After another confrontation, Bardock and Koshiro separated and relaxed. The simple swordsmanship exchange was over. If they fought again, they would have to fight for real. Zoro and Kuina on the side breathed heavily at the same time. They were so nervous that they almost forgot to breathe. Except for the first few blows, they could not see the fight later. But they were reluctant to look away. They only saw two vague shadows fighting back and forth, which was very intense. "Do you want to continue?" Bardock asked. Koshiro looked tangled. From his own will, he hoped to continue. It was rare for him to meet such a powerful swordsman. In the East China Sea, it was too difficult to let go and fight. However, further fighting may very well tear down his own home.

With a sigh, Koshiro put away his posture, and finally he decided to stop this competition.

"We can't show off here, why not go to the mountain over there and fight with real swords next time." Koshiro pointed to the mountain behind Shimotsuki Village and said.

Looking at the hilltop not far away, Bardock agreed, "Okay, I was just thinking that fighting with bamboo swords is boring." Bardock put the bamboo sword back to its original place and said, "I'm going to stay here for a few days, let's fight again before leaving!"

Koshiro had no objection, "Then it's a deal."

After agreeing to fight again next time, Bardock led his men to other places. Koshiro originally wanted to be a tour guide, but was rejected by Bardock. There was no need. Shimotsuki Village is not a big place, so they can just play by themselves.

"Trample, tramp, tramp..."

The heavy sound of running came from behind.

"Hey, are you also a swordsman? I will definitely beat you! I will become the world's number one swordsman!" Zoro shouted loudly after catching up with Bardock and the others.

Bardock looked back at Zoro. It was rare that he chased out alone and didn't get lost.

"It's a great dream. You want to be the world's number one swordsman, how can you not have a sword?"

Bardock took out "Snow Walk" and threw it over. "I'll lend it to you. When you want to challenge me, come to me with this sword."

Zoro caught "Snow Walk" and was still a little confused. When he talked to some adults about becoming the world's number one swordsman before, except for his master, everyone else laughed at him for not knowing his own limitations. Unexpectedly, the person in front of him not only didn't laugh at him, but also lent him a sword. He was a very nice person.

"Thank you, I will definitely find you with this sword!" Zoro bowed seriously and ran back.

In the unbelievable eyes of Bardock and the others, Zoro ran in the wrong direction and got farther and farther away from Isshin Dojo.

"This person..."

Perona tried hard to find a word to describe Zoro in her mind, but she couldn't think of it for a long time.

"I think he must be cursed. God closed a door for him, and opened a window for him. If this window is a talent for swordsmanship, he might really become the world's number one swordsman." Gardino pushed his glasses and said seriously.

"Maybe his window is naming and reciting poems." Bardock said with a smile.

"Huh?" The others looked at Bardock strangely. Is there such a talent?

Bardock smiled mysteriously, said nothing more, and led the way to the center of the village.

The others looked at each other and stopped asking questions. They would know later.

In Isshin Dojo, after Bardock and the others left, Koshiro took out "Autumn Water" and handed it to Kuina, "'Wado Ichimonji' was replaced by 'Autumn Water', don't blame me, the ancestral sword must be taken back. Here, you will maintain 'Autumn Water'!"

Kuina lowered her head and took "Autumn Water". She was upset, and losing "Wado Ichimonji" was only a small part. She was more confused about her future.

Before, she was a little worried that Zoro would catch up with her. Now, after watching her father compete with others, she realized the gap between herself and them. Such a powerful father said, "Female swordsmen will never become the world's number one due to physical limitations." Then can she really not become the world's number one swordsman?

Putting down the Autumn Water, Kuina got up and walked into the house, "I'll go get the whetstone."

Koshiro raised his hand to call her. The black knife does not need to be sharpened, but he knew that Kuina was upset and sharpening the knife could calm her mind, so he put his hand down again.


Kuina suddenly screamed in the room. Koshiro disappeared instantly.

Not long after, Kuina lowered her head and followed Koshiro back outside.

"If it wasn't for

I caught you. You must be injured if you fall down the stairs this time." Koshiro's face was still worried.

"I'm sorry, I was distracted and missed a step," Kuina was still in shock.

"Okay, I'm fine." Koshiro picked up the "Autumn Water", "You are not in good condition now, just watch from the side, I will take care of this sword, I will tell you the story of the owner of this sword, the dragon-slaying swordsman Shimotsuki Ryoma, I heard it from your grandfather, now I tell you..."

Koshiro should be thankful that after Bardock came, a series of things happened, causing Kuina to fall from the building earlier, and she happened to fall down the stairs when he was there.

He thought he would be injured, and he underestimated the power of the Supreme Staircase. Some people cannot be killed by bombs with a range of 5 kilometers, and some people die after falling down the stairs. Who can they ask for justice?

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