In the year 1521 of the Sea Yuan calendar

, the Holy Land of Marie Joa was completely destroyed by Dressrosa, marking the disappearance of the world government that had ruled the world for eight hundred years, and the world aristocratic Draco who was above everyone in the world was not spared, and all were wiped out.

This year, a country named Dressrosa became famous all over the world.

This year, the era called Gojo Gojo was ushered in.


The world government was overthrown and the Draco became history, and the news shocked the world, and one report after another was published.

"Shock! The world government was destroyed by Dressrosa! How

did Gojo lead Dressrosa to defeat the World Government? 《

Shock! How exactly did Dressrosa get involved in two wars at once and win? 》


For a while, Gojo Gojo and Dressrosa became legends of the world.


Wano Country, a hall

in the "Boss Kaido, big news!"

A pirate hurriedly rushed into the hall.

"What's going on? So flustered! Is it the results of the war on top that come out? Who won?

Kaido asked.

Since Gojo Gojo launched the immeasurable empty space, the live broadcast of the phone bug could not be played at all in the back, so what the outcome was, those who were not present at the time had no way of knowing.

"It was the Navy that lost! And the world government was also breached by the Dressrosa army led by Gojo Gojo! Draco are all killed!

The pirate replied.

"What did you say?"

Kaido was so shocked that he got up from his seat and grabbed the pirate by the collar.

"The top war navy lost! The world government is destroyed! Draco is dead!

"Are you sure?"

Kaido still couldn't believe it.

"Boss Kaido, this matter is true!"


Kaido let go of the pirate and said,

"I didn't expect Gojo Gojo that this kid is so powerful that he took the opportunity to annihilate the world government!"

"It seems that you can't be an enemy with Dressrosa!"


A pirate on Cake Island

burst into the palace with a newspaper in his hand and shouted,

"Mom! Mom! The results of the top war are out! Due to Gojo's participation in the war, it was the navy that lost! And on the same day, Gojo's army broke through the Holy Land of Marijo Joya and annihilated the world government and all Draco!

"What did you say?"


"Abominable Gojo Gojo! Abominable Dressrosa! It turned out to be so powerful! "

Last time BIG· The MOM Pirates were defeated by Gojo Gojo and forced to submit to Dressrosa, paying an annual tribute of 2 billion Baileys.

This is BIG· A great shame that MOM has never had, she thinks all the time about how to make Gojo pay.

But seeing Gojo Gojo and Dressrosa's terrifying power capable of overthrowing the world government, BIG· MOM no longer had the courage to take revenge on him.



: "Great! His Majesty the King won the war! Overthrew the rule of the Draco! The world no longer has to be enslaved by the Draco!

"Long live His Majesty!"

"Long live His Majesty!"

The citizens of Dressrosa, who knew the news, cheered with joy.


The headquarters of

the revolutionary army "did not expect that the world government, which our revolutionary army has been struggling for so many years, could not be shaken, and it was actually destroyed by Gojo in just a few years!" It's really scary!

Long read the newspaper and sighed.


A few months after the end of the War of the Top and the War of Mary Joa, Dressrosa took over all the forces of the former world government.

A government with Dressrosa as the core was established, replacing the original world government.

The former World Government's Warring States, Karp, Yellow Ape, Red Dog, Blue Pheasant and other naval cadres were also taken under the command of Dressrosa and became the admirals and cadres of the Dressrosa Navy, maintaining the balance of the sea.

As a result, Dressrosa had ten generals such as Esders, Sasuke, Anilu, Fujitora, Sengoku, Karp, Yellow Ape, Red Inu, Pheasant, and the newly promoted general Klockdar.

As well as the dozens of lieutenant generals of the original world government that were included, plus some lieutenant generals trained by Dressrosa himself, the high-end combat power of the current Dressrosa government has surpassed the original world government, shocking the entire sea.

Coupled with the military scientific and technological power of Dressrosa, the Dressrosa government has far stronger force than the original world government, and no one in the four seas can compete with it.

In addition, Dressrosa called for the establishment of a United Nations organization to manage international affairs, such as war, trade, customs and so on.

At Dressrosa's call, almost all countries in the world joined the United Nations.

Dressrosa, on the other hand, is the only permanent member of the UN and has veto power, and no decision can be implemented without Dressrosa's consent.

Under the rule of Dressrosa, the vicious pirates no longer dare to burn and loot and kill innocents indiscriminately.

Because the naval strength and density of Dressrosa's defense in major places in the world far exceed the navy of the former world government, once there is a pirate disorder, civilians can call the Dressrosa Navy emergency number, and the naval fleet stationed nearby can immediately carry out encirclement.

The justice of Sengoku, Kapu, Yellow Ape, Red Inu, Pheasant, and other naval cadres of the former world government was carried out, and they fought to maintain peace in the sea.

However, Dressrosa did not prohibit the activities of pirates, as long as they were law-abiding pirates, they could continue their travels and allow them to go on the Great Route.

(End of book).

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