A Marine tries to help him get up.

Another Marine pulls out a pistol and points it at Luffy.

Luffy snorted, his anger still unsubsided, glaring at Berumeber.

Berumeber, who was being protected by them, covered his nosebleed face and said roughly.


"This, this...! Shoot! Kill him! I'll tell my father!

"Yes." The two Marines stood in front of Luffy, a little hesitant.

Probably the first time shooting people in the base, Luffy was confused when he saw them.

Luffy yelled at them without the slightest fear.

"I'm a pirate, if you can kill me, kill me!"

He lowered his posture and ran quickly, instantly closing the distance between him and them.

Even without the use of rubber capabilities, the difference in strength is obvious.

It's incredibly fast.

The thrown fist hit the Marine on the right, and when the leg was kicked with the momentum of the rotating body, the Marine on the left was also kicked away.

Both of them slammed their backs against the wall and couldn't move for a while.

Berumeber couldn't help but let out a scream of disbelief.

Luffy stood in front of him.

He didn't even breathe, and looked at the frightened Berumeber in front of him.

"Answer me honestly."

Berumeber was terrified and screamed even louder.

"Where is Sauron's sword? It's right here somewhere, isn't it? "

Huh!? I—Why am I doing this...!

"You don't say? - "

Wow, wait!?" Well, I tell you, don't hit me!

As soon as Luffy raised his fist, Berumeber immediately coaxed.

Maybe he has always used his father's power as a shield, and he himself has not been much bold.

"Right in my room, the sword looked pretty good, so it wasn't disposed of. Okay, if you go there, you'll see..."

"Take me, where is the room?"

"Uh... I understand. I'll take you. "

Berumeber walked in front, and Luffy followed.

"I tell you, don't lie, if you find you lying, I'll blow you up."

"Yes, yes, I remember...!"

The two of them walked down the empty hallway, heading somewhere.

The internal structure of the base is complex, and there are many corners, so it is difficult for outsiders to figure it out.

After turning two corners, three Marines approached him.

They were taken aback when they saw Berumeber.

Berumeber immediately screamed for help, he didn't care that Luffy was right next to him.

"Hey, help me! He's an intruder! He's a pirate! "

Hey, don't run!" Luffy grabbed him by the neck with one hand.

"Lord Berumeber... And the boy.

"What are you doing? Hurry up! If I die, you will be executed!" Three

Marines stood in the way unarmed, trying to convince Luffy.

"You, release Lord Berumeber now, and then surrender."

"I refuse."

Grab Berumeber's neck with his right hand and grab his shoulder with his left hand and push forward.

With Berumeber as a shield, he rushed to the opposite side.

Berumeber screamed, and the Marines were flustered, they didn't dare to stop it.

"Help me!"

"Ahhh Help me!? "


Just as he passed the three, Luffy stretched out his legs and quickly kicked them with his rubber feet.


Several Marines were kicked against the wall. They hadn't fainted yet, but the pain was so intense that they couldn't move for a while.

Luffy walked leisurely past them.

A Marine clutched his stomach and shouted.

"Break, intruder! Lord Berumeber has been caught! The

voice echoed through the hallway, all the way into the distance.

Someone nearby immediately reacted.

A Marine emerged from the doorway in the middle of the passage.

He stood in front of Luffy, who was heading straight for the stairs.

The Marines opened their arms and tried to stop him.

Seeing this, Luffy directly pushed Berumeber forward.

The Marines simply did not dare to do anything.

Luffy is holding the colonel's son, and if he is injured, the Marine will die.

Luffy, who easily broke through again, kicked away the Marines and began to rush down the stairs.

Berumeber is caught by Luffy and is on the verge of fainting due to his jumping movements and speed.

No one could stop the two who continued to run, and the invasion swept through the base like a storm.

A room deep in the base.

In the huge office, the atmosphere is solemn.

A Marine looked nervous, straightened his back, and saluted respectfully.

The person in front of him is the most powerful person in this base.

This man is Colonel Monka, the axeman, who has an absolute position in this town.

Monka stood up from his seat.

He is over two meters tall in appearance, has a muscular body, a metal casting attached to his chin, and an axe-like prosthetic hand in his right hand, revealing a sharp blade.

This is a figure that makes people feel intimidated just by looking at it, and the voice that speaks is also solemn, full of tone that cannot be objected to.

The cold gaze is terrifying.

The staring Marines were numb and wanted to escape, but he knew that to do so would mean death, and he mustered up the courage to meet the terrible gaze desperately.

Munka stroked the hand holding the axe and began to ask.

"It's funny, who do you think is protecting this town from pirates? It's me! Isn't it right for the townsfolk to obey me and serve me?

"In addition, those who do not obey my orders have no right to live, and if there are people who do not obey, bring them here, and I will execute them immediately."

"Calm down, Colonel. The killing of innocent civilians is unacceptable—

" "Are you also disobeying my orders?"

Monka took a few steps closer to the Marine, looking down at him.

"If you have anything else to say, I'll listen."

The Marine trembled all over, his knees creaked, and he couldn't help but imagine his own death, because he could no longer move for fear.

The axe man lowered it gently, and Monka's voice became soft.

"Is it worth it for you to die for a civilian?"


"That's good, remember, the big guys are right."

With that, Monka turned his back to the Marines and returned to his chair.

He was a terrible man.

Exercise power and suppress disobedience by force.

No one can disobey him.

Even if it doesn't feel right, no one will say it out loud.

Because your head will be cut off next!

Everyone in the town thought it was a base of fear, including the Marines, but nothing changed.

The Marines clenched their fists in frustration and fell silent.

The door was opened, and a Marine rushed in.

"Colonel! There are invaders at the base! "


"Yes. It's a boy in a straw hat, uh... He destroyed the statue of the colonel on the roof and fled!

Monka's expression changed.

He immediately turned his head and glared at the Marines who had come to report.

The two of them stood trembling at the same time.

Munka said in a chilling voice.

"Destroy the statue...? It was a statue of my strength, and to destroy it was a clear act of treason. Treason! Which bastard attacked? Bastard! "

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