The two of them were on the White Dragon Horse.

"Bardock, is this 'magician' you mentioned really that accurate in divination?" Robin asked curiously.

Bardock nodded and said, "Basil Hawkins, let's not talk about his other abilities, but when it comes to divination, he is definitely one of the best. Maybe only the fish-man fortune teller Charlie can be compared with him."

"If his divination is really that magical, will he leave early if we go to find him now?"

Robin was a little worried.

Bardock comforted him, "Divination is time-limited. The further into the future, the more variables there are.

Hawkins is better at short-term fortune-telling. I heard that there is a powerful fortune-teller here, so I decided to come and take a look.

As long as he didn't foresee us a long time ago and ran away in advance, where can he hide under the detection of Enel's mind net?"

"That's right, no matter where the other party hides, he can't avoid my mind net detection."

Enel is full of confidence, and the mind net has never let him down.


The ship docked smoothly.

After leaving the Kingdom of Lubnir, the White Dragon Horse was coated with a layer of wax film again, covering the luster of gold.

Getting off the ship, Bardock and his friends were a little surprised. An unexpected person was coming towards them.

He came to Bardock, bowed his head, and said in a deep voice, "Captain, please let me join you and become one of you!"

This is the best response Hawkins has come up with after many divinations. The so-called "If you can't beat them, join them." As long as he took the initiative to ask to join in advance, he would not be beaten by Enelu.

Although his original intention was to gather his men in a few years, then enter the Grand Line, and finally enter the New World.

He also had the determination to make a name for himself.

However, the result of divination told him that if he did not join, the consequences would be very bad, and there was an 80% chance that his life would be endangered.

Everyone looked at Hawkins in a daze. They had just heard about how great his divination ability was. Now it seems that he is indeed extraordinary. He actually asked to join before they asked.

For a moment, everyone looked at Bardock, waiting for the captain's decision.

Bardock came here, of course, intending to accept Hawkins. Whether he invited or Hawkins took the initiative to join, it would not affect the result.

So, Bardock said directly, "Hawkins, the White Dragon Horse welcomes you to join! How about it? Do you want to show your strength?"

Bardock said this not to embarrass Hawkins, but to give him a chance to show himself.

"Okay, Captain!" Hawkins did not refuse.

Bardock looked at Kidd and Kira and said, "Well, Kira will be your opponent. Find an open place!"

Kira looked at Hawkins and turned his sickle silently, "Yes, Captain."

This has to be said about the grudge between Kidd, Kira and Hawkins in the original plot. Bardock let Kira fight Hawkins, which was full of bad taste.

Under the leadership of Hawkins, everyone came to a secluded place.

Kira and Hawkins stood opposite each other.

Among them, Kira held a sickle in each hand, and Hawkins also drew the long sword at his waist.

There was still some suspense before the result of this battle. Hawkins was older and had outstanding physical advantages, while Kira had received formal training from Bardock and others, and he also had a good chance of winning.

The battle was about to start.

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