The newspaper, which was rushed to print overnight, flew around the world the next morning with the news bird.

Naturally, this newspaper was also placed on the table of the Warring States.

Seeing the newspaper, the Warring States angrily smashed his new second table.

"That bastard Morgan !!"

He knew that the role of this newspaper was probably more terrifying than the defeat of the yellow ape.

It's simply to roast the Navy on the fire!

The newspapers not only announced the defeat of the yellow ape.

also wrote about the detailed deployment of Bai Yu's batch of increased personnel!

It also clarified that he is not optimistic about this war after the loss of the yellow ape.

If the Navy can't win this war, it will really be a disgrace!

This is an absolutely unacceptable result for him!

Want to regain the honor of the Navy.

There is absolutely no room for defeat in this war!

"White Feather, Peach Rabbit, this war depends on you......"

He looked out the window with an ugly face and whispered to himself.

But even he himself is not optimistic about White Feather and Peach Rabbit.

I'm already thinking about where I can draw my combat strength and send it to support.


Wano Country.

Kaido had just woken up from his drunken sleep when he was woken up by his men.

"My head hurts...... What's the matter to wake me up?"

"Kaido Boss, it's not good! Wang Zhi and the Silver Axe have been allied!"

The subordinate said with a panicked face.

"Wang Zhi, Silver Axe, those two bastards are actually united. "

Kaido patted his head, his face a little solemn.

When he was still a Xi student during the Rocks Pirates, these two guys were the top combat power on the ship.

But aren't these two guys as powerful as fire and water, and there is actually a day when they will join forces.

However, there's nothing to worry about, the closest to these two guys' territory is Linlin, just let her have a headache!

"And then, just this little thing, there's no need to wake up Lao Tzu, right?"

The subordinate swallowed and continued.

"The general Yellow Ape who went to monitor was defeated because of a sneak attack, and it was Bai Yu and Peach Rabbit who were sent to increase the troops!"

Kaido raised his eyebrows, and laughed out loud when he heard that Bai Yu was about to face Wang Zhi and Silver Axe.

"Hahaha, that's interesting! The bastard of the yellow ape was defeated!"

"And Bai Yu, the bastard little devil who has ruined so many good things for Lao Tzu, facing Wang Zhi and the two guys of Silver Axe, even if he doesn't die, he has to shed his skin!"

"Bring the wine! Lao Tzu is going to have a banquet!"


Among the nations.

"Mommy, Mommy, wake up! Zeus, Prometheus, wake up Mommy!"

Charlotte Perospero, the candy minister with a long tongue, and the first son of the aunt, called anxiously.

But he didn't dare to step into the lounge where the aunt slept.

He didn't want to be sleepwalking and eaten by his aunt.

Sun Prometheus and Thundercloud Zeus looked at each other, both a little embarrassed.

The sleeping aunt is not said to be able to wake up and wake up.

"Perospero, is it time for snack?"

The aunt suddenly opened her bloodshot eyes and looked at Perospero with a hungry expression.

Perospero subconsciously took a step back and said quickly.

"That's right, Mom, it's snack time! Today's snack is dark chocolate mousse cake!"

"But before I have a snack, I have important information to tell you!"

"Chocolate mousse cake?"

The aunt licked her lips and laughed.

"I love chocolate mousse cake!

Seeing that the aunt's mood improved, Perospero breathed a sigh of relief and hurriedly said.

"Mom, that Wang Zhi and Silver Axe have already ally and defeated Admiral Yellow Ape!"

"Oh, those two guys actually made an alliance......"

Auntie narrowed her eyes, remembering when she was still in the Rocks Pirates.

Those two guys aren't simple characters.

If they join forces, I'm afraid there will be a lot of pressure on her.

"What does the Navy say?"

Hearing the aunt take the initiative to ask, Perospero hurriedly continued.

"The navy sent Vice Admiral Peach Rabbit and that naval hero White Feather, as well as ten vice admirals and twelve warships. "

"Uh-huh...... The Navy seems to have underestimated those two guys! It is impossible to deal with those two guys with these forces alone. "

"That's right, I think so too, so what should we do, Mom? After all, that Wang Zhi and the Silver Axe's territory is not far from us!"

Perospero asked with a serious face.

"Even if it is Wang Zhi and Silver Axe, it will not be so easy to deal with these navies. "

"Let Kleeka and Smuji take Baron Dandan, and when they come back, bring me the head of Wang Zhi and the silver axe as gifts!"


Perospero replied in a low voice.

Then, led by the three generals of the Big Mom Pirates, the dessert of the three generals, and Smuji.

As well as an elite team of 10 aunts' children and dozens of combatants.

Just quietly joined this grand war!

And the influence of this newspaper continues to expand in all parts of the world!

People who know the notoriety of Wang Zhi and Silver Axe, after seeing the news of the defeat of Admiral Yellow Ape.

None of them believed that the Navy could win with its current military strength.

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