The originally clear sky of Dressrosa

was replaced by darkness in an instant.

"What's going on?"

"Why did it suddenly get dark?"

"What happened?"

"It shouldn't be night!"

"It's getting weirdly dark!"

"Nope... Wrong! There's something blocking the sun from there!

"What did you say? What is so big? Able to block the sun!

"That thing seems to be going down!"

"It's over! Finished! We're going to be squashed! "

The people of Dressrosa saw that a huge object shrouded in the sky was pressing down on Dressrosa, shouting in horror.

"O God! Save us!

Some even knelt on the ground and prayed to God to save them, and the whole Dressrosa was in chaos

, and Kalifa was sitting in her office, working on paperwork. Hearing the noise outside, he asked,

"What's going on outside?" Why is it so noisy? "


A guard hurriedly rushed in and said, "

Report to Lord Kalifa! Dressrosa is shrouded in a huge unknown object that is pressing down on Dressrosa! Dressrosa is already in chaos!

"What did you say? What about General Esders and General Sasuke? Where are they now? "

Kalifa doesn't know what's going on, but Gojo is not there, and the highest combat power here is Estes and Sasuke.

"Are you looking for me?"

Estes came in from outside the door and said.

"General Esders, now the situation is urgent, Dressrosa may be destroyed, I wonder if General Esders has any solutions?"

Esders: "If the object in the sky were smaller, I might be able to destroy it, but it's too big!"

Kalifa said anxiously,

"What then?"

"Don't panic,"

Sasuke continued as he appeared at the door of his office,

"The land of the Red Earth Continent obtained by His Majesty is used to reclaim the land. Also, His Majesty wants you to pacify the people. It

turned out that Sasuke drove Susa to check on it when it suddenly turned dark and found Gojo Gojo.

Gojo explained the situation to Sasuke, sensing the confusion in Dressrosa, and asked Sasuke to tell Kalifa to calm the people.

"What? You said it was Your Majesty!

Kalifa's eyes widened in shock.

"Hurry up and appease the people! There's chaos going on outside!

Sasuke didn't bother to explain it to Kalifa again.

"Oh, yes! I'll go. Come, turn on all the lights in the public places of Dressrosa, turn on the announcement screen, and I want to give a live speech! "

Since Gojo took over Dressrosa, the government's efficiency has increased dramatically, and Kalifa can give live speeches in less than five minutes.

Although Dressrosa seems to be in the dark at this moment, the streets are brightly lit, and on the huge display screen in the center of many squares, the image of Kalifa appears.

"That's Lord Carifa!"

Some people looked at Kalifa on the display and exclaimed.

Kalifa spoke:

"All the people of Dressrosa, please do not panic, any danger can be solved by our Majesty, please trust our Majesty!"

"Yes, Your Majesty can't do it!"

"Your Majesty can defeat even Whitebeard, and will definitely be able to protect us!"

When the people heard Kalifa's speech, they seemed to feel a little relieved, and Gojo Gojo had become the faith of everyone in Dressrosa since he defeated Whitebeard.

Kalifa continued:

"Don't worry, the unknown object in the sky is the land of the Red Earth Continent! It was brought back by His Majesty from the Red Earth Continent to reclaim the land and reclaim the land!

"Our country is getting stronger and stronger, it is the most peaceful and harmonious country in the world, so more and more people come to our country for naturalization and settlement, and the land is no longer enough for everyone to live!"

"Your Majesty has decided to reclaim land in order to enable more people from the world to come to our country and receive fair treatment."

"Now that our Majesty is working hard for our country to be more harmonious and beautiful, do you want to respond to Your Majesty's efforts with panic and panic?"

Hearing this, almost all of Dressrosa stopped making noises and settled down.

"Long live Your Majesty!"

"Long live Your Majesty!"

"Long live Your Majesty!"

I don't know who shouted, which led the entire people of Dressrosa to shout.


"This whole piece is not good to put it, or divide it into two halves and sandwich Dressrosa in the middle."

When the words fell, Gojo frantically urged the spell power to be injected into the huge red earth.


With Gojo's burst of drink, the red clay earth split into two halves in response.

Then slowly place the two pieces of land on either side of Dressrosa, sandwiching Dressrosa in the middle.

The land area of Dressrosa has directly expanded by nearly 20 times, and if it is well developed to accommodate 40 or 50 million people, there should be no problem.


The headquarters of the Navy, the office

Sengoku is answering the phone.

"Report to Marshal Sengoku! The fleet of Dressrosa that we are monitoring is stationed on the new shipping lanes of the Red Earth Continent, and they are building a base!

"New waterways? What new waterway?

"It is the new channel opened up by the five enlightenments that blasted through the Red Earth Continent, and the new channel connects the East China Sea and the North Sea!"

"What do you say? Blast! How is this possible! "

The Warring States looked incredulous, bombarding through the Red Earth Continent and opening up new routes, this is too fantastic!

"That's true! Their fleet is already building bases, it looks like they will be stationed for a long time!

"I know!"

Sengoku answered and slowly put down the phone worm.

"Jingle bells!"

It wasn't long before the phone bug started ringing again.

"Hey! I am Sengoku! "

Report to the Marshal of the Warring States! Gojo placed a large piece of land on either side of Dressrosa, reclaimed land from the sea, and expanded the territory, which looked like the land of the Red Earth Continent! "

The land of the Red Earth Continent! Brought the land to Dressrosa so quickly! How did he do it?! "

Marshal Sengoku couldn't imagine how Gojo got the land to Dressrosa, and in such a short time.

"Opening up new shipping routes in the East and North Seas and reclaiming land in Dressrosa, Gojo Gojo's ambition is not small, and he will definitely be the number one rival of the world government in the future!"

Marshal Sengoku made such an inference, but now he has no way to deal with the unstoppable rise of Gojou.

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