The old man was very angry.

"Captain Tonta, it's bad. Several big humans have come to the forest and are coming this way."

"Leo, I remember I told you not to play in the forest alone! You're still a child! The forest is very dangerous!"

"I'm sorry, Captain Tonta, but I'm already very strong, stronger than the adults."

"Really, it just went in one ear and out the other. Do you know any of the big humans here? Forget it, I'm really confused. You don't know any big humans at all. Take me to see."

"Come with me, Captain Tonta."


In front of the huge tree, Bardock and Hancock were looking at the forest in front of them. Bardock drooled at the big mushroom. He wondered if he could eat such a big mushroom. It was hard to imagine what kind of technology could grow a mushroom so big.

"Princess Violet, I know that the dwarfs are good at growing plants. Why didn't you let them grow delicious edible mushrooms? Whether they are eaten by themselves or exported overseas, it would be a good choice."

"Hmph, our royal family has already agreed with the dwarfs that they don't need to work. As long as it is a necessity, they can take whatever they want."

"Work? How can this be called work? The dwarfs like plants and like to grow them. They usually grow all kinds of plants themselves. You just provided them with spores of several delicious mushrooms to give them more choices and satisfy their hobbies. It's up to them whether to grow them or not. If they spend some free time to grow them, you can buy the results of the dwarfs. In this way, both the dwarfs and Dressrosa will benefit."

"Fraudulent words! Today we only provide them with spores. Who knows, someone might force them to grow them in the future, and then enslave them to work. We, the Riku royal family, must not start such a thing. "

Badaque paused and said, "Your country is not rich. Every year, you have to pay a lot of money as heavenly gold, and the people don't have much savings. If one day, your royal family urgently needs 10 billion Baileys for emergency, can you afford it? Borrow money from the people? The king has the obligation to lead the people to get rich, right? If you can't make the people happy, your wisdom is just boasting. "

"Why do we urgently need such a large amount of 10 billion Baileys? Moreover, although the people are not rich, who says they are not happy. "

"Okay, one day you will understand, although even if there are 10 billion Baileys, it will be useless, but think about the other party's expression, it must be very interesting. "

The conversation ended unhappily because of the two people's ideas. Only Hancock was thoughtful. She knew that Bardock must know something. Dressrosa will definitely need 10 billion Baileys in the future, but under what circumstances will so much money be used? Suddenly, her expression changed, and she said to Bardock, "They showed up."

Cyrus looked at Hancock unexpectedly. In the previous exchanges, Bardock had always been the dominant one between the two. He didn't expect that the girl's strength was also amazing, and her observation Haki was awakened.

In the forest, Ganjo, the king of the Tontata Kingdom, led the guards and Leo to show up because he saw Violet, otherwise, the dwarfs would never let people see them easily.

"Princess Violet, what's the matter with this visit?"

"King Ganjo, these two are here this time. They said they have very important news for the Dwarfs to tell you. I'm unsure and my father is not here, so I have to lead them to see you in person."

"King Ganjo, hello, I'm Badak. This time I bring news about Mont Blanc Nolando 400 years ago. This is not the place to talk. Can you take us to your home to discuss in detail?"

"The great hero Nolando? Okay, follow me."

You agreed too quickly.

As they walked, Leo jumped onto Bardock's shoulder and said to him, "Hello, big human, I'm Leo, the man who will become Captain Tontatta."

"Hello, Leo, you will definitely become Captain Tontatta."

"Really? Captain Tontatta, the big human said I will definitely become Captain Tontatta."

Under Greenbit, in the Tontatta Kingdom, Bardock and his four companions followed King Ganjo to the home of the dwarfs.

"Everything here is so miniature, which one is Princess Mansherry?"

Hancock asked in a low voice, looking around.

The dwarfs were also stealing glances at the big humans.

"I know this. Leo, I heard you

Our Princess Mansherry has the power to heal everything. Why can't I see Princess Mansherry? "

"That's the power of magic. The princess is both willful and capricious, and she is prone to anger, but her tears can indeed heal all injuries. I'll go find her."

After saying that, she ran away.

"You don't look like an easy person to get along with, Bardock."

Hancock has confirmed that Mansherry has the ability to heal, and she is in a good mood and starts to tease Bardock.

"On the contrary, Hancock, I think Mansherry is easy to get along with. Even though Leo said she was so bad, he was still willing to go find her, which shows that the relationship between the two of them is not simple."

Bardock knew that Mansherry would like Leo in the future, but he didn't expect it to start so early. Leo is really a steel straight man who has been hard since he was a child.

Led by King Ganjo, they came to the place where the statue of Nolando was placed.

"Bardock, do you have any news to tell me about the great hero Nolando? ”

“King Ganjo, please take a look at this before we start.”

Bardock took out a book from his chest and handed it over. He had prepared it long before he set out.

Violet looked up and found it was a fairy tale book called “Norlando, the Liar”.

“Norlando, the Liar” is a widely circulated fairy tale in the North Sea. The protagonist Nolando is a liar who often lies. Until he was executed, he still insisted on claiming that “the Golden Country is real”.

“Impossible, this is not Nolando. Nolando is not such a person. He is a great hero. He said that the Golden Country exists, and the Golden Country must exist.”

King Ganjo said excitedly.

“That’s right, King Ganjo, the Golden Country must exist. Nolando is definitely misunderstood. I came here for two purposes. One is that my friend Hancock wants Princess Mansherry to do a small favor; the other is that I want the Kingdom of Tontata to send Princess Mansherry and Leo to accompany me to the sea to clear the name of Nolando: he is not a big talker. "


Before Gan Qiao replied, Violet first expressed her refusal, "Not to mention that the Golden Country may not exist, even if it exists, no one has found it for 400 years, why can you do it. Moreover, Mansherry is still a child, how can you let her accompany you to adventure on the sea?"

"King Gan Qiao, Nolando's bloodline is still circulating on the sea, and they are struggling to move forward with the unbearable reputation of their ancestors. The reason why I chose Princess Mansherry and Leo is that their abilities can help me, and their identities can represent the Kingdom of Tontata. And we are of similar age, so it is more convenient to get along. Finally, I already have clues about the Golden Country, and I will definitely find it. "

"For this matter, I need Mansherry to make her own decision. ”

“I agree, father.”

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