''Is your attack over?'' Then it's up to me!

''''Frozen for thousands of miles! The

words fell, Gojo Gojo stomped on his right foot, and the terrifying cold instantly went to BIG· MOM they invade the past.

The terrifying low temperature made the wine in the glass instantly freeze, not only the wine, but all the objects that stood in the way of Gojo were frozen.

And the cold air is undiminished and overwhelming BIG· The MOM Pirates are shrouded in bands.

BIG· An ordinary member of the MOM Pirate Group, looking at the sweeping cold air, his face was a little pale, and said:

"There can be no mistake, this is the trick of Gojo Gojo to ice a sea!" ''Frozen

for thousands of miles!

A few months ago, Gojo Gojo used this trick to directly freeze the Navy's demon slaughter order at sea, ordinary soldiers of the Navy could not resist at all, and the Vice Admiral was also difficult to resist, only the three major admirals of the Navy were not affected.

I heard that that move directly froze the entire sea, and after that big battle, it took three days and three nights for that sea to gradually thaw and resume flowing!

The cold directly hits BIG· The moment MOM and the cadres around her collided, billowing mist formed.

When the fog cleared, it was not BIG· The frozen figure of the MOM Pirates.

It is a giant ball formed from glutinous rice.

The glutinous rice giant ball has been completely frozen.

''Boo! Boom! With

a few crisp cracking sounds, cracks appeared in the giant balls of glutinous rice.

''Bang! ''The

glutinous rice giant ball shattered and was wrapped in the glutinous rice giant ball BIG· The MOM Pirates appeared.

It is the giant ball of glutinous rice that really isolates the cold of Gojou!

''It's BIG· One of the stars of the MOM Pirates, Charlotte Katakuri's Devil Fruit ability!

Rebecca, who was standing on the side, reminded in a loud voice.

''It's Brother Katakuri! ''

'Great! Saved! ’’

BIG· Many of the weaker members of the MOM Pirate Group were frightened into a cold sweat by the blow just now, and they couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief when they saw Katakuri use a glutinous rice sphere to defend against the attack of the cold qi.

Stepping forward, Katakuri said to Gojou:

"The white-haired Gojo Gojo is really extraordinary! Let me be your opponent! ''

'Katakuri, although you are BIG· The strength of the MOM Pirates is second only to BIG· MOM exists, but do you think you are my opponent? I think you'd better go together! ''

Arrogant! Do you want to deal with all of us on your own? ''

Kriji, who is also one of the stars, heard Gojo Gojo and wanted to deal with the entire BIG· The MOM Pirates, angrily scolded.

''Are you disgusted with the lack of people on my side?'' Since that's the case, then we'll be one-on-one! ''

''Shadow Doppelgänger Art! ’’

‘‘biu! biu! biu! With

a few sounds, Gojo divided into multiple doppelgangers.


''It's not just BIG· The members of the MOM Pirates, even Corat and Rebecca were shocked by this move.

''The ability to actually doppelganger!''

'''How exactly did you do it?' Klee

couldn't believe the view in front of him.

''This is you challenging us alone· Is the strength of the MOM Pirates? But I can clearly feel that the strength of each of these doppelgangers is not as strong as the original you! ''

It is worthy of Katakuri, seeing that the domineering spirit has been tempered to the point of pure blue, and the flaws of the doppelganger technique have been seen in such a short time.

However, this does not have any effect, it is enough to deal with these shadow doppelgangers!

Kriji: ''Since it's weaker, it's better to clean up!''

'''Then you can try it! After

speaking, one of the doppelgangers of Gojo Gojo (Doppelganger No. 1) directly punched out, and the fist wrapped in powerful spell power directly swept out.

Bombarding towards the Klee frame, the speed was too fast, the Kriframe's face changed sharply, and immediately launched the ability, forming a multi-layer cookie shield, and covering the armed color domineering, resisting the incoming fist impact.

''Boom! The

fist wrapped in the spell bombarded the cookie shield and exploded, and the terrifying power directly shattered the cookie shield with armed color domineering.

After penetrating several layers of cookie shields in a row, the fist continued to invade towards the Krie frame.

Klee is forced to block with his sword, because if he dodges, the attack will go straight to BIG· MOM。

Easily let the enemy attack his mother's place, which insults the name of the star!

Seeing that Gojo Gojo Goku Doppelganger No. 1 had already moved, Gojo Gojo Goku Doppelganger No. 2 said:

"Oh blah! Then I will also take action, move your muscles! Is that okay? My Essence!

''''Feel free! Gojo


Rebecca: ''!!

''Corrat:''!! Looking

at the conversation between Gojo and Gojo, both Rebecca and Corlatte felt strange.

''Fire Escape Hao Fireball Technique! The

corners of Gojo Gojo Goku Doppelganger No. 2''s mouth rose slightly, and the next moment a giant fireball directly exhaled from his mouth.

Towards BIG· The MOM Pirates are shrouded in bands.

The high temperature of the fireball caused the originally frozen wine to instantly thaw and evaporate, melting all the ice in its path.

Looking at the power of this move, BIG· Many of the cadres of the MOM Pirate Group changed their faces and showed extremely solemn expressions.

The power of this blow has been injected with armed color domineering, and in their perception of seeing and hearing color, even if they resist with all their strength, even if they can block it, they will definitely suffer a lot of injuries!

''The ability to use fire again!'' Although

his mouth was lamenting the power of Gojo Gojo Gokukai, Katakuri's hand was not slow.

Just when the fireball is about to descend on BIG· When MOM was in front of him, the ground suddenly surged like an ocean wave.

The ground, which was originally solid, suddenly turned into something like glutinous rice, forming a wall of sticky rice, and the wall was also wrapped in armed color domineering, blocking BIG· In front of the members of the MOM Pirates.

''The Wall of the Sticky Balls! '

''Boom! The

armed-colored glutinous rice wall bombarded with the Hao fireball, and the entire wall was instantly covered with flames.

Due to the impact of the Hao fireball, the center of the glutinous rice wall was bombarded into a dent, breaking an opening, but it also blocked the Hao fireball, causing it to collapse.

Gojo Goku Doppelganger No. 2 looked at this scene, clasped his hands to his chest, and covered his eyes under the black blindfold, as if through the blindfold, looked at Katakuri, who had blocked his attack just now, and said:

"It's you! Katakuri! ''

Katakuri is BIG· One of the stars of the MOM Pirate Group, he is powerful, domineering and even able to see the future for a short time, with a bounty of up to 1,057 million Baileys.

''Join us in the Spell Pirates!'' Katakuri! ''Although

Katakuri is BIG· A member of the MOM Pirates, but Gojo appreciates him very much, his strength is also very good, and now Dressrosa is just when he is hiring, he launched an invitation to him.

''Thank you for your appreciation! However, I will not betray my mother! Betrayal BIG· MOM Pirates!

Katakuri did not hesitate and directly refused Gojo's invitation.

''That's a shame! Gojo

said with a little regret.

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