On the white earth island "Valdigo" of the Grand Line, Dragon stood alone in front of the guardrail, enjoying the sea breeze and looking towards the East China Sea.

Now Xia Tian has completely lived according to his own ideas, so the only one he is worried about is Luffy, the man who is heard shouting every day that he wants to become the Pirate King.

"Leader, I received a letter!"

The voice of a revolutionary soldier came from behind, pulling Dragon's thoughts back from afar, slowly turning his head and looking at the envelope in front of him.


Tear it open directly, and the unique coded text inside made Dragon smile.

"This kid, he still knows how to write letters, I thought he even forgot his father."

Familiar handwriting, familiar text code, Dragon knew at a glance that it was written by Xia Tian.

"Ahem, a smiler?! Three countries? War?! Control method?"

Seeing the content inside, Dragon was a little amused. He went to make a fortune from the war, and let his old father clean up the mess, and he also called it letting the war countries gain freedom and peace as soon as possible? It's something you can do, Xia Tian.

"Aqiu~ Who missed me?"

Rubbing his nose, Xia Tian looked at the sky with some doubts, and said narcissistically.

Sky: "Who knows, it's not me anyway!"

"Captain, there is news from the navy that the Seven Warlords of the Sea meeting will be held in Marinford in five days. Will you go or not?" A Jin came to Xia Tian from the back with brisk steps and stated the content of the summons.

"Go, why not? It's so hard to have a chance to enter the Navy Headquarters in a swagger, why waste it!" Xia Tian's mouth slightly raised when he heard it, and he looked at the Seven Warlords of the Sea summons with interest. It's really good to go to the Navy Headquarters to recognize the face.

"I believe the old man will be very happy to know that I'm going to visit him!" Xia Tian muttered to himself, holding his chin with both hands, thinking about what gifts to bring, donuts of various flavors? ! Or dog head hats with various patterns? !

"Alas, it's really troublesome to have such a strange grandfather. In this case, I'll take them all! Anyway, I'm not short of money."

A day later, Xia Tian arranged the next task on Smile Island and took Norinte and Ilin to Marinford.


The sound of the sea current continued to sound. With Norinte's skilled technical operation, a huge sea fish was pulled out of the water. The powerful force pulled Norinte around. It was obvious that he didn't want to be eaten so easily.


Seeing the right time, Ilin pulled the trigger instantly, and the bullet flew out from the wound. A burst of air-breaking sound came, and the head of the sea fish was directly penetrated. The originally energetic fish became sluggish, and slowly rolled over and floated on the sea.

"Well done, we can eat grilled fish today!" Looking at the skilled cooperation of the two, Xia Tian praised generously. If he was allowed to fish by himself, he might starve to death and not catch anything.

On Kraikana Island, in the dark and silent huge castle, the world's greatest swordsman Hawkeye, Jorakul Mihawk, was sipping red wine carefully. He hung up the Den Den Mushi that the navy had just called. His face was grim and did not change at all. He was not interested in the World Government's summons for Hawkeye.

He stood up slowly, carrying the Black Blade Night, one of the world's twelve supreme swords. This sword was a heavy-bladed T-shaped sword, known as the "world's strongest black sword", and walked out of the castle. He was going to meet someone.

"Hai-hai! Hai-hai!"

The castle gate opened, and Hawkeye walked steadily towards the seaside. Countless gorilla heads moved around, their scarlet eyes flashing, staring at Hawkeye, but they did not dare to take a step forward.

"Hey, baboon, don't let other creatures enter my castle. If you find any traces of dirt when you come back, you..."

Without further explanation, Hawkeye's sharp eyes glanced at the baboon king. Just one glance, the eagle-like eyes made his body tremble. He subconsciously held the imitation black knife in his hand and nodded seriously.

Since Hawkeye came to the island, the baboons have tried to kill Hawkeye, but unfortunately they have never succeeded. They were easily killed almost every time. However, in Hawkeye's inadvertent fight, the baboons' swordsmanship has increased rapidly. Ordinary pirates are no match for them. There have been lost pirates who landed before, but they all died.

Amazon Lily Kingdom, Daughter Island, Hancock, the world's most beautiful pirate queen, is taking a bath at this moment. In the misty bathroom, the beautiful and moving figure immerses her body in warm water sprinkled with rose petals, and her dark black hair floats on the water to form a weird net.

"Sister, the Navy sent a message saying that they want to discuss the lack of seats in the Seven Warlords of the Sea and the recent restlessness of the legendary pirate Golden Lion."Things!" Boya Sandersonia whispered outside the bathroom.

"Refuse it! I won't go! "A cold and unyielding voice sounded from the bathroom.

The imperial concubine came out of the bath with a hazy shadow, her chest half covered by a thin tulle, water drops slid down her fair skin, dripping on the ground.

A pair of deep blue eyes, with slender and delicate corners, a little coldness in the beautiful almond eyes, a high nose bridge, a small nose, soft lips without a trace of wrinkles, a pair of snake-shaped golden earrings under the ears, Hancock slowly put on the cheongsam and walked out.

If Sanji saw this scene, he might have dried up his blood on the spot and died directly from petrification.

In the palace of the Kingdom of Dressrosa, Doflamingo, the ultimate villain who likes to make trouble, immediately stood up after receiving the notification from the Navy Den Den Mushi, with an excited smile on his lips, pushed open the window, and the transparent silk thread shot towards the clouds in the sky and disappeared in the castle.

"The legendary pirate is about to reappear in everyone's sight. What kind of storm will it cause? Hehehehehehehe! Let's make a complete mess!"


For the call, the six Shichibukai made their own choices. Anyway, the Shichibukai meeting has never been orderly, and the navy is no longer surprised.

More than a dozen nautical miles away from Marinford, the navy warship approached the Smile. After seeing the person coming, the navy soldiers conveyed the regulations. So, under the command of the navy, Xia Tian and others docked the ship at a designated location on the coast.

Nolint and Ilin were left behind by the navy. Xia Tian carried a sack of donuts and Heytea on the navy warship alone and continued to move towards the inner bay of Marinford. Looking at the tall navy headquarters in front of him, Xia Tian shook his head subconsciously.

"What a pity, it may be destroyed in a few years!"

Leading the navy: "? ? ? "

Walking and stopping, turning and turning, Xia Tian quickly entered the meeting room under the leadership of the navy soldiers. Looking up, there was no one?

"Uh? I'm the first one? ! It's really unexpected and reasonable! "

Xia Tian sat casually in his seat, washed the cups, and drank tea by himself. He was free anyway.

"Hahahaha! The donut record is broken again. I am really a genius!"

A familiar voice came from outside the meeting room. Xia Tian came to the door in an instant. With a strong pull, a funny old man was madly stuffing Tian Tian circle.

"Ahem! Xia... Xia Tian?"

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