The essence of Fishman Karate is to compress the surrounding water to form a shock wave that penetrates the human body, causing huge oscillations between the water in the atmosphere and the water in the human body.

Bardock discovered that the shock wave of the Eight Punches could well offset the shock wave of Fishman Karate. This gave him more options for fighting, otherwise he could only rely on the Armament Haki to resist the damage. That consumed a lot of Haki, so he needed to save his energy.


Bardock was in mid-air, kicking quickly with both feet, and countless air chopping waves flew towards Jinbei one after another.

Moreover, Bardock did not attack in one place. He moved around in the air with the Moon Step, and occasionally kicked with "Rasukyu·Chaos".

At first, Jinbei was able to dodge with flexible movement, but later, more and more storm kicks came towards him, and he could only wrap his armament Haki around his arms to take some attacks that were difficult to dodge.

Later, the storm kicks from Bardock were everywhere, and Jinbei had no way to avoid them.

"Fishman Karate: Karasou Wa Zhengquan!"

If he couldn't dodge, then he didn't dodge. Jinbei used the straight punch to generate a 360-degree shock wave.

The shock wave was very swift. In Bardock's vision, the moment Jinbei punched, it was like a big bell being struck and emitting a sound wave. The shock wave was like a tiger entering a pack of wolves, and all the storm kicks that hit it were silently annihilated.

Even the shock wave of Karasou Wa Zhengquan still had enough power to push Bardock away in the air, so that the subsequent attacks could not be launched.

"Hit the water!"

A few drops of water hit Bardock like bullets, and Jinbei followed closely behind.

It must be said that Jinbei is very confident in his close combat skills, first blocking the opponent's movement from a distance, and then fighting in close combat.

Coincidentally, Bardock is also very confident.

So the two of them collided with each other without any fancy moves.

From the perspective of the onlookers in the distance, the previous big scene suddenly turned into a close combat, but they didn't know that the current battle was more dangerous.

Without the fancy waves, everything returned to the most primitive punches.

Jinbei is skilled, and fish-man karate and fish-man jujutsu have almost become instincts. He can use various moves at will, and coupled with his strong physical fitness as a whale shark man, he is really a fighting weapon.

Bardock is a gambler, he knows the six styles of the navy, he knows the eight punches, he knows swordsmanship, and he also knows many of Kaido's stick techniques. Although he is not using weapons now, when he fights hard, weapons can no longer restrict him, and everything is naturally used in physical skills.

After a long fight, the two fought from one end of the island to the other, then to the other side, and finally fought back.

This world is too cruel to ordinary people. If such a battle happened in a town, the casualties would be immeasurable.

Not to mention the damage they caused to the environment. The ground of this island was almost plowed, and the ecology formed over countless years was completely broken.

Even so, it was because the two of them were fighting with physical skills. If those powerful devil fruits were involved, it would be easy to destroy an island.

Bardock and Jinbei collided again.

The two were not unscathed at this time. More or less, they were hit several times. Even if they had armed color domineering defense, they had mastered the skills to make armed color domineering flow, and they could break the defense when fighting.

"Hu... Hu..."

After taking a few deep breaths, Jinbei charged a punch, "Fishman Karate· Samewa Zhengquan!"

This punch used Jinbei's whole body strength.


Bardock also breathed a sigh of relief and punched out with both fists, "Six-style Secret Skill: Six Kings Spear!"

Also the Six-style Secret Skill, when Bardock used it now, it was not comparable to Lucci during the Judicial Island period.


The two of them officially faced off with each other, and a loud noise spread all around. At the intersection of the moves, the air vibrated constantly, and the explosion made many people watching the battle from a distance covered their ears.

The smoke and dust produced by the impact obscured the vision, and only a figure flew out and fell into the sea.


Everyone on the White Dragon Horse wiped their sweat and was very worried.

"Don't worry, it's that fishman." Enel said in a deep voice.

Everyone breathed a sigh of relief.

"Did Bardock win?" Perona asked.

"It's too early to say he won. All we can say is that the next round has begun."

Under Enel's mind network perception, Jinbei's breath was still strong.

Big. And, as far as he knows, the water is the home of the fishmen.

Bardock cannot enter the water, so they will finish the second half in their respective home courts.

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