On the street

, Robin walks to the left of Gojo to lead the way, and Estes walks to the right of Gojo.

As for Corlat, he followed behind very sensibly.

"Do you want to join our pirate group? Robin!

"You know who I am, right?"

"I know quite well!"

"Then you should know what will happen if the news of my joining your pirate group is known by the Navy!"

The corners of his mouth rose slightly, and Gojo said confidently:

"Navy District, I haven't put it in my eyes yet!" No one I want to protect can move! "

The navy is the natural enemy of pirates, and even the four emperors standing at the peak of the sea will not easily start a war with the navy.

The man in front of him did not pay attention to the navy at all. Either ignorant, or powerful enough to compete with the Navy.

Looking at Gojou's rather handsome face and listening to the arrogant words, Robin was a little lost for a while.


"Rustle..." Sand

and dust flew on the street, and a cloud of sand in the air was wrapped in the wind, falling from the sky and gradually turning into a human form.

He has a large back, a long cross-sectional scar on his face, earrings in his right ear, a cigar in his mouth, and a gold hook in his left hand. The man who came is Klockdar!

Robin stepped forward and said,


"I already know the situation, you step down first!"

Although Klockdar is very ambitious, he still cares about his subordinates.

In order to avoid Robin's injury in the possible next battle, she was deliberately asked to step down.

"Yo, Lao Sha, you really want to kill me!"

Gojo waved hello with excitement, as if he had met a best friend he hadn't seen in years.

"Lao Sha!?"

Klockdar narrowed his eyes and showed a dangerous expression.

"Listen to your subordinates, you want to be my little brother, so I specially came to find you!"

Turning black and white upside down, obviously to make you a little brother!

Robin complained in his heart.

Klockdar ignored Gojo's words and said,

"Those who can easily defeat the people I sent are worthy of being pirates with a reward of more than 50 million in the first time!"

"It's only 55 million, they look down on me too much!"

"The Navy wants me to take your head!"

His tone became icy.

"We will be the best companions in the future! The Navy actually let you kill your companions! Even though Klockdar released a murderous aura, Gojo still joked heartlessly: "Did they add money?"

"They offered double the price of the bounty!"

"Are you going to betray your companions for money?"


Klockdar did not answer, but the murderous aura he exuded was even stronger than just now.

Fine gravel swirled around him, and sand continued to spread out under his feet.

"It's just that I killed a colonel and destroyed several warships, so I asked the navy to ask me to take action, it seems that they are still very jealous of you!"

Klockdar walked slowly towards Gojou, the gravel flying around him increasing.

And at the moment when the words fell, his eyes became as sharp as a falcon when hunting, and the whole person suddenly moved forward, his right arm turned into a sand arm, and he swung at Gojo Gojo fiercely.

A crescent-shaped sand blade, with a wave of his arm, suddenly rushed out and slashed towards Gojo Gojo and the others.

This is not just a blade made of sand, the ability of sand fruit is to drain the moisture of the object and make the object sandy.

In the face of this move, Gojo Gojo's response did not panic, but just stretched out his palm to meet the incoming crescent-shaped sand blade, and slapped it out like a fly.


Gojo Gojo's palm slapped on the crescent-shaped sand blade, and in an instant, the sand blade burst open, and the power of the devil fruit on the sand blade that could drain water was blocked by the Infinite Limit Technique before invading the Gojo Gojo's body.

After slapped Klockdar's sand blade with a palm, Gojo changed his posture just now and became serious and said, "Such an attack has no effect on me, how about it?" Want to join my pirate group?

Klockdar did not answer his question, saying,

"Let me see how powerful you are who can make the navy fear!"

Klockdar wasn't surprised that Gojo had blocked his sand blade, and it would be strange if someone who could make the navy let him kill himself be killed so easily.

He stretched out his right hand and slammed it into the ground.

The demonic power of the "snapping"

rustling fruit gushed out, and the ground of the street instantly cracked, with Klockdar as the center, spreading in all directions.

Immediately afterwards, the ground turned into sand at a speed visible to the naked eye.

Almost instantly, the streets and houses within a radius of tens of meters turned into sand, which seemed to have gravity, dragging down the three of Gojou.


Esders stomped his foot, activated the ability of the Emperor Demon God to manifest the essence of the devil, froze the sand under his feet, stood on the ice, and said without hurry:

"Is this the ability of the devil fruit?" It's amazing! Gojo

stood motionless on the sand, the gravitational pull of the sand was completely ineffective against him, and explained to Esders:

"This is the sand fruit of the natural system, the biggest feature of the natural system is that it can be elementalized, and it will be troublesome if it does not have armed color domineering!"

"Elementalization? Armed color domineering? What is that?

"Armed color domineering, you will learn it later, you will know when the time comes!" As for elementalization..."

Gojo Goku and Estes can calmly deal with it, but Corat does not have this kind of strength.

"Goku-sama! Help me! Corrat

, who had already been swallowed half of his body by the sand, hurriedly asked Gojo for help.

"Really (~_~;)"

Gojo reluctantly pulled Corat out of the sand and threw him at the edge of the sand.

"Esders, you also stand down!"


In response, he jumped back, did a beautiful backflip in the air, and landed firmly on the ground.

If you want to subdue others, you must have the strength to convince people, which may be wisdom or force, and the demonstration of these strengths must be the Gojo realization.

For careerists like Klockdar, force is a necessary means of bringing them to their knees. Simply put, it's about a beating.

Therefore, Gojo Gojo made Esders retreat, and Esders, who was so eager to fight, did not complain at all, that is, he knew the intention of Gojo Gojo.

"Aren't you going together?"

"It's enough to deal with you and me alone!"

"The current newcomer is really arrogant!"

He stared at Gojo Gojo and said with a slight sneer: "Let me teach you how to respect your predecessors!" The

moment the words fell, Klockdar raised his arm and waved it again at Gojou.


The sand around Gojo turned into a sharp sand spear, and with a thunderous momentum, it suddenly stabbed towards him, and it was about to penetrate Gojo Gojo.

Faced with this blow, Gojo gently jumped into the air, and the sand spear stabbed a loneliness.

As soon as the shot was missed, Klockdar was not surprised.

Because he is waiting for this time!

His right hand immediately condensed a sand spear with the sand and blasted towards Gojo Gojo who was still in the air.

With no foothold in the air, Gojo Gojo can't dodge his attacks!

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