Minghe whispered to Mulong.

"Hey Mulong. Luffy and Zoro are strong, aren't they? "

Huh? yes, they're all pretty good.

"You're also strong, you can cook, you can draw, you can navigate, and you're smart."

"I'm just scratching the surface. None of these areas can be compared with experts.

"I wonder if I'm useful."

Minghe's expression was slightly depressed, and Mu Long's face became serious.

"In order to protect the town, I have been practicing swordsmanship. Aside from swordsmanship, I don't know how to cook and I'm not good at drawing. But all three of you are better than me in combat, aren't you? "

It's not like that. Congratulations to you on being indispensable to us. "


"I don't think Luffy invited you to join because you were strong. Or if you're useful or not, he invites you because you're qualified to join the squad.

"What qualifications do I have?"

"I don't know unless you ask him, but I'm personally glad to have Aega here. Like on the island just now, if Luffy was left alone, he would definitely get lost all day. It's a trifle, but it's useful, isn't it?

Minghe's eyes widened in surprise, this little thing can be done by anyone.

"They may be strong, but they're not perfect. Of course, I'm not either. We all have weaknesses. I think our peers can compensate for each other's weaknesses.

Minghe was speechless and silent for a while.

"This is Luffy's choice. There are no unwanted people when we venture out together, and everyone is an important companion. You can think about your role and what you will do in the future. "

Yes, I know." Mingga smiled brightly and decided to take a moment to think about it.

What can they do, what they can't do, and when can I help them?

There is definitely still a long time before Luffy becomes the king of the pirates.

I'm sure I'll be able to grow and gain skills through a variety of adventures during this long voyage.

The hesitation in Minghe's heart disappeared, and he felt a lot calmer.

"Thank you, Mulong. I feel so much better now. "

They're strong, but they all have obvious shortcomings..."

, as he spoke, an explosion came from the kitchen next door.

With a bad premonition, the two hurried there.

As soon as the door opened, a cloud of black smoke rose and the view was obscured.

When Luffy went to the back to see what was going on, it seemed that he was using fire.

While brushing away the smoke, Mu Long approached the two of them.

They're fine, and they're not in a hurry.

Zoro drank directly from the bottle, while Luffy walked towards the stove as if he was doing an experiment.

He had a serious face, but his face was black and gray, and he looked like he wanted to laugh.

Mulong sighed, and Minghe was dumbfounded.

"Luffy, what are you doing? The smoke was too loud. "

Oh, Shepherd."

"Did you blow it up? Stoves rarely explode.

"That's right, this must be a mysterious furnace."

"No, I think it's definitely your problem. I'll do all the cooking in the future.

"Really? Uh~ This ship looks like it will burn down if I mess around.

"If you understand, let me do it, and I'll take care of it."

Mu Long looked at Luffy's surprised smile and sighed.

Why should I take care of these two guys like little children...

Mingga smiled, they are second to none in battle, but complete idiots when it comes to the skills they need in their daily lives. It is even possible to destroy your own ship in everyday life.

Luffy laughs happily and the dragon complains and takes care of him.

Sauron loves to drink and is carefree.

Each of them has something they are good at and what they are not good at.

When Minghe saw that scene, he thought of what Mu Long had just said, and he had some realization in his heart.

She stood in the doorway, with her hands behind her back, looking at her friends.

"Ah, look at Luffy, it's burnt. What kind of fire did you heat it up?

"I'm doing it normally. Zoro was watching, too. "

Well, the process is normal, but for some unknown reason, it exploded."

"In a sense, it's also a gift..."

"Well, it's kind of weird. Well, I'll try again tomorrow.

"Don't do that."

"You asked me."

The three of them talked carefree in the black smoke.

Minghe analyzed.

Luffy, who acts too impulsively, needs to be watched, and even Mu Long sometimes feels troublesome and ignores him.

He didn't know much about Zoro, and he seemed to have a very calm attitude towards any situation.

Aega decides to become a pirate who can help his friends.

First of all, starting tomorrow, learn how to cook with Mulong.

Seeing the captain staring at the burnt meat with a serious face, Minghe made this decision.


"I can see the island!"

A few hours later, at sunrise several people resumed sailing, adrift at sea.

After sailing for about 2 hours, Luffy, who found the island, shouted loudly at the bow of the ship.

Naturally, the dragon at the helm also noticed, and Akiga, who was washing dishes in the kitchen, and Zoro, who was napping on the deck, also reacted to Luffy's voice.

Everyone has changed their clothes from yesterday.

Mingga was the one who made the suggestion.

No matter how long you live on the ship, it is necessary to keep your body clean, even if you can't bathe every day, at least change your clothes.

Luffy wears knee-length jeans that are slightly different from the day before, as well as a sleeveless red shirt with a hood. As usual, he wore a straw hat and looked happy.

Mingga wore a long-sleeved T-shirt with sleeves rolled up to his elbows and shorts to show off his legs.

The mulberry wears a white hoodie and black jeans.

Sauron wore dark cargo pants and a blue shirt that was open and exposed his thick chest to the wind. As usual, he did not take off the green lacing.

A few people just changed their clothes, and they looked completely different from before.

Everyone gathered on the deck, looking in unison at the island ahead.

"Next island. I guess there's a town there.

"You might as well take a look, I think you can get what you want there."

Wrangling threw a telescope at Sauron, and Sauron began to study it.

Zoro held the binoculars and whispered with a puzzled expression.

"There was indeed a town, but I saw something strange."

"What is it?"

"It's a pirate ship, isn't it?"

Zoro handed the telescope to Akira and answered the dragon's inquiry.

Minghe also looked through the lens, and the island was still far away.

At first glance, there was a galleon parked in the harbor, which did not look like a merchant ship.

The décor is unique, somehow, a bit like a pirate ship.

Looking up along the mainmast, the flag fluttering in the wind is black.

Above it is a skull flag, and there are pirates in the town.

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