The sky was full of clouds, and the White Dragon Horse was advancing rapidly on the White Sea.

Because they had Gan Foer's life card to guide them, they didn't need to go to Gaya Island and ride the sky-high current.

After discovering the White Sea above their heads, Bardock immediately asked Enelu to control the White Dragon Horse to fly to the White Sea.

Therefore, the navy and CP agents who heard the news lost their traces.

Zhan Guo was angry about this, and he was criticized by the Five Elders. Now, he couldn't even find Bardock's whereabouts, so how could he catch them?


Just as Bardock and his men were looking for the White Sea, a hollow bell sound suddenly came from a distance.

"Ah, it's it?" Bepo said in surprise.

"Yes, it's the lights of Shandora!" Bardock nodded, "It looks like we'll reach our destination soon."

"The sound of this golden bell can be heard from so far away!" Peikin looked into the distance, but could not see anything.

"It's decided, I must light up the lights of Shandora once." Xia Qi said excitedly.

Peikin rolled his eyes immediately, "Tsk, ring the bell, why light the lights?"

"What do you care?!" Xia Qi rolled his eyes in response.

Luo looked at his younger brother with disdain, and suddenly felt something in his heart. He turned his head and looked, it was Kidd.

The two began to stare at each other silently.

Kidd: 'This is your North Sea! Shame on you! '

Luo: 'What's so great about your South Sea? '

Kidd: 'Look at Kira, he is not surprised by honor or disgrace! '

Luo: 'Hawkins is no worse! ’

Kid: …

Law: …

I don’t know when Kidd and Law started to confront each other, and they often despised each other for no apparent reason. Moreover, the two often competed with each other during their usual training.

Bardock saw through it and had already sensed it. He sighed in his heart that they were indeed natural opponents. In view of their rapid progress in the process of competing, Bardock acquiesced to their confrontation.


The bell sounded clearer.

“Enelu, take off, I see the edge of the White Sea ahead.” Bardock retracted his gaze.


Enelu instantly increased the power output, and the White Dragon Horse took off and broke away from the surface of the White Sea.

Soon, they boarded the White Sea 7,000 meters above the sea level from the White Sea 10,000 meters above the sea level.

The air in the White Sea is thin, and the newcomers are even more uncomfortable. They felt it before in the White Sea, but it was not obvious. Now, they are almost exhausted.

If they were to encounter an enemy at this time, even Law and Kidd would have almost no ability to resist.

At this time, the bell had disappeared. Fortunately, Bardock and his team did not rely on the bell to locate themselves and continued to move towards Angel Island.

Time passed again.

"Hmm?" Enelu's expression changed slightly, "Interesting!"

"What's wrong?" Bardock asked.

"It's the pirates! The pirates are attacking the Island of Gods, and the Angel Islanders and the Shandians are resisting the attack." Enelu replied.

"Okay, let's speed up!" Bardock clapped his hands to attract the attention of others, "There is a battle ahead now, maybe old friends need help, we have to go over and take a look quickly. You guys, adjust quickly too."

The last words were said by Bardock to those who came to Sky Island for the first time. They didn't need to take action, but they couldn't embarrass themselves.

"Yes, Captain."

In the soft response, the newcomers tried to hold their heads up.

When Bardock and his team arrived at the Island of Gods again, they saw a very lively scene.

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