Bryant was taken aback, but he suddenly remembered the bag he had in his pocket.

The money given by Mu Long, he must have prepared it with this possibility in mind.

A shocked Kobe stares at Luffy, who sniffs his nose to find the cause of the smell.

"Oh, it's the restaurant, let's eat. "

"Eat . . . Didn't you just have a snack on the boat, and besides, we have something to do?"

"Well, it's okay, it'll be over soon. "

Ah, wait.

Luffy walked into the hotel triumphantly without hesitation, and Kobe, who was left behind, couldn't stay still and chased after him.

Seeing that Luffy had already found a seat and was about to sit down, he walked there.

Looking at Luffy, who was happily looking at the menu, he whispered

, "Mr. Luffy, how can you eat, let's go out now." Mr. Makhiryu and Miss Aega are now working on the voyage.

"Shishishi, it's okay, but Mulong said I could eat it.

"Uh, is that so? when?"

"Sauron was captured, right? He couldn't go anywhere. "

The moment Luffy mentions this person's name.

For some reason, there were several loud noises in the store.

Not one or two people, but several people acting at the same time, voices overlapping.

The two of them were puzzled, looked around the store, and saw people lying on various seats.

That look, as if he was afraid of something, was an uneasy expression.

Bryant was confused because he couldn't understand the situation.

Even Luffy looked at them carefully with a strange expression.

"What? Why did everyone fall?"

"Maybe that's the name. What Mr. Luffy just said. "

Oh, do you mean Sauron?"

As soon as he finished speaking, a loud bang rang out again.

In front of the two of them, whose eyes widened in surprise, all the customers fell down in a big way, and even the plate and table were overturned.

Seeing this, Kobe Bryant understood the reason, lowered his voice and leaned over to Luffy and said.

"It seems that the name of Roronoa Sauron is a taboo here. I don't know why, but I'm sure everyone is afraid of the name.

"Is that so?"

the fallen guests stared at the two of them and began to slowly stand up.

While confirming the situation, Bryant lowered his voice a little.

"Let's change the subject, by the way, since you've come all the way to this town, let's talk about the navy. As I said earlier, the commander here, Colonel Monka—"

another clanging sound.

Bryant was surprised by the unexpected reaction and looked closely to see that the customers were falling to the ground, just as Roronoah Solon had been mentioned.

Luffy thought this reaction was amusing and giggled.

Kobe Bryant couldn't laugh, feeling that their reaction was very wrong.

Their eyes reflect fear of the names they hear.

Feeling this, Kobe's face became serious and he began to think seriously.

Something could be wrong with this island.

Luffy was smiling happily, but suddenly noticed his expression, and his face suddenly changed. His smile was gone, and he seemed to feel something.

There was a strange atmosphere in the shop.

In the end, Luffy still chose the menu, told the staff, and decided to start eating.


Sauron hated the sunlight pouring down slowly.

The body becomes hot, sweaty, and the soaked shirt is also annoying.

Today is the ninth day of stopping eating.

He was given only the bare minimum of water he needed, and if it was convenient, he was taken to the toilet by the person in charge, and the rest of the time he was crucified, standing there.

It's a gamble, and it's torture at the same time.

This kind of pain, if you were a normal person, would have raised your voice and begged for death a long time ago.

But he still refused to say anything.

Stand still. He did not lament his misfortune or regret his actions.

Sauron was sweating profusely and exhausted, unable to change his clothes, let alone shower.

He didn't think of anything in his heart, just be patient, and when the time came, it would be fine.

A Marine with a water glass approached and glared at him and said, "It's time to drink water." "In order to survive, he had to drink water.

The Marines quietly thought: Why don't you beg for mercy?

Throw away your shame and bow your head, why choose such a painful path.

After drinking the water, it was like being resurrected again.

The well-hydrated body is still trying to survive, despite feeling tired.

Taking a deep breath and drinking the water from the glass, the man lowered his head and stopped moving.

The marines, who had completed the mission, tried not to think about anything and turned away.

However, a slightly hoarse voice came from behind:

"Hey, what happened to that kid yesterday?"

The Marine looked back, pretending to be calm, secretly hiding some fear.

"Don't worry, he just went home.


"Remember the promise: If I stand here for a month, I'll be released. Hearing

this, the Navy member took a deep breath, this is the condition for the release of this person.

If he could stand there for a month, he would be acquitted.

The Marine nodded, and then walked away in fear.

A man who had lost the person to confide in suddenly looked up at the sky.

The weather was surprisingly clear.

There are no clouds today, azure ones.

The sun shone brightly on the earth, and two free birds flew overhead.

The man lowered his head again and stood quietly.

After eating, Luffy and Kobe walked towards the naval base.

Unlike Luffy's good mood, Kobe Bryant lowered his head worriedly.

At first glance, it is a calm town.

But after seeing the actual situation, I can't help but feel that something is wrong.

Bryant looked around, a little restless, and there was an indescribable uneasiness in his heart.

He told Luffy about his anxiety.

"It's weird. If you're a criminal, you can't help but be intimidated by the name of the Colonel. But Zhenmin won't, maybe something bad will happen. "

Well, the food at that shop is good. I think I'll go again.

Bryant had a dull expression.

Luffy once again showed curiosity about the upcoming base.

What kind of person is Roronoah Zoro?

Thinking of this, he quickened his pace and urged Kobe Bryant, who was pondering.

"Now let's go see Sauron. I wonder what kind of person he is.

"Well, but I think it's better not to get your hopes up too much. "


"Because as long as you don't do bad things, you won't get caught." In particular, Roronoa Zoro is not a pirate, but a bounty hunter. The Navy will not arrest him for nothing. "

It's just that what if Roronoa Zoro is innocently captured?"

Kobe Bryant's mind was reminded of the town's fear of the colonel's name.

Kobe Bryant catches up with Luffy.

"Mr. Luffy, let's go. I have a bad premonition..."


In less than a few minutes, the two were in front of the naval base.

It's big and spectacular.

The base is heavily guarded, and the navy is guarded at the door.

The two stood on the street, looking up at the building, pondering for a moment.

It doesn't seem easy to meet Zoro.

"So, I want to know where Zoro is? I guess he's in there. "

Normally, I think prisoners are going to be in jail, but Zoro, he'll probably still be inside the base.

"Let's find the back door and sneak in."

"Do you really want to do this? This is a naval base, it's dangerous..."

"If you don't like it, then I'll go alone."

"That's not going to work. I promised Mulong to look at you.

"Then let's go. "

Uh, I wonder if that's really good...",

the two avoided the main entrance and walked along the high wall.

No matter how big the base is, there must be weak security points.

A few hundred meters ahead.

Luffy and Kobe Bryant saw something strange.

A little girl leaned the ladder against the wall of the base and climbed up.

She was about ten years old, so small that she didn't look like she could carry a ladder to get there.

Now she had climbed to the top of the wall, and was going to jump to the other side.

The girl jumped down and disappeared in front of the two, both stunned by the strange sight.

Kobe screamed in worry, while Luffy smiled and thought it was funny.

"This girl is so bold that she doesn't know what attracts her over there.

Luffy stood in front of the wall and refused to use the ladder.

Relying only on his legs, he kicked the ground hard and jumped to the top of the high wall.

He immediately saw the scenery in the base.

Inside the walls, there is a vast area that looks like a training ground.

There was someone there, and he was crucified.

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