Smile Kingdom, Jade Pavilion in the sky.

Xia Tian was in a good mood after completely solving the trouble of Blackbeard Teach. It seemed that many things were solved at this moment. Xia Tian, ​​who was clear-minded, felt that his Conqueror's Haki was strengthened again.

After simple experiments and tests, Xia Tian felt that the strength of his Conqueror's Haki was even 50-50 even if Kaido came.

In the meeting room, on the flat mahogany table, the Parahuman Dark Blood Fruit, the Power Fruit, the Disease Fruit, the Animal Mythical Beast Pegasus Devil Fruit, and the Teleport Fruit were arranged in order.

"Take a look, whoever needs it can take it!"

Xia Tian pointed to the Devil Fruit on the table and said to the rest of the Smile Pirates.

"The Disease Fruit! The ability is really good, but unfortunately, I have already eaten a Devil Fruit", Poker looked sad. Poker's Giant Fruit is very similar to the Power Fruit to some extent, both of which can double the power.

However, for a doctor and a weird science scholar, the ability to control disease is a perfect ability, and it can analyze the origin. If it is fully controlled and developed, it is very likely that no one in the Kingdom of Smiles will get sick.

"Want it? Just take out the Giant Giant Fruit!" Xia Tian looked at Poker's appearance, and the corners of his mouth slightly raised to reveal a faint smile. After all, he is a man with a plug-in.

"Ah! Bang! I'm really drunk. I actually forgot that Boss Xia Tian has special skills." Poker heard Xia Tian's voice, and his originally depressed mood disappeared instantly. Seeing Xia Tian full of urgency, he wanted the ability of the sick fruit too much.

"Don't worry, take your time, no one will compete with you!"

"Except Poker, does anyone else want to change their abilities?"

Everyone looked at Xia Tian and shook their heads. Although the remaining devil fruits were also very good, they were still far behind their abilities. As for the dark blood fruit, it did not have the special structure of Blackbeard Teach. Although it greatly improved vitality, it did not have the power to revive.

The most important thing is that it was too disgusting and bloody.

"Since no one needs it, put it in the treasure house of the Kingdom of Smiles. Whoever needs it can exchange it with contribution points or treasures in the future."

Seeing that everyone was not interested, Xia Tian spoke again. Although he was a landlubber, it would be exciting if all members had Devil Fruit abilities one day.

What Beasts Pirates? They are nothing in the eyes of the Smile Pirates.

Look at the First Squadron led by the group, and you will know what the real Beasts Pirates are.

The Blackbeard Pirates were annihilated, and the beginning of all darkness was wiped out at the source. The next step is for Xia Tian to hunt down the fugitives on the sixth floor of the Impel Down. Although some guys did not join the Blackbeard Pirates, their abilities and dangerousness made Xia Tian very interested.

So, the Big Hand Mortuary Killer Organization once again played the role of intelligence and began to issue a bounty for all the fugitives in the Impel Down.

In the New World, Luffy and Trafalgar Law teamed up to defeat Doflamingo and sailed towards Zou Island together. Along the way, Caesar, whose heart was taken away, was livid. He went from a genius scientist to a tool man who was ordered around by everyone. He was very unhappy, but he could do nothing about it.

Who made him a loser? The weak have no right to speak.

"What? Kaido! Hey, you two are crazy! ヽ( ຶ▮ ຶ)ノ!!!"

"That's the Four Emperors. Kaido the Beast is known as the strongest creature on land, sea and air!"

Caesar was almost scared to death when he heard Luffy's bold words. He wondered if this guy in front of him knew the meaning of the Four Emperors.

That was the biggest pirate closest to the top. Each one was as powerful as an inhuman monster and had the power to destroy the world. Why did he say this so easily?

"So what? I want to be the Pirate King. Whether it's the Four Emperors or the strongest creatures, I must defeat them all!"

"Hey, ꒦ິ^꒦ິ, I'm really on a pirate ship!" Caesar's eyes were full of tears, and they flowed wildly without money. He was really a newborn calf who was not afraid of tigers and dared to challenge anyone.

Just as Caesar was crying, a shell fell from the sky and hit the Go Forward Luffy Senior heavily. Maybe as Roger said, Luffy's meeting with his little fanboy Bartolomeo was not accidental, everything was inevitable.

Luffy defeated Doflamingo and exposed his true face. The rest of the people who participated in this arms competition were also saved under the birdcage, so the Straw Hat Pirates were also forced to form and go to sea.

However, there are not seven divisions and more than 5,600 people, because the leader of the Kingdom of Flowers, Aokiji, is very resentful of Luffy, so he does not have a place.

"This is, the leader of the Kingdom of Flowers, Green Pepper! "

Usopp finally saw the person coming and shouted. After all, this person was once a legendary figure, a terrifying guy who had fought with Garp in his youth.

The bounty at his peak was 500 million Baileys.

"Monkey D. Luffy, you are Garp's grandson, right!"

Five huge ships surrounded the Advance Luffy Senior. Green Pepper looked at Luffy on the bow and couldn't suppress the anger in his heart. Although he saved his life in Dressrosa, Green Pepper couldn't suppress his anger. After all, Garp and Xia Tian had hurt him too much.

So, Green Pepper wanted to test it himself to see if the man in front of him was qualified to follow him.

"Well, I am!"

"Hahahaha! Great, just sink into the sea like this!" Green Pepper showed a cruel smile on his rough face, waved his hand, and countless shells began to attack the pirate ship in front.


"Luffy, do you know him? "

"Of course I don't know him. This is the first time I've seen him." Luffy touched the back of his head in confusion. He didn't know what the white-bearded bald old man in front of him was doing.

"You don't know, wow, your grandfather Garp was on the ice field *@%#... and then he bent my cone head with one punch. For decades, do you understand the dilemma of having treasure right in front of you but not being able to touch it or use it? You don't understand!"

Qingjiao became more and more angry. At the moment when the two ships approached, the whole person flew towards Luffy like a spinning top.

"Pay the price for the excessive things your grandfather and brother have done!"

"Wutou: Spin!"

Qingjiao's armed color domineering covered his head, emitting a dazzling light. The whole person jumped into the sky, and then hit Luffy and his group like a rapidly spinning top.


"Huh? Old man, you said it was my grandfather and Xia Tian's fault, why don't you go find them? "

Luffy raised his arm to block Qingjiao's Wutou, and asked with wide eyes and an innocent look.

Looking at the template exploding under his feet, Luffy felt bad. This is the sea. Devil fruit ability users will die if they fall into it.

"Hmph, blame you for being their relatives, Wutou: Meteor Cone!"

The battle between the two sides was about to break out. In order to better test Luffy's true strength, Qingjiao exerted 100% of his strength and fought with all his strength.

After all, as long as he swore to follow, he would not be able to offend his superiors in the future. As for Garp and Xiatian, Qingjiao had already looked down on them. Each of them in this family was a monster, and there was no hope of revenge at all. It was better to vent some anger now.

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