On the other side, Wu Miao came to a secret stronghold, and after a slight shake of his wrist, a blood-colored bell appeared.

Wu Miao gently shook the bell, and a crisp sound sounded, and after a while, two strange-looking evil ghosts came out of the ground with their heads bowed respectfully, waiting for Wu Miao's orders.

Wu Miao casually drew a picture in the air with blood, and the picture showed a delicate boy holding a knife, "Remember this person's face, your future task is to assassinate this person, or kill someone who has a close relationship with him." "

Don't let me down!" Wu Miao put away the blood in his hand, and his figure disappeared in a flash.

"Yes! I will not disappoint the adults!" After

the miserable aura was completely gone, the two demons on the ground dared to raise their heads and discuss in a whisper.

"Shadow Ghost, remember what the boy looked like?" said the gray-haired, thin-skinned ghost, his voice like a decaying dead tree, a breath of death wrapped around him.

Known as the Shadow Ghost, he was a middle-aged man with a gray mist all over his body and his eyes closed.

He folded his hands, and a strange aura rose above him, and then slapped the ground, forming a strange pattern, and several shadows as black as ink were constantly writhing.

The shadow ghost bowed his head and muttered a few words silently, and the shadow disappeared from the ground as if instructed to merge in all directions, like a servant faithfully carrying out the orders given by his master.

The pattern on the ground of the Blood Demon Technique: Shadow Pursuit

disappeared, and the Shadow Ghost stood up: "I have already arranged the tools for pursuit, and I believe that we will soon be able to find the person that the adults want us to kill." The

emaciated demon hugged his chest, "Well, after doing this we will definitely be appreciated by the adults, I don't know if the adults will give us blood again, tsk, it's been a long time since I've tasted that wonderful taste." The

shadow ghost flicked his fingers, frowning as if controlling the direction of the flow of the blood ghost magic, and he said casually: "Don't be too happy, it's been a long time since the adults summoned us guardian ghosts, and the target this time may not be easy to deal with."

"Hey, hey, aren't you too cowardly, isn't it the same as killing these ghost swordsmen when we kill them, I wonder if you're scared by the man named Purgatory Kyojuro." The

contemptuous voice spoke of the Shadow Ghost's pain, unconcerned about the strength of those who were about to be killed.

The blue veins on the shadow ghost's head suddenly flare, and then quickly disappeared, and he said lightly: "I don't need you to remind me of this, one day I will cut off his head to prove my strength to the adults."

"Haha, I'm kidding! Whoever in the escort team doesn't praise you for being a hero, you should change your name to Runaway." "

I don't know who was cut down by the immortal river, leaving only one hand and stumbling back, how can I have the face to say someone else's. The shadow ghost sneered faintly.

"Yaga!" Junichiro's face was furious, as if he had been poked into the deepest part of his heart by the shadow ghost, "I was by accident, I repeat! I didn't fully show my strength, next time! next time he will die in my hands!"

"Like a pool of ink, the shadow ghost disappeared into the deepest part of the city, and seemed to turn into the shadow of the city, coveting the humans living in the city.

Junichiro snorted disdainfully, and his figure disappeared in an instant.



The courtyard of Tanjiro's house kept crackling, and it was the sound of chopping wood.

Tanjiro was chopping firewood in the yard, and it was useless to prepare a little more firewood for the mother of the province, and then Inosuke began to shout for him to help, and he couldn't eat other people's things for nothing.

My wife Shanyi was not to be outdone, and the two competed like this.

Inosuke's axe slashed through the air and whistling, while Zenyi on the other side seemed slower, and Tanjiro stood to the side looking at them with envy.

Gen Cangta quietly touched the back of Tanjiro, holding a cup of steaming tea in his hand, and suddenly spoke, "Do you envy their strength so strong?" "

Source... Brother Yuan, you're here," Tanjiro was startled by the sudden voice, and then scratched his head, "It should be, Inosuke forget it, why is Shanyi's strength so big, obviously his size is smaller than mine."

"Because they are swordsmen, after they can use the breathing method, their physical fitness will increase exponentially, and it is normal to have more strength. "

What is breathing," Tanjiro's eyes were full of curiosity.

"Ahem, well, this breathing method is a kind of physical technique that can strengthen the human body and allow us to have a physical technique that can fight against evil spirits.

"Can I learn it too?"

"Of course!" Genkota looked Tanjiro up and down, looking at the brightly colored mark on his head, which made him think of the changes in his body when he was beaten.

He silently touched the lotus flower on his chest and said, "Everyone can learn the most basic breathing techniques with diligent practice, and of course you can too. "

I can take the liberty of asking

what the mark on your head is...""Oh, that's what you said," Tanjiro touched the large red mark on his head, "This thing was there when I was born, and my father also had it on his head, and my mother said it might be something like a birthmark, isn't it ugly." "

No, no!" Yuan Cangtai waved his hand, and then unbuttoned his neckline, revealing the lotus mark on his chest, "I also have this kind of thing on me, so I'm more curious." The

strange lotus pattern flashed in front of Tanjiro's eyes, and Gen Cangta had already closed his clothes, "In short, I believe that with your ability, you can also become a powerful ghost swordsman, so go to Sasagiri Mountain and work hard."

"I'm going to try to get stronger, and I'm going to make Midouzi turn back into a human." Tanjiro nodded vigorously, his immature face full of determination.

"It's getting late, it's time for us to go. Yuan Cangtai took a sip of tea gently, the bitter and fragrant taste rushed straight to his brain, and the warm current flowed through his body, and he exclaimed: "It's really good tea." "

Hey, Zenyi, Inosuke, it's time for us to go. Yuan Cangtai looked at the two people who had already cut all the wood and were going to continue the competition in the forest, and covered his forehead, "Remember to put the wood in a dry place and don't let it get wet with snow." Then

he turned to Tanjiro, "Go and say goodbye to your family, I don't know when I'll come back when I go out this time." Watching

Tanjiro run back to the house, Mako suddenly appeared next to him with a small hand.

I don't know when I hung a pink scarf around my neck, embroidered with a cute little bear on it, "Do you really want him to go to the Narrow Foggy Mountains to train, in fact, we can take it to investigate the matter of Mi Douzi." "

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