The battle was a battle of swordsmanship, and the two of them were evenly matched.

In the quiet room, Bardock sat cross-legged, recalling the battles between Hawkeye and Shanks. After that day, Bardock recalled it countless times, and many scenes were like movie scenes, and his memory was still fresh.

The battle that day, not counting the final divine evasion, can be roughly divided into three stages:

The first stage was a pure swordsmanship contest. The two of them had their own characteristics, one was powerful and heavy, and the other was fast and tricky, and they were evenly matched;

The second stage was a competition of physical fitness, and the swords were obviously faster and more powerful, and the two were evenly matched;

The third stage was a full-strength attack, with skills, body, domineering, flying slashes, and everything that could be used, but in the end they were still evenly matched.

Shanks used the final move of the Divine Evasion because he felt that it was meaningless to continue the fight. It was purely a war of attrition. I think Hawkeye had the same idea and stopped after taking the Divine Evasion.

Bardock saw it most clearly and remembered the first stage the most. He missed a lot of the second stage because it was too fast and his brain couldn't react. He didn't see much of the third stage at all. This stage was full of smoke and dust, and the wind was howling. It was a complete excitement.

Bardock saw the Divine Evasion clearly, but he didn't understand it. However, for Bardock, the most useful part was the swordsmanship contest in the first stage. Imitating masters is the first step towards becoming masters.

"Fast, accurate, and steady. From now on, I will practice Hawkeye's swordsmanship with my right hand and Red Hair's swordsmanship with my left hand. It's great."

"From time to time, I put one of them in my mind and analyze why I respond in this way. My understanding of combat has improved."

"It's better to learn some stick techniques from Teacher Kaido, and combine the three to form my own skills, which is called Ruyi Stick Technique. It's unacceptable that the Monkey King doesn't know how to use a stick."

"I can't think about it anymore. If I think about it, I can't stop. Hurry up and act!"

Bardock rushed out of the room and started to exercise.

In addition to physical training, Bardock also added swordsmanship movements. The movements were all disassembled from Hawkeye and Shanks' movements. In fact, they were the basic skills of swordsmanship, but they were the basic skills of swordsmanship used by Hawkeye and Red Hair. There were many details that Bardock needed to carefully study.


It was late at night, and the tavern was still lively.

Bardock didn't come here to drink, he came to look for targets. If he didn't make money, he would be hungry the day after tomorrow!

His target is a small character named Ironhook Hawke, whose bounty is only 5 million, which is lower than that of the bandit king Sig. He is the captain of the One-Eyed Pirates and is known for his ruthless methods.

In fact, Bardock can fight pirates with higher bounties, but those pirates are accompanied by a large group of younger brothers, and the fight is relatively noisy. Even Hawke at this moment has two team members accompanying him.

Shampoo is famous for its many pirates, navy, and bounty hunters. If there is a lot of noise, people will come to watch the fun, and then it will be impossible to keep a low profile.

Now is not the time to become famous. Bardock plans to change his identity when he collects the bounty later.

Before he started, Bardock was already thinking about how to collect the bounty. There is really no pressure in the bullying game.

"Ah, cool, guys, follow me, let's go to the second half of the Happy Festival..." Hawke took the lead and walked outside.

"Ohhh" the two younger brothers hurriedly followed and shouted happily. Good wine, beautiful women, isn't that what you go out to sea for?

Following the three, Bardock kept observing the surroundings. When he found that there were no other competitors, what was he hesitating about?

Wearing a hat, a mask, and sunglasses, don't ask why he wore sunglasses at night, it's because his eyes can see at night. Bardock took out his weapon, a metal baseball bat, and followed quietly.

There are many brainless characters in Pirates, and the ones in front of him are drunk and have no vigilance at all. Bardock has already touched behind him, but he still hasn't reacted. He is lucky to be alive until now.

With a stick on the left and a stick on the right, he hit the back of the two minions' heads in one go, and the two minions fell down.

Hawk in front showed the quality of a battle captain at this moment. He didn't turn around to check immediately, but rushed forward with force, trying to roll forward to avoid possible attacks.

Can Bardock roll him over successfully?

Obviously not. Hawk was still leaning forward, and he felt a pain in the back of his head, and then the world spun and he lost consciousness.

"It's easy." Bardock clapped his hands, tied up the three people with the ropes he had prepared in advance, and stuffed them into three large bubbles, leaving only their heads outside.

"Let's go!" Bardock walked in front, holding the ropes, and the three bubbles with people in them followed behind, heading straight for the naval base.

Fortunately, it was already late at night, otherwise

You will definitely get a high rate of turning heads. In just a few steps, Bardock has switched from his original human form to the Monkey King form, and then used the Big and Small Ruyi to keep his height at 90 cm.

Isn't it strange? With such a big change in height and body shape, the hat, sunglasses, mask, and clothes are still very fitting.

Bardock remembered that a senior traveler had made a name for Zoro in the Sabaody Archipelago. Now he wants to make a name for Chopper. The first bounty is 50 Baileys. How much do you look down on me, Chopper?

The naval base on Sabaody Island No. 66 has a feature. Even in the middle of the night, you can exchange the bounty. Of course, the bounty exchange must be within 50 million Baileys. If it exceeds 50 million Baileys, the base commander needs to sign. It is impossible for the base commander to stay up all night just to sign.

The bounty Bardock received is 5 million Baileys. Only Hook Hawk has a bounty, and the two younger brothers only get two words of encouragement.

But it doesn't matter. Bardock left behind the name Tony Tony Chopper, claiming to be a bounty hunter with a beard all over his body, nicknamed Joe Beard.

There are a lot of people in One Piece who are face-blind, and they basically recognize people by their characteristics, hats, height, hair, and the name Chopper. Didn't you see that two years later in the original book, a raccoon cat could pretend to be Chopper?

One night, Bardock walked out of the naval base with the pirate bounty and slowly walked away.

"It's this 'Sap' Chopper again. He always comes late at night."

"Yeah, this is the fourth time this month. From the initial 5 million pirates to the current 12 million pirates, he is always unscathed, not even his clothes are torn."

"Not unscathed, he has never fought head-on. Otherwise, why is he called 'Sap'? I heard that the pirates he knocked down were sap-hit before they could even see the person clearly."

"The colonel said that he is still very strong..."

Bardock couldn't hear the rest of the words and didn't want to hear them. "I'm sorry, Chopper, I didn't expect the navy to interrogate pirates. They clearly said he was 'Joe Beard', but they gave him such an ugly nickname as 'Sap'."

Thinking that there would be a group of pirates in the future, bounty hunters shouted "Die, 'Sap' Chopper!" and rushed towards Chopper who was eating cotton candy with an innocent look on his face. Bardock pulled up the corners of his mouth sadly and cried.

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