Doflamingo has been operating in Dressrosa for many years, and the network resources he has are really terrifying, black and white.

After Gojo allowed Luci to take over Doflamingo's connections, Dressrosa's economic development was greatly enhanced.

All kinds of Blue Star items purchased from the system mall were quickly sold through these channels and were welcomed by the masses.

The phone-bug-enabled device, called mobile phones, was quickly sold around the world and became popular in many countries around the world.

The function of the phone bug is indeed good, but the signal is strong or weak, the larger and healthier the general size, the stronger the signal, and the distance of communication is limited.

Moreover, telephone worms are expensive, require time and energy to take care of, and only aristocrats, government organizations and wealthy people can afford them, and they cannot be widely promoted.

Dressrosa's mobile phone does not have these shortcomings, it does not need to be cared for at all, and the signal does not disappear no matter where it is.

The most important thing is that the price of mobile phones is very cheap compared to phone worms, and even civilians can afford them.

The price of a mobile phone only needs 5,000 Baileys, at most a month's salary for civilians, and only 100 Baileys are paid every month.

And the mobile phone also has a navigation map APP, which can navigate for people, replacing the record pointer. And it is more convenient than the recording pointer, which must be filled with magnetism on one island to point to the next island, and the navigation map APP is to go where you want to go anytime, anywhere.

It is of great help to fishermen, pirates, navies, merchants, national fleets, etc. who regularly sail the seas.

Dressrosa's mobile phone quickly set off a wave of snapping up mobile phones around the world because of its affordable price, powerful functions, and diversified sales channels.

Demand often outstripped supply, and merchants were placing orders for Gojo almost every day.

Although it took almost no time for Gojo to buy a phone from the system, it took some time for the phone to be shipped to other countries.

This led to the shortage of mobile phone inventory, and at first Gojo Gojo let the merchant price be 5,000 yuan, but due to the shortage of mobile phones, the price was speculated to 20,000 or 30,000.

The huge profits from selling mobile phones have attracted the attention of businessmen everywhere. There are many businessmen who have traveled thousands of miles to Dressrosa to sign up with Gojo Gojo to sell mobile phones.

In a dimly lit room in Alabastan

, Mr. 1 said to Klockdar: "President, this is a very popular commodity recently, it is said to have the function of a telephone worm, and it is more powerful than a telephone bug, and now this commodity is very profitable, should we also participate?"

Klockdar glanced at the phone in Mr.1's hand and said,

"I know! I'll think about it, you go down first!

Mr.1: "Yes!"

After Mr. 1 stepped down, Klockdar pulled out his cell phone in his coat and dialed a number.

"Hey, I'm Gojo Gojo!"

It was Gojo who answered the phone.

"You're doing a lot in Dressrosa!"

"It turned out to be Lao Sha! It looks like you've received the phone I sent you and my phone number! "

Klockdar's mobile phone was sent by Gojo Gojo, and Gojo's mobile phone number was attached.

"The things you sent are very useful, much better than phone bugs, you got a lot of good things in Dressrosa!"

"Okay, do you want to help with sales? With your influence in Alabastan, you should be able to make a lot of money selling mobile phones!

"Yes, no problem!"

"Then it's decided, send someone to pick up the goods as soon as possible!" Remember to send more boats, otherwise you won't be able to load. Alabastan is a country with a large population, the purchasing power of civilians is not small, and too little purchase is not enough to sell!


"And Alabastan has been made dry by you, there are many civilians who have no water to drink, and the land cannot grow food, when you come to pick up the goods, you will bring some civilians who are willing to come to Dressrosa to live, and tell them that they will have food when they come to Dressrosa!"

"What do you want so many people for?"

"For a country to be strong, the population base is fundamental! In the future, Dressrosa will be the number one power in the world, and we will need more people!

"Your ambition is not small!"

"Let's talk to each other! Also, Lao Sha, you have to be careful! Don't be defeated by the pirate newcomer again!

"Do you think every pirate newcomer is a monster like you?" As soon as you go to sea, you will be a royal-level combat power!

"Hahaha! Don't take the enemy lightly! Otherwise, I'll have to go get you!"

"Catch me? What do you mean?

"It's not interesting, just hang it like that!"

Gojo didn't intend to tell Klockdar that he would be defeated by Luffy and taken to prison.


In addition to mobile phones, there are many other products that are popular with people.

Quinn is

drinking black water at the mansion.


" "So cool!"

A voice came from outside.

"Quinn, let's go drink!"

Drought Jack walked in from outside the door and called Quinn to drink.

"Wine? What is there to drink wine, come and come, drink happy water! "

Wine doesn't taste good? I didn't hear you wrong, right? You don't even drink? "

Quinn is addicted to alcohol, this is a group of hundred beast pirates, a well-known thing, and now he actually says that alcohol is not good! Jack suspected he had misheard.

"Come on, sit down, drink happy water!"

"Happy water? What is this!

Quinn quickly took out a bottle of intact happy water from his side.

Jack took the bottle made of transparent plastic and looked at it in his hand, secretly surprised, what a delicate bottle.

Then he looked at the packaging text on it, "Happy Water", which also said the date of manufacture and shelf life, such a product packaging description, Jack had never seen before.

Jack unscrewed the lid, a stabbing sound of bubbles came from the mouth of the bottle, looking at the black liquid, Jack hesitated a little, and said:

"Can you drink this black thing?"

"Of course you can drink it, I can still hurt you!"

Listening to Quinn's assurance, Jack drank suspiciously.

A mouthful of fairy happy underwater belly, the bubble stimulation in the water made Jack's body can't help but snort.

His brain emptied at once, and his whole consciousness was recalling the taste stimulus just now.

At this time, Jack reacted, his eyes lit up as he looked at the bottle in his hand and took another sip, his expression extremely enjoyed.

Jack said excitedly, "What's going on with this happy water? How is it so delicious, this feels so wonderful!

Quinn said proudly,

"How's it going! It's delicious!

"It's so delicious! Better than wine! Where did you come from?

"I bought it with the merchant of Dressrosa."

"Dressrosa is not Doflamingo's territory now, is it sold by the Spell Pirates?"


"I didn't expect the Spell Pirates to come up with such a good thing! However, they defeated Doflamingo and ruined our Devil Fruit Building Plan, and this account still has to be settled!

"Let's not talk about this today, come on, let's drink!"

"Gooo It's delicious, where can I buy it, I also let people buy it!

"It's already been bought, and if you want to buy it, you can only wait for the next time."

"Next time, remember to call me!"

"Okay, no problem!"


Dressrosa's various products, which are constantly sold everywhere, are sought after due to their low prices and convenient features.

Dressrosa's products are constantly occupying markets around the world, gradually eliminating some local products.

This is the strategy of influencing the world with five realizations, first gradually forming economic control over the world, increasing influence and control over countries around the world, obtaining funds, and strengthening their own strength.

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