"But the captain, the vice-captain of Nandis may ......."

"Shut up!".

Feti let out a loud shout.

In his opinion, the loss of a Fitty is nothing.

As long as this treasure is in his hands, he can recruit more subordinates who are far stronger than Nandis!

He didn't want to waste his energy with this colonel before taking the treasure.

It's not too late to get into trouble with this bastard when you get the treasure yourself!

In his opinion, this colonel led a group of sailors to fight Nandis, who was left behind.

He must have suffered a lot of injuries, and it is definitely unwise to face him, a pirate of more than 100 million.

If the other party is smart enough, he should lead the team to escape back now!

"Yes, I want to see if there is a tenfold difference in strength between more than 100 million pirates and more than 1 billion pirates. "

Bai Yu said with a smile.

This was the first time he had been threatened by pirates, and he was immediately amused.

Hearing this arrogant words, Fitty was furious.

Just a colonel, dare to underestimate him!

"A colonel like you, Lao Tzu kills dozens of !! every year."

With a roar, he flashed a metallic silver sheen.

Suddenly turned into a powerful iron man, and rushed towards Bai Yu with heavy steps.

"[Steel Impact]!".

"Steel, it's not hard enough. "

Bai Yu sneered, and cyan steam suddenly burned on his body.

And his arms and ice wheel pills are also wrapped with the domineering aura of black qi!

The power to open mountains and seas condensed in his arms.

"[One word chop]!".

The knife rises and collides with the rushing Feti!

Rub ——!!!

The screeching sound of gold and iron came from the collision of the knife and the Fetti.

You can even see the sparks from the sharp ice wheel pills rubbing against his steel body.

In Fetti's horrified eyes.

He is proud of his steel body, and he can even easily crotch a cannonball's indestructible body!

was actually cut in half by this knife!!

"How—it could be !!


Bai Yu's sword qi didn't stop because of this!

Instead, they tore the ground and cut the massive iron gate in half!

Boom ——!!!

The dust in the cave swept away by the sword qi and hit everyone like a storm.

And Feti, who was halved in half, was like two cannonballs, hitting the walls on both sides of the white feather.

Make a loud noise.

Bai Yu threw out a knife flower, and the eyes of the many pirates who were paralyzed on the ground were like dreams, and they indifferently closed the knife.

"This iron gate seems to be a little harder than yours, Feti. "

It's a pity that this sentence is enough to make Fei Ti angry and vomit blood.

He was a dead man, but he couldn't hear it.

"The captain of the ship was cut in half with a knife?!!


"I'm not dreaming, 130 million men are defeated!"

"Demon, don't come here, you demon!!".

The surviving pirates looked at Bai Yu with shocked and frightened faces.

White Feather walked past them and towards the iron gate.

Seeing Bai Yu coming, the pirates all wailed and kept retreating.

I'm afraid of being cut in half by someone as strong as this monster.

Bai Yu walked to the iron gate, and added two more knives on top of the slash.

A gap in the triangle is formed that is large enough for one person to pass.

"They're all waiting here, and I'll cut whoever goes. "

Bai Yu said casually.


The pirates who had been thinking about fleeing for their lives all stood there trembling.

Not daring to move at all.

Bai Yu stepped into this small secret room, and immediately smelled a smell of dust that had been sealed for many years.

He looked and saw that the ground was piled with gold coins and all kinds of gold, silver and precious stones.

Under the light of the flashlight, it shines brightly.

Even under the cover of dust, it still looks so attractive.

In addition, there were five or six large boxes that I didn't know what they contained.

These gold coins do look like they're worth a lot of money.

But Bai Yu felt a moment of disappointment, money alone was not interesting.

He's really not so short of money right now.

It was these boxes that made him a little interested.

Bai Yu dusted off the dust and opened one of the boxes.

It contained a lot of guns and ammunition.

But it looks rusty because it has been left for a long time and the cave is a little damp.

Bai Yu opened several other boxes.

Either gold products, or weapons and guns.

Until Bai Yu opened the last box with a disappointed mood.


In this smallest box, there is a pineapple-shaped fruit with a wonderful pattern.

Bai Yu immediately recognized that it was a Devil Fruit!

I was overjoyed.

With this Devil Fruit alone, his trip wasn't in vain!

Don't look at the black market price of the Devil Fruit is 100 million, but someone has to sell it.

There is absolutely no problem with the real price going up a few times!

However, he was a little worried, this devil fruit had been here for an unknown number of years.

I don't know if it's rotten.

After all, no matter what you say, Devil Fruits belong to fruits.

Bai Yu pinched it, it was quite hard, it should still be able to eat.

He nodded in satisfaction and held the small box in his arms.

Then he walked out of the broken iron gate and shouted at the pirates.

"Let me go in and move the treasure, whoever dares to hide it privately, I will cut whom!"

It was because he wanted to use these guys as laborers that he let them stay.

Soon, they moved out boxes full of gold coins.

As for the rusty firearms, the weapons were naturally all thrown away.

They honestly followed behind Bai Yu and came out of the cave.

Wait for a group of sailors to come and tie them up.

But to their consternation, there was only one nodding pirate outside the cave!

Not a single sailor!

Look at the corpses of the pirates who have fallen to the ground.

They shuddered, but luckily they hadn't resisted before.

"You're finally out!Colonel Hakuha!".

Kata shouted in delight, sweeping away all her worries.

Bai Yu kicked him angrily.

"Let's go, go back. "

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