The two sides are still in a state of panic.

Hancock is hesitating, and Bardock is also hesitating. He is wondering whether to trick Hancock into joining his team. Although he is now a lone commander, he will definitely have his own team in the future.

On this sea, it is too disadvantageous to fight alone.

It is said that after the Red Earl Barrorick Redfield won the decision with the Navy Marshal Steel Bone Sora, he was picked up by Garp and imprisoned in Impel Down.

The Devil's Heir Barrett was launched by the Navy against him alone. He failed and was imprisoned in Impel Down. Later, when he ran out, he was besieged by everyone and failed.

Hancock was captured at the age of 12 and sold to Mary Joa as a slave for three years. During this period, except for eating the devil fruit, she should have no conditions to become stronger, but when she was 18, she was already the captain of the Nine Snakes Pirates and the Queen of the Kingdom of Women. That means she surpassed everyone in the Kingdom of Women in three years and became the strongest existence in the Kingdom of Women. Even with the help of the fruit ability, it is also amazing.

But this woman is also the owner of the Conqueror's Haki, she will not easily obey others, and she hates men extremely. Will I not recruit male partners in the future?

Strange, am I not a man too? Why doesn't she hate me like she did in the comics later, and her personality is much easier to get along with.

Give it a try, you won't get pregnant if you try it.



"You go first."

Bardock made a gesture of invitation.

"I haven't asked yet, what's your name?"

"Oh, my name is Bardock, I'm from the West Sea, I'm almost 9 years old, unmarried, my hobbies are..."

9 years old, unmarried, isn't that natural? Hancock was speechless.

"Okay, Bardock, can you take us to Island 13 to find someone? My sister and the others haven't woken up for so long, I'm a little worried. We will repay you later."

Oh, the recruitment has ended before it even started.

Xia Qi from Island 13, that's the former emperor of the Nine Snakes Pirates, and there's also Master Lei, the coating worker who likes to sell himself. If Hancock and the others go there, wouldn't it be like throwing meat buns at a dog, and there's no return?

Bardock thought about it and agreed. He was worried about his sister, and if he refused, wouldn't it seem like he had ulterior motives?

"It's not dark yet. I didn't want to be too conspicuous, but saving people is important. Let's land directly on Island No. 13 from the air."

Bardock lowered the cloud that blocked the wind around him and flew to Island No. 13 from the air. Ordinary people would definitely not be able to accurately identify the number of the mangroves from the air, but Bardock was not an ordinary person.

"It's so beautiful!"

Looking down from a high place, the Sabaody Archipelago is as beautiful as a fairyland.

Hancock only realized at this moment that the ship was really flying in the air, although it was only slightly higher than the mangroves, and the people below were blocked by the branches and leaves of the mangroves and could not see the ship.

"Do you keep the ship in the air?"

"Oh, yes, I'm doing a test. I want to see how long I can keep the ship flying?"

"Oh, are you going on a long journey?"

"Smart! Beautiful and smart." Bardock found an opportunity, "I'm going to find the legendary dwarf tribe. Someone told me that the princess of the dwarf tribe has the ability to heal all injuries."

Manshili is indeed the target partner that Bardock wants to recruit, but the time is later, but it is not impossible to change the order. I don't know whether Manshili has eaten the healing fruit.

"Really? Can it really heal everything?"

Hancock stretched out a hand and touched her back. She could feel the shame through her clothes and wanted to cut off this piece of meat.

"It should be true. I guess it is the ability of the devil fruit. I want to find the other party to be my partner. Now that we are here, do you know the specific location?"

Bardock knew that it was Shaqi's blackmail bar, but he had never been to Island No. 13.

"I don't know either, I just know it's a bar that's alone on a tree root."

"Oh, really? Let me see." Bardock looked around and soon found it. "Shaqi's rip-off bar, is this it?"

"Yes, it's Shaqi, it must be this one."

"Get ready, the Monkey King is about to land. Biu~"

Hancock rolled his eyes and added a new clip for Bardock. The video snail has been on Bardock's shoulder, and he controls the somersault cloud to take pictures. These videos will be sent to these people when they become the overlords of the sea. I believe it will be very exciting. Missed Hawkeye

Bardock will regret singing for the rest of his life.

A new use for the Somersault Cloud has been developed. It is indeed a hardworking Somersault Cloud.

The boat landed on the tree roots. Bardock pushed the door open, and Hancock followed with one sister in one hand.

The bar was deserted and there was no customer. Rayleigh was not there either. Only Xia Qi was wiping the cups.

"Welcome, what would you like? Oh, you must be Hancock. Where have you been all these years? Why is there no news?"

"Senior Xia Qi, let's not talk about this for now. My sister and the others have been in a coma for a long time and haven't woken up yet?" Hancock said anxiously, laying the two sisters flat on the floor.

"Ah, are you with me, brother?" Xia Qi asked, while checking on Sandasonia and Marigold.

"My name is Bardock. I saved them on the road. All three of them were in a coma at the time."

If it was a disease, Xia Qi would have no choice but to find a doctor. Fortunately, Xia Qi saw the problem at a glance, and then said in a deep voice, "Long-term malnutrition, and no rest. It should be due to the recent war. Overdrawn, it's not a big problem, just recuperate."

"Brother Bardock, I've heard of you, Shanks admires you very much."

"Oh, really, Shanks didn't say anything bad about me?"

"No, no, ha ha ha," Xia Qi covered her mouth and chuckled, "He just talked about your great ambitions, do you really want to teach Zhan Guo a lesson? It is said that he is the hot candidate for the next marshal of the navy."

"Hahaha, Shanks is such a big mouth, I must teach him a lesson next time."

Seeing that Bardock did not deny it, Xia Qi's eyes lit up. Is this really confident, or is he ignorant of the world?

"Senior Xia Qi, you also know Bardock."

"This is the first time we met today, but I have heard of him," Xia Qi said leisurely while smoking a cigarette, "Old Lei's juniors admire him very much. I saw him today and he is indeed very unique."

Hancock didn't know who Old Lei was, but since Xia Qi also recognized Bardock, then what he said should be reliable.

"Senior, do you know the princess of the Dwarf Tribe?"

"Oh, why do you ask this? I know about the Dwarf Tribe, but I haven't heard of the princess of the Dwarf Tribe."

"Bardock, I have something to tell Senior Xia Qi, can you step aside for a while?"

"No problem, I'll go buy something."

Bardock estimated that Hancock was going to talk about their experiences in the past three years, and it was indeed inconvenient for her to stay here. Since she had already thought of Mansherry, she might as well buy a permanent pointer for Dressrosa.

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