"Even so, I often thought about going on a long voyage, even though I couldn't read the map.

"It's useless to travel at sea unless you can read charts and the weather. Don't you have seamanship skills?"

"No, really. I thought it would be nice to have a navigator as a companion. Saab is very good at this kind of thing, and I think both Ace and Saab will be on my ship.

"But in the end, the three of us fell apart.

"Originally, I decided to leave these things to my friends. Luffy was a little lost.

"And what is your role?" asked Mulong rhetorically.

"I'm the captain.

"Yes, it's my job to protect my friends!"

noticing a slight change in tone, Mulong looked back with a strange concern.

Luffy, who was walking behind, stopped eating fruit and replied with a firm look in his eyes.

"When Saab died, I thought that if I became strong and protected everyone, I would not lose anyone. That's why I've been training hard with Ace for years. "

I'm not going to let my friend die!" said

Mulong's gaze back to the front, then glanced up at the sky.

Through the gaps in the leaves of the trees, a clear blue color shines through the eyes.

The atmosphere was surprisingly quiet.

Luffy didn't mind, picked up another fruit in his left hand, wiped the corners of his mouth, and asked

, "Mulong is a traveler, right? Then you should know a lot, right?" Mulong

was in a trance, recalling the past few years.

"I learned everything. Fight, drive a sea ship, cook, doctor, navigator.

"So can you do anything?"

"You can say that, but I'm not as good as those professionals, just a little.

"That's pretty good, too!"

"All in all, everything is half a bottle of water."

Mulong said this with a wry smile, and Luffy immediately shook his head.

"No, you can do anything, isn't that amazing? I can't do anything, so I admire you.

"But I'm not professional.

"But I can't navigate, and I can't cook. I don't know the way, so I can't even find the treasure. I was sure that I would not have survived without my help. "

Haha, what kind of confidence is this? Is this also something worth saying?"

Hearing Luffy say that he couldn't do anything, Mu Long's shoulders trembled, and he couldn't help but laugh.

Luffy took a bite of the ripe fruit and smiled at the sweet juice.

"That's it, it's really hard to live alone.

"You still have your friends. "

yes, but we've been apart for a long time.

Mu Long looked at the location: "We will be there soon." Probably around the corner.

Luffy got excited: "Oh yes!"

He quickly ate the fruit and swallowed it in his stomach.

Luffy, who had eaten everything and had no change in his stomach, began to look around happily.

The scenery around has not changed much.

After walking for a while, a large rock appeared in front of me.

The total length is about ten meters.

It has a white rock surface that is distinctly different from its surroundings and is unusually conspicuous.

The dragon raised his right hand and pointed at it.

"I thought, we should look into this and maybe find something. "

Well, how does it feel?"

"No matter how you look at it, it's just a normal rock...", "

Do you want to climb up?" Luffy suggested.

The dragon realizes that it is the owner of the Devil Fruit in front of him.

Thinking of discovering other anomalies, Mu Long nodded, "Let's go up and have a look, but if there is nothing, then there is no clue." Let's stop the treasure hunt and find a way to escape from this island, okay?"


Then let's go, Captain. "

Luffy and Worry are standing at the bottom of the huge rock.

Luffy spun his right arm around and around, as if in preparation.

Until he made up his mind and stretched out his right arm vigorously.

The palm of the hand grasped the top of the 10-meter-high stone without any problems.

Mulong hurriedly hugged Luffy.

Luffy used his right hand hard, and the two took off smoothly and landed on top of the boulder with ease.

"Let's see if there's anything strange about this. "

Hmm... Ah, hey, Mulong, come here. "


"Something is written here. What is this?"

"It also looks like a map. But it's not the same as on paper... There is only one marker.

Mulong looked at it as he pulled out the parchment from his pocket.

Squat down and compare the two.

Various white scars are carved into the rock.

However, unlike parchment, there is only one mark of the same shape on the rock.

The location indicated is also not quite the same, closer to the beach where they first landed.

After having a general idea, Mulong turned around, looked into Luffy's eyes, nodded

and Luffy shrugged his shoulders, revealing true joy.

"Yes, yes, finally, I can finally find you. "

Mu Long thinks Luffy's laughter is really distinctive. "

Let's say no one has found it yet, because there's often more than one treasure map."

"Don't worry, let's go. You know where it is, right?"

"If we go back to the beach where we started, we might be able to find it."

"Okay! I'll find you!" both

stood at the edge of the rock, looking down, but at an astonishing height.

Mu Long looked at Luffy and shrugged his shoulders.

"It seems like it's going to be hard. "

Leave it to me. I'm rubber, so no problem.

"Your body is indeed convenient, so what should you do?"

As before, a hand wrapped around his waist and grabbed him tightly.

Suddenly, Luffy jumped into the air with him in his arms.

The dragon was excited and was about to scream, but Luffy grabbed the top of the rock with his other hand, and the outstretched rubber arm adjusted the speed of the fall as he fell.

It's fast, but not to the point where it feels dangerous.

Mu Long hurriedly closed his mouth and wanted to scream, he was indeed surprised.

Thanks to Luffy's clever control of speed, both of them landed unscathed.

"I really want a rubber body, too. "

Good idea. The

dragon looked in the direction of the beach.

However, Luffy doesn't seem to know which way to go.

When he directly said that he didn't know the road, his face was extremely sincere.

The dragon was no longer surprised, he knew it when he came.

"Well, we're going back to where we started, do you know the way?"

"I really don't know.

"That's what I thought, too. Then come with me. "

Thank you. "

Mulong walked in front, Luffy followed.

And so it went for a few more hours.

The position of the sun is changing, and dusk is approaching.

The ground turned from dirt to sand with a creaking sound.

Without the trees, the scorching sun poured down violently.

The sound of the waves is getting closer.

The wreckage of the drifting ship is scattered everywhere.

On one of the stranded wreckage, blue coats fluttered in the wind.

"Wow, my jacket is dry. "

Ha, we're back!" Mulong

took off his jacket and put it on, the sun had already dried it.

At this time, even the clothes soaked by the waterfall were dry.

After changing his clothes, Mu Long was in a new mood, looked around and looked at the sea.

It felt so much different compared to when they first met here in the morning.

The two have become like real partners.

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