was the ship that was ransacked by the pirates.

Seven or eight corpses were lying on the ground, and the blood stained the deck red.

A dozen pirates stood on the deck. Each of these pirates carried a long knife with scarlet blood remaining on the knife edge.

"Please, don't kill us!"

On the deck, a middle-aged man knelt there, kowtowing to the pirates, and beside him were kneeling a middle-aged woman and a sixteen or seventeen-year-old girl.

The woman is the wife of the middle-aged man, and the young girl is his daughter.

They are all passengers on this ship. They originally wanted to take a vacation to relax at sea, but they encountered pirates.

Dozens of tourists on the ship were all killed by these pirates, and only three of them were still alive.

But he knew that it was only a matter of time before they were killed, so the middle-aged man kept begging these pirates, hoping that these people would let them go.

A one-eyed pirate knelt down and jokingly said to the middle-aged man: "Let you go! That's okay! But your wife and daughter have to let us enjoy it first!"

After finishing speaking, the one-eyed man stood up and said to the man behind him: "Baby both of them!"

"Yes! Boss!"

The four pirates came out and walked over with a smile on their faces. Then, regardless of the resistance of the mother and daughter, they dragged them aside and put their hands on them.

The middle-aged man saw this scene, his face changed suddenly, he climbed in front of the one-eyed pirate, and kept kowtow: " wife can give it to you, but my daughter is only 16 years old, she is still a child. !"

"Go away!"

The one-eyed pirate became impatient and kicked the middle-aged man's chest directly, kicking him out.

Then he looked at the middle-aged man's daughter, and walked over with an evil look: "Little beauty, let me take care of you, uncle!"

When he came to the girl's face, the middle-aged man became obsessed and grabbed the girl's leg.

Just when he wanted to take the next move, two raps sounded behind him.


The people who came were Zoro and Kuina. After approaching the ship, they heard the movement inside, and then jumped onto the ship with the help of a shave.

Lin Wuya also came up, but he did not intervene, but stood by as a bystander. After all, this was the first time Zoro and Kuina had come into contact with this kind of thing, so he wanted to see how Zoro and Kuina deal with it.

At the end of the deck, the Lone Wolf Pirate turned and looked at Zoro and Kuina, then laughed.

It turned out to be two little ghosts!

Are the little ghosts so arrogant now? Also took care of their pirates.

"If you let them go, I can let you go! Otherwise, don't blame us for being impolite!"

Kuina held the word Hedao and shouted coldly at the one-eyed pirate.

"A girl film, the tone is not small, I want to see how you are not polite to us!"

The one-eyed man sneered and didn't see Zoro and Kuina in his eyes at all. In his opinion, where the two little ghosts could go.

Kuina turned out to be completely unwilling to listen, and immediately swept the moonlight towards Zoro: "Let's do it together! Zoro!"

"it is good!"

Zoro nodded, took out the three knives from his waist, took one in each hand, and bit the other in his mouth.

"Hello! Boy, did you hit anyone with three knives?"

The one-eyed pirate suddenly laughed when he watched Zoro used three knives.

He really is a sucker!

"Wait will surprise you!"

Zoro snorted coldly, and then his feet slammed on the ground.


In an instant, there were afterimages in Zoro's body.

And the moment Zoro rushed out, Kuina also shot, stepping on the shaved feet and galloping towards the pirates.

The one-eyed pirate who had previously laughed at Zoro saw the speed at which Zoro and Kuina erupt, his face suddenly changed, and then he shouted at his men: "Stop them!"

At this moment, the one-eyed man also realized that these two people were not ordinary little ghosts at all. *

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