In an instant, the air around them froze.

Luffy said, the worst thing for Bucky.

The expressions of the pirates instantly condensed, and the playful laughter instantly fell silent.

Nami, who couldn't move, also came back to her senses.

Bucky didn't move for a moment, his brow furrowed, his hand grappling the sun lounger bruised.

After a brief silence, a cold voice erupted from Bucky's mouth.

"What are you doing?"

"Are you wearing a prop? Or are you just like that? "

You guy..."

I think it's pretty good, with a red nose. "

Who's the Red Nose?"

Bucky kicked down his chair and stood up, striding closer.

"You bastard, enough is enough! I'm going to drag you all over the city, crucify you, hack you to death, and behead you!" You shouldn't mess with me, I'm going to kill you! "

Oh, I'm sorry, I don't want to die yet."

"You don't want to!? I'll kill you right now! "

The scene is already in chaos, and Luffy's words are still adding fuel to the fire.

Bucky angrily lifted his leg and kicked him in the head.

The rubber body easily blocks this blow!

It's just that the straw hat gently left Luffy's head.

Luffy's face changed instantly.

"Hey! Don't touch that! "


"That hat is my baby! If you hurt it, I will never forgive you...!

Seeing Luffy's anxious expression, Bucky, who should have been angry, smiled.

He laughed loudly and walked over to the hat.

"Gahahahaha! Treasure? Is the treasure gold and silver treasure, such a shabby straw hat or a treasure? Don't be silly! "

Hey, don't touch it! That's the hat Shanks gave me! The

hand trying to pick up the dropped hat suddenly stopped.

After a moment of silence, Bucky grabbed his straw hat and looked back at Luffy.

He had a surprised look on his face, and his eyes were full of doubt and disbelief.

"Shanks' hat...? Don't lie, kid. "

I'm not lying, it's true, he gave it to me when I was in Windmill Village."

"His hat... Does that mean it's Captain Roger—"

Bucky muttered dumbfounded, a look of surprise.

Staring at the straw hat, it seems to be deeply moved.

Luffy felt a little strange, and then calmly said,

"Give me back the hat!"

"Give it back! Do you know whose this turned out to be? "

It's Shanks. I got it from Shanks. "

Hehe, what is Shanks, he's just a middleman."

Nami and the pirates around her are a little struggling to keep up with the progress, what is the situation now?

Bucky had no intention of returning the hat, and Luffy glared at him fiercely.

"Listen, I was in the same boat as him when I was an apprentice, and the captain of that ship was wearing this straw hat. That is, it's not yours, and it's not Shanks's!

"But I got it from Shanks."

"It's because Shanks has the audacity to put on the captain's hat."

Bucky closed his eyes and began to speak, recalling the past.

"In the past, he caused me to lose a lot of money. A treasure map and a Devil Fruit, the treasure map fell into the sea, and the Devil Fruit was accidentally swallowed by me... "

Captain! Help me! Before he

could finish speaking, the door to the roof was pushed open vigorously, and a man appeared.

The pirates turned their heads to confirm that it was the vice-captain Mochi.

He seemed to be injured and his face was full of panic.

Screaming walked over and interrupted Bucky's words to get his attention.

"What are you doing, Mochi... I was trying to punish this little bastard. "

Uh, I didn't mean to, it's the enemy! There's an enemy—

" "Yes, I'm sorry, the enemy is me."

Someone snatches the hat from Bucky's hand, and his attention is all on Mochi.

Mulong smiled and put on his hat.

"Luffy will be angry if it gets hurt."

"That's it, Captain! It's him who hurt me and Niche! The

pirates' attention was immediately drawn to the figure of the dragon.

Ignoring the hustle and bustle around him, Mulong walked over to Luffy's side, bowed his head and shrugged his shoulders.

The dragon was curious about what had happened to him being surrounded by pirates, tied with ropes, and sitting comfortably with a face.

"Long time no see, what's the situation?"

"Shishi Shishi, I've been used for a while, let's untie the rope."

"Heh, I think it's amazing that you can be used."

"Two bastards! Don't ignore me!

Bucky yelled at the two of them as they were chatting happily.

The two turned around at the same time and looked at each other.

Bucky's face grew solemn with rage.

"What are you doing? What are you doing here?

"We're pirates too. I want you to leave this town.

"Funny, right? Fools, why should I listen to you? It's funny and funny! The

surrounding pirates burst into laughter.

The dragon cuts Luffy's rope with a piece of paper and frees him.

After regaining his freedom, Luffy stood up happily.

However, there are enemies all around, and the difference in strength is also obvious.

"Do you think you can fight Lord Bucky and get home alive!?"

"I think so."

"Don't be stupid, Straw Hats! Then I'll show you how terrible Lord Bucky is!

He waved his arms exaggeratedly and made a loud noise.

"You bastards, get ready!"

"Hey, Captain!"

Several pirates immediately followed the order and began to act.

A cannon placed on the edge of the roof was pulled over, filled with shells.

The pirates shifted positions, and everyone gathered to one side, blocking the gate.

The muzzles were pointed at the boys and girls.

Bucky stood next to the cannon, smiling, and looking in a good mood.

"Let me tell you how I threatened this town. Just a cannonball! Once released, this shell can cause massive damage with a threatening explosion! With just one shell, part of the town was wiped out.

"We could die."

"yes, I think I'm going to die."

"You're so carefree!?"

Nami, who was silent, punched Luffy in the head.

But the rubber man didn't feel anything, and Luffy didn't look at her.

Nami felt that her life was in danger.

She broke out in a cold sweat and looked around.

"What are you going to do in this situation? At such a close distance, if the cannon fires, we simply can't dodge! "

Luffy, who is this person?" Mu Long asked curiously.

"She is our navigator. I want her to be a companion.

"Now is not the time to talk about this!" Nami said in annoyance.

Looking at these self-talkers, a blue line appeared on Bucky's forehead.

Endurance is at its limit.

Bucky's shrill voice resounded through the sky.

"Cannon fire! Make these imps disappear! "

The fuse to the cannon was ignited.

After seeing this, Mu Long waved his arm.

Countless pieces of paper flew out of the sleeves, from the hoodies, from the chest, and flew against the wind, quickly blocking the muzzle of the gun.

Many people were stunned by this strange sight and exclaimed.

The dragon took Nami's hand and ran to the other side of the door. Luffy immediately followed.

"What the hell is this!?"

"Look here."


Whether pulled by hand or cut with a knife, those strange pieces of hard paper didn't peel off.

What happens if you plug the muzzle with paper that is as hard as steel?

It is not difficult to imagine that, presumably, the shell will not be able to shoot out, and the barrel will explode.

The chaos among the pirates grows worse.

More and more people are breaking out in cold sweats.

"You idiot, what are you doing! Let's do something about it!

"Impossible, this guy is too hard to take it off!"

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